EASEC101 ;ALB/BRM,LBD - Print 1010EC LTC Enrollment Form ; 9/6/01 9:46am ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,40**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; Called from ^EASEC10E to print page 1 of the 1010EC ; PAGE1(EALNE,EAINFO,EASDFN) ;Print page 1 N X,EASROOT S EASROOT="^TMP(""1010EC"",$J,"_EASDFN_"," D HDRMAIN^EASEC10E(.EALNE) D SEC1 D SEC2 D SEC3 D DISCLAIM D FT^EASEC10E(.EALNE,.EAINFO) Q SEC1 ;print section 1 - General Information N EAS1 S EAS1=EASROOT_"1)" W !,"1. Veteran's Name",?100,"|2. Social Security Number" W !?3,@EAS1@(1),?100,"|",?104,@EAS1@(2),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; W !?26,"Answer Yes or No where applicable (Otherwise provide the requested information)",?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; W !,"3. Are You Eligible for Medicaid?" W ?36,"|3A. Are You Enrolled in Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)" W ?100,"|3B. Effective Date (If ""Yes"")" W !?3,@EAS1@(3),?36,"|",?41,@EAS1@(4),?100,"|",?105,@EAS1@(5),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; W !,"4. Are You Enrolled in Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)" W ?63,"|4A. Effective Date (If ""Yes"")" W ?97,"|4B. Medicare Claim Number" W !?3,@EAS1@(6),?63,"|",?68,@EAS1@(7),?97,"|",?102,@EAS1@(8),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") Q SEC2 ;print section 2 - Insurance Information N EAS2,X S EAS2=EASROOT_"2)" ; W !?48,"SECTION II - INSURANCE INFORMATION",!,EALNE("D") ; W !,"5. Are You Covered By Health Insurance (including coverage through a spouse)? (If ""Yes"", provide the following information for" W !?3,"all insurance company(s) providing coverage to you.)" W !?3,@EAS2@(1),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; F X=2,9,16 D ;loop through insurance companies .W !,$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_". Name of Insurance Company" .W ?40,"|"_$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"A. Address of Insurance Company" .W ?90,"|"_$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"B. Phone Number of Insurance Company" .W !?3,@EAS2@(X),?40,"|",?45,@EAS2@(X+1,.111),?90,"|",?95,@EAS2@(X+2),?131,$C(13) .W:$G(@EAS2@(X+1,.112))'="" !?40,"|",?45,@EAS2@(X+1,.112),?90,"|",?131,$C(13) .W:$G(@EAS2@(X+1,.113))'="" !?40,"|",?45,@EAS2@(X+1,.113),?90,"|",?131,$C(13) .W !?40,"|",?45,@EAS2@(X+1,.114) W:@EAS2@(X+1,.114)]"" "," .W @EAS2@(X+1,.115)," ",@EAS2@(X+1,.116),?90,"|",?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") .; .W !,$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"C. Name of Policy Holder" .W ?40,"|"_$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"D. Relationship of Policy Holder" .W ?75,"|"_$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"E. Policy Number" .W ?100,"|"_$S(X=2:6,X=9:7,X=16:8)_"F. Group Name and/or Number" .W !?4,@EAS2@(X+3),?40,"|",?45,@EAS2@(X+4),?75,"|" .W ?80,@EAS2@(X+5),?100,"|",?105,@EAS2@(X+6),$C(13) X EAINFO("L") Q SEC3 ;print section 3 - Spouse/Dependent Information ;This section was modified to print Current Marital Status for the ;new 10-10EC form. Added for LTC Phase IV (EAS*1*40) N X,EAS3 S EAS3=EASROOT_"3)" W !?44,"SECTION III - SPOUSE/DEPENDENT INFORMATION",!,EALNE("D") ; I $G(EAINFO("FORM")) D .W !,"9. Current Marital Status" .W ?55,"|9A. Spouse's Name (Last, First, MI)" .W !?3,@EAS3@(0),?55,"|",?61,@EAS3@(1),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") .; .W !,"9B. Spouse Residing in the Community?" .W ?90,"|9C. Spouse's Social Security Number" .W !?4,@EAS3@(2),?90,"|",?95,@EAS3@(3),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; I '$G(EAINFO("FORM")) D .W !,"9. Spouse's Name (Last,First,MI)" .W !?3,@EAS3@(1),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") .; .W !,"9A. Spouse Residing in the Community?" .W ?90,"|9B. Spouse's Social Security Number" .W !?4,@EAS3@(2),?90,"|",?95,@EAS3@(3),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") ; F X=4,8 D ;loop through dependents .W !,$S(X=4:10,X=8:11)_". Dependent's Name (Last, First, MI)" .W ?55,"|",$S(X=4:10,X=8:11)_"A. Dependent's Date of Birth" .W ?90,"|",$S(X=4:10,X=8:11)_"B. Dependent's Social Security Number" .W !?4,@EAS3@(X),?55,"|",?61,@EAS3@(X+1),?90,"|",?96,@EAS3@(X+2),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") .; .W !,$S(X=4:10,X=8:11)_"C. Dependent Residing in the Community?" .W !?5,@EAS3@(X+3),?131,$C(13) X EAINFO("L") Q DISCLAIM ; W !,"We need to collect information regarding income, assets, and " W "expenses for you and your spouse. If you do not wish to provide this" W !,"information you must sign agreeing to make copayments and will " W "be charged the maximum copayment amount for all services. See the" W !,"top of page 2, read, sign, and date." Q