EASEC10E ;ALB/BRM,LBD - Print 1010EC LTC Enrollment form ; 9/20/01 1:46pm ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,40**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; The EASEC10* routines print a version of the OMB approved ; VA10-10EC form (Long Term Care). ; ; No Local modifications to these routines will be made. Any changes ; will be provided through the National Patch Module release process. ; Q OEN ;Entry point to print an LTC Co-Pay test from the menu option ; N DIC,DFN,DGMTI,ZTSK,DGMSGF S DGMSGF=1 ;this flag is set to suppress the financial query S DIC("S")="I $D(^DGMT(408.31,""AID"",3,+Y))" S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMQ" W ! D ^DIC K DIC G Q:Y<0 S DFN=+Y S DIC("A")="Select DATE OF TEST: " I $D(^DGMT(408.31,+$$LST^EASECU(DFN,"",3),0)) S DIC("B")=$P(^(0),"^") S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)=DFN,$P(^(0),U,19)=3" S DIC="^DGMT(408.31,",DIC(0)="EQZ" W ! D EN^DGMTLK K DIC G Q:Y<0 S DGMTI=+Y S ZTSK=$$QUE(DFN,DGMTI) Q Q QUE(DFN,DGMTIEN) ; queue the 1010EC print job ; Input: ; DFN - Internal entry number for the #2 (Patient) file ; Output: ; ZTSK - Task Number returned from call to Task Manager ; N ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK,ZUSR,POP,X,ERR W !!?5,$C(7),"This output requires a 132 column printer." W !?5,"Output to SCREEN will be unreadable.",! K IOP,%ZIS S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) D Q +$G(ZTSK) .S ZTSAVE("ZUSR")=+$G(DUZ) .S ZTRTN="EN^EASEC10E("_DFN_","_$G(DGMTIEN)_")",ZTDESC="1010EC PRINT" .D ^%ZTLOAD .D ^%ZISC,HOME^%ZIS .W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"REQUEST QUEUED!",1:"REQUEST CANCELLED!") D EN(DFN,$G(DGMTIEN)) EXIT D ^%ZISC,HOME^%ZIS Q +$G(ZTSK) ; EN(EASDFN,DGMTIEN) ; Entry point to print the 1010EC form ; Input: ; EASDFN - Internal entry number for the #2 (Patient) file ; DTMTDT - Date of Long Term Care Test to print ; DGMTIEN - IEN of the Long term Care test in the #408.31 file ; U IO Q:'$G(EASDFN) N EALNE,EAINFO S:$G(DGMTIEN) EAINFO("DGMTIEN")=DGMTIEN ; set-up print variables D SETUP(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) ; get veteran data to be printed D GETDATA^EASEC100(EASDFN,.EAINFO) ; print page 1 D PAGE1^EASEC101(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) ; print pages 2 and 3 I $G(EAINFO("FORM")) D G ENQUIT .; new 10-10EC format (LTC Phase IV - EAS*1*40) .D PAGE2^EASEC10R(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) .D PAGE3^EASEC10R(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) E D .; old 10-10EC format .D PAGE2^EASEC102(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) .D PAGE3^EASEC103(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASDFN) ; ENQUIT ; cleanup temp globals after printing has completed K ^TMP("1010EC",$J,EASDFN) Q ; SETUP(EALNE,EAINFO,EASDFN) ;setup print variables ; Input: ; EALNE - Line format array ; EAINFO - Misc data array ; ("CLRK") - Clerk's Initials ; ("PGE") - Page number ; ("PD") - Print Date ; ("VET") - Veteran's Name ; ("SSN") - Veteran's SSN ; ("MTDT") - Long Term Care Test date ; ("DGMTIEN") - ien of LTC Test in 408.31 ; EASDFN - DFN of applicant in the Patient file (#2) ; N X,SSN ; ;Build Line array for printout S EALNE("ULC")=$S('($D(IOST)#2):"-",IOST["C-":"-",1:"_") S EALNE("D")="",EALNE("DD")="",EALNE("UL")="" S $P(EALNE("D"),"-",131)="",$P(EALNE("DD"),"=",131)="",$P(EALNE("UL"),EALNE("ULC"),131)="" S EAINFO("L")="W !,EALNE(""UL"")" S:EALNE("ULC")'="-" EAINFO("L")=$TR(EAINFO("L"),"!,") ; ;Get clerk's initials S ZUSR=$G(ZUSR) S:$G(ZUSR)="" ZUSR=$G(DUZ) I +ZUSR>0 D .S EAINFO("CLRK")=$$GET1^DIQ(200,ZUSR,1) .I EAINFO("CLRK")']"" D ..S X=$$GET1^DIQ(200,ZUSR,.01) ..S EAINFO("CLRK")=$E($P(X,",",2),1)_$E($P(X,","),1) E D .S EAINFO("CLRK")="unk" ; ;Get LTC Test date (if it is not passed, use latest LTC test date) I $G(EAINFO("DGMTIEN")) S EAINFO("MTDT")=$$GET1^DIQ(408.31,EAINFO("DGMTIEN"),.01,"I") E D ; .N MTDTNEG .S MTDTNEG=+$O(^DGMT(408.31,"AID",3,EASDFN,"")) .S EAINFO("MTDT")=$TR(MTDTNEG,"-") .S EAINFO("DGMTIEN")=$O(^DGMT(408.31,"AID",3,EASDFN,MTDTNEG,"")) ; ;Set data elements S EAINFO("PGE")=0 S EAINFO("PD")=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT) S EAINFO("VET")=$$GET1^DIQ(2,EASDFN_",",.01) S SSN=$$GET1^DIQ(2,EASDFN_",",.09) S EAINFO("SSN")=$E(SSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(SSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(SSN,6,9) ;Line added to set new variable to indicate which version of the ;10-10EC form is to be printed. LTC Phase IV (EAS*1*40) S EAINFO("FORM")=$$FORM^EASECU(EAINFO("DGMTIEN")) Q ; HDRMAIN(EALNE) ; W @IOF W !,EALNE("DD") W !,"D E P A R T M E N T O F V E T E R A N S A F F A I R S",?90,"APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED CARE SERVICES",!,EALNE("DD") W !?50,"SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION",!,EALNE("D") Q ; HDR(EALNE,EAINFO) ; W @IOF W EALNE("DD") W !,"APPLICATION FOR EXTENDED CARE SERVICES, Continued" W ?65,"| Veteran's Name",?100,"| Social Security Number" W !?65,"| ",EAINFO("VET"),?100,"| ",EAINFO("SSN") W !,EALNE("DD") Q ; FT(EALNE,EAINFO) ; N %,Y W !,EALNE("DD") ;Modified date printed on form if new 10-10EC format. ;Added for LTC Phase IV (EAS*1*40). W !,"VA FORM 10-10EC DEC "_$S(EAINFO("FORM"):"2002",1:"2000"),?40,"PRINTED: ",EAINFO("PD") W ?80,"Clerk: ",EAINFO("CLRK") S EAINFO("PGE")=EAINFO("PGE")+1 W ?120,"Page ",EAINFO("PGE"),?131,$C(13) Q