EASECCAL ;ALB/LBD - Calculate LTC copayment ;27 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,7,19,34,39,40**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; MNTH Last day of month for the LTC copay calculation ; in FM format (e.g. 3020131) ; LOS (Length of stay) The number of days in the patient's ; LTC episode ; Output -- COPAY String containing copayment calculation ; = 0: no completed LTC copay test on file ; piece 1: LTC copay test status ; (1=Exempt; 2=Non-Exempt) ; 2: If Exempt, Reason for Exemption ; (IEN to file #714.1) ; 3: Calculated LTC copayment for IP ; (1-180 days) ; 4: Calculated LTC copayment for IP ; (181+ days) ; 5: Calculated LTC copayment for OP ; COPAY(DFN,MNTH,LOS) ; N COPAY,DAYS,MX,IPDR,OPDR,IPMAX,OPMAX,LST,DGMT,DGMTI,DGMTDT,DGSTA,DGEXR N ERR,X1,X2,INC,EXP,AST,ALLOW,DGSP,SRIC S COPAY=0 I 'DFN!('MNTH) G Q S LOS=+$G(LOS),DAYS=$E(MNTH,6,7) ; Get maximum daily rate for LTC copayments ; DBIA #3717 S MX=$$MAXRATE^IBAECU(MNTH),OPDR=$P(MX,U),IPDR=$P(MX,U,2) I 'OPDR!('IPDR) G Q ; Calculate maximum copayment for the month S OPMAX=DAYS*OPDR,IPMAX=DAYS*IPDR ; Get last completed LTC copay test S LST=$$LST^EASECU(DFN,MNTH,3) I +LST=0 G Q S DGMTI=$P(LST,U),DGMT(0)=$G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)) I 'DGMT(0) G Q S DGMTDT=+DGMT(0),DGSTA=$P($G(^DG(408.32,+$P(DGMT(0),U,3),0)),U,1) S DGEXR=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,7) ; If LTC copay test status is neither NON-EXEMPT nor EXEMPT, quit I DGSTA'="NON-EXEMPT",DGSTA'="EXEMPT" G Q ; If LTC copay test is more than a year old and the veteran does ; not have an exemption for eligibility (Compensable SC) or LTC ; before 11/30/99, quit (Added for LTC Phase III - EAS*1*34) ;S X1=MNTH,X2=DGMTDT D ^%DTC I X>365,"^1^4^"'[(U_DGEXR_U) G Q S COPAY=$S(DGSTA="EXEMPT":1,1:2)_U ; If test status = 'EXEMPT', get Reason for Exemption I DGSTA="EXEMPT" S COPAY=COPAY_DGEXR ; If veteran declined to give financial info, copay = max monthly copay I $P(DGMT(0),U,14) S COPAY=COPAY_U_IPMAX_U_IPMAX_U_OPMAX G Q ; Get total income, assets and expenses for veteran (and spouse) D FINTOT I $G(ERR) D G Q .I +COPAY=1 Q .;no financial data but veteran agreed to pay copayments, copay = max .I $P(DGMT(0),U,11) S COPAY=COPAY_U_IPMAX_U_IPMAX_U_OPMAX Q .S COPAY=0 ; Calculate copayments D CALC Q ; Quit and return COPAY Q COPAY ; FINTOT ; Get total income, assets and expenses for veteran (and spouse) N DGDC,DGDEP,DGDET,DGERR,DGIN0,DGIN1,DGIN2,DGINI,DGINT,DGINTF,DGIRI N DGNC,DGND,DGNWT,DGNWTF,DGPRI,DGVINI,DGVIR0,DGVIRI S ERR=0 S DGPRI=$O(^DGPR(408.12,"C",DFN_";DPT(",0)) I 'DGPRI S ERR=1 Q D GETIENS^EASECU2(DFN,DGPRI,DGMTDT) I '$G(DGIRI),'$G(DGINI) S ERR=1 Q S DGVIRI=DGIRI,DGVINI=DGINI D DEP^EASECSU3 D INC^EASECSU3 I DGINT=0,DGDET=0,DGNWT=0 S ERR=1 Q ; Does spouse reside in community? S SRIC=$P(DGVIR0,U,16) ; Divide income and expense totals by 12 to get monthly amounts S INC=DGINT/12,EXP=DGDET/12,AST=DGNWT ; Calculate total monthly allowance: ; 20*number of days in month*(veteran+spouse(if married and spouse ; resides in the community)) S ALLOW=20*DAYS*(1+SRIC) Q ; CALC ; Calculate copayments N CCPY,OPCPY,IPCPY1,IPCPY2,TINC,TEXP,TAST,OVR180,IPRPT,CPYFLG,EASADM ; Calculation for IP services up to 180 days and OP services: ; Income-Allowance-Expenses S CCPY=INC-ALLOW-EXP S (OPCPY,IPCPY1)=$S(CCPY>0:(CCPY+.5)\1,1:0) ; Calculation for IP services 181+ days, add in assets S IPCPY2=0 I LOS>180 D . S TEXP=0 I DGSP,SRIC S TEXP=TEXP+EXP . S TINC=INC,TAST=AST,(OVR180,IPRPT)=1,CPYFLG=0 . S EASADM=$$FMADD^XLFDT(MNTH,-LOS) . ; Get value of assets after spenddown is applied . S TAST=$$ASSET^EASECPC1 . S CCPY=CCPY+TAST . ;If veteran is single or spouse does not reside in the community, . ;add expenses back in . I 'DGSP!('SRIC) S CCPY=CCPY+EXP . S IPCPY2=(CCPY+.5)\1 I IPCPY2<0 S IPCPY2=0 S COPAY=COPAY_U_IPCPY1_U_IPCPY2_U_OPCPY Q