EASECSCC ;ALB/LBD - LTC Co-Pay Test Screen Completion;13 AUG 2001 ; 3/20/03 2:24pm ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,7,34,40**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ;NOTE: This routine was modified from DGMTSCC for LTC Co-pay ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGMTACT Menu Action ; DGMTDT Date of Test ; DGMTYPT Type of Test 3=LTC COPAY ; DGMTPAR Annual Means Test Parameters ; DGMTI Annual Means Test IEN ; DGVINI Veteran Individual Annual Income IEN ; DGVIRI Veteran Income Relation IEN ; DGVPRI Veteran Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- DGERR 1=INCOMPLETE and 0=COMPLETE ; EN N DGCAT,DGCOMF,DGDC,DGDET,DGIN0,DGIN1,DGIN2,DGINT,DGINTF,DGMTS,DGNC,DGND,DGNWT,DGNWTF,DGREF1,DGSP,DGTYC,DGTHA,DGTHB,DGVIR0,DGCOPS,DGCOST,DGRE,DGSTA,DGAGR S DGERR=0 S DGCOMF=1 D DEP^EASECSU3,INC^EASECSU3 ; If veteran's income is below the threshold then exempt from LTC copay ; LTC III (EAS*1*34) modified to make vet with $0 income exempt I DGINT'>+$$THRES^IBARXEU1(DGMTDT,1,0) D G Q .D EXMPT(DFN,DGMTI,12) .D PRT ; Check if test can be completed D CHK I DGERR W !?3,*7,"LTC copay test cannot be completed." G Q ; Did vet refuse to give income info I 'DGINTF,'DGNWTF S DGREF1="" D G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) .D REF .I $D(DGREF) S DGSTA="NON-EXEMPT" ; Get test status (Exempt or Non-Exempt) D STA G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) ; Does vet agree to pay co-payments I $G(DGSTA)="NON-EXEMPT" D AGREE G Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) UPD S DA=DGMTI,DIE="^DGMT(408.31,",DIE("NO^")="",DR="[EASEC COMPLETE LTC CO-PAY TEST]" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR I '$D(DGFIN) S DGERR=1 G Q W !?3,"...The LTC copay test has been completed with a status of ",DGSTA,"..." D PRT ; Q K DGFIN,DGREF,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y Q ; COM ;Check if user wants to complete the LTC co-pay test N DIR S DIR("A")="Do you wish to complete the LTC copay test" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q ; REF ;Check if patient declines to provide income information N DIR,Y S DIR("A")="Does veteran decline to give income information" I $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),"^",14)]"" S DIR("B")=$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(^(0),"^",14)) S:'$D(DIR("B")) DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Answer 'Y' or 'N'." S DIR("?",1)="Enter whether the veteran declines to provide current income information." S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR G REFQ:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S:Y DGREF="" REFQ Q ; CHK ;Check if LTC copay test can be completed ; For LTC III (EAS*1*34) removed check if expenses greater than income N DGA,DGD,DGDEP,DGREL,DGL,DGM,I D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"CS",$E(DGMTDT,1,3)_"0000",$S($G(DGMTI):DGMTI,1:"")) S DGM=$P(DGVIR0,"^",14),DGL=$P(DGVIR0,"^",17),DGD=$P(DGVIR0,"^",8) I DGM="" W !?3,"Marital section must be completed." S DGERR=1 ; For LTC IV (EAS*1*40) added check for legally separated I DGM,'DGL,'$D(DGREL("S")) W !?3,"Married is 'YES'. An active spouse for this LTC copay test does not exist." S DGERR=1 I 'DGM,$D(DGREL("S")) W !?3,"An active spouse exists for this LTC copay test. Married should be 'YES'." S DGERR=1 I DGD']"" W !?3,"Dependent Children section must be completed." S DGERR=1 I DGD,'$D(DGREL("C")) W !?3,"Dependent Children is 'YES'. No active children exist." S DGERR=1 I 'DGD,$D(DGREL("C")) W !?3,"Active children exist. Dependent Children should be 'YES'." S DGERR=1 Q:$G(DGERR) N CNT,ACT,DGDEP,FLAG,DGINCP D INIT^EASECDEP S CNT=0 D .F S CNT=$O(DGDEP(CNT)) Q:'CNT I $P(DGDEP(CNT),U,2)="SPOUSE" D Q:$G(DGERR) ..D GETIENS^EASECU2(DFN,$P(DGDEP(CNT),U,20),DGMTDT) ..S DGINCP=$G(^DGMT(408.22,+DGIRI,"MT")) S:DGINCP FLAG=$G(FLAG)+1 ..I $G(FLAG)>1 W !?3,"Patient has more than one spouse for this LTC copay test." S DGERR=1 Q ; STA ;Ask test status N DIR,Y,SCRN S DGMTS=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),U,3) S DGRE=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,7) I DGMTS S DGSTA=$P($G(^DG(408.32,DGMTS,0)),U) I '$D(DGSTA) S DGSTA="NON-EXEMPT" I DGSTA="EXEMPT",("12"[DGRE),$G(DGINT)>+$$THRES^IBARXEU1(DGMTDT,1,0) S DGSTA="NON-EXEMPT" I DGSTA="EXEMPT",$G(DGNSTA)="NON-EXEMPT" S DGSTA="NON-EXEMPT" S DIR("A")="LTC Copay Test Status" S DIR("B")=DGSTA S DIR(0)="P^408.32:EM",DIR("S")="I $P(^(0),U,19)=3" D ^DIR K DIR Q:'Y!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) S DGMTS=+Y,DGSTA=$P(Y,U,2) Q:DGSTA="NON-EXEMPT" ;If Exempt, ask reason for exemption S DIR("A")="Reason for Exemption" I DGRE S DIR("B")=$P($G(^EAS(714.1,DGRE,0)),U) ; Screen the look-up on file #714.1. Exemption reasons 1, 2 and 12 ; will be screened out unless this is the call from the Edit option ; (DGEFLG=1) and only reason 1 is screened out. S SCRN="2^12^" S:$G(DGEFLG) SCRN="" S DIR("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2),""^1^"_SCRN_"""'[(U_Y_U)" S DIR(0)="P^714.1:EM" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) D G STA .W !!,"A reason for exemption must be entered for an Exempt status.",! S DGRE=+Y Q AGREE ;Ask if vet agrees to pay co-payment N DIR,Y S DIR("A")="Does the veteran agree to pay copayments" I $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),U,11)]"" S DIR("B")=$$YN^DGMTSCU1($P(^(0),U,11)) S:'$D(DIR("B")) DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Answer 'Y' or 'N'." S DIR("?",1)="Enter in this field whether the veteran agrees to pay the" S DIR("?",2)="LTC copayments. The veteran must also sign the 1010-EC form" S DIR("?",3)="agreeing to pay the copayments. If the veteran does not agree" S DIR("?",4)="to pay the copayments, the veteran becomes ineligible to" S DIR("?",5)="receive extended care services." S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S DGAGR=Y Q PRT ;Print Extended Care Services test (1010EC) N DIR,Y,X,ZTSK S DIR("A")="PRINT 10-10EC" S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR G PRTQ:'Y!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) S ZTSK=$$QUE^EASEC10E(DFN,DGMTI) PRTQ Q ; EXMPT(DFN,DGMTI,EX) ; Veteran is exempt from LTC co-payments ; Complete LTC co-pay test in Annual Means Test file (#408.31) ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGMTI Annual Means Test IEN ; EX Copay exemption code ; 1 = SC compensable disability ; 2 = NSC, single, receiving VA pension (no A&A, HB) ; or ; Income (last year) is below single pension threshold ; 12 = Income (current year) is below single pension threshold Q:'DGMTI Q:'EX N DATA,I W !! F I=1:1:80 W "=" W !!,?10,"Veteran is EXEMPT from Long Term Care copayments." W !,?10,"Reason for Exemption: ",$P($G(^EAS(714.1,EX,0)),U) W !! F I=1:1:80 W "=" W !! S DATA(.03)=$O(^DG(408.32,"C","X","")),DATA(2.07)=EX,DATA(.06)=DUZ S (DATA(.07),DATA(2.02))=$$NOW^XLFDT S DATA(.04)=$G(DGINT),DATA(.05)=$G(DGNWT),DATA(.15)=$G(DGDET) S DATA(.18)=$G(DGND),DATA(2.08)=$P($$GETLTC4^EASECMT(DFN),U,1) S DATA(.14)=$S($D(DGREF):1,1:0) ;LTC III (EAS*1*34) I $$UPD^DGENDBS(408.31,DGMTI,.DATA) Q W !,"ERROR: COULD NOT UPDATE LTC COPAY TEST",!! Q