EASECU ;ALB/PHH,LBD,AMA - LTC Co-Pay Test Utilities ; 22 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5,7,34,40,79**;Mar 15, 2001;Build 3 ; LST(DFN,DGDT,DGMTYPT) ;Last LTC Co-Pay test for a patient ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGDT Date/Time (Optional- default today@2359) ; DGMTYPT Type of Test (Optional - if not defined ; LTC Co-Pay will be assumed) ; Output -- LTC Co-Pay Test IEN^Date of Test ; ^Status Name^Status Code^Source of Test N DGIDT,DGMTFL1,DGMTI,DGNOD,Y I '$D(DGMTYPT) S DGMTYPT=3 S DGIDT=$S($G(DGDT)>0:-DGDT,1:-DT) S:'$P(DGIDT,".",2) DGIDT=DGIDT_.2359 F S DGIDT=+$O(^DGMT(408.31,"AID",DGMTYPT,DFN,DGIDT)) Q:'DGIDT!$G(DGMTFL1) D . F DGMTI=0:0 S DGMTI=+$O(^DGMT(408.31,"AID",DGMTYPT,DFN,DGIDT,DGMTI)) Q:'DGMTI!$G(DGMTFL1) D . . S DGNOD=$G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)) I DGNOD S DGMTFL1=1,Y=DGMTI_"^"_$P(^(0),"^")_"^"_$$MTS(+$P(^(0),"^",3))_"^"_$P(DGNOD,"^",23) Q $G(Y) ; MTS(DGMTS) ;LTC Co-Pay test status -- default current ; Input -- DGMTS LTC Co-Pay Test Status IEN ; Output -- Status Name^Status Code N Y I $G(DGMTS) S Y=$P($G(^DG(408.32,DGMTS,0)),"^",1,2) Q $G(Y) ; EXMPT(DFN) ;Check if veteran is exempt from LTC co-payments: ; If the veteran has a compensable SC disability, OR ; If the veteran is a single, NSC pensioner not in receipt of A&A ; and HB benefits ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; Output -- 0 = veteran not exempt ; 1 = veteran has compensable SC disability ; 2 = veteran is single NSC pensioner (no A&A, HB) N X,Y,ELG S Y=0 ; if service connected percentage is greater than 10% OR service ; connected percentage is less than 10% and annual VA ; check amount is greater than 0, then exempt type 1 S X=$G(^DPT(DFN,.36)),ELG=$P($G(^DIC(8,+X,0)),U,9) I ELG=1!($P($G(^DPT(DFN,.3)),U,2)'<10) S Y=1 G EXMPTQ I ELG=3,$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.3)),U,2)<10,$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.362)),U,20)>0 S Y=1 G EXMPTQ ; if Service Connected quit I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.3)),U)="Y" G EXMPTQ ; if Marital Status = 'Married' or 'Separated' quit S X=$P($G(^DIC(11,+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,5),0)),U,3) I "^M^S^"[("^"_X_"^") G EXMPTQ ; if not receiving VA pension quit S X=$G(^DPT(DFN,.362)) I $P(X,U,14)'="Y" G EXMPTQ ; if receiving A&A or HP benefits quit I $P(X,U,12)="Y"!($P(X,U,13)="Y") G EXMPTQ S Y=2 EXMPTQ Q Y ; DIS(DFN) ;Display patient's current LTC Copay Test status and test date ; Input -- DFN IEN of Patient file ; Output -- None N DGX,DGMTI,DGMTDT,DGMTS Q:'$G(DFN) S DGX=$$LST(DFN) Q:'DGX S DGMTI=+DGX,DGMTDT=$P(DGX,U,2),DGMTS=$P(DGX,U,3) S:DGMTS="" DGMTS="UNKNOWN" W !,"LTC Copayment Status: ",DGMTS," Last Test: " S Y=DGMTDT X ^DD("DD") W Y ; If last test is over a year old and patient is not deceased or not ; exempt due to eligibility (compensable SC) or LTC before 11/30/99 ; display message that a new test is required I $$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,DGMTDT)>364 D . I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U) Q . I "^1^4^"[(U_$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,7)_U) Q . W " **NEW TEST REQUIRED**" I $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),U,11)=0 W !,"Patient INELIGIBLE to Receive LTC Services -- Did Not Agree to Pay Copayments" Q ; FORM(DGMTI) ; Return the version of the 10-10EC form used to complete ; the LTC Copay Test passed in DGMTI ; Input: DGMTI - LTC Copay Test (IEN file #408.31) ; Output: 0 = Original format ; 1 = Revised format I '$G(DGMTI) Q 0 Q $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,10) ; ;EAS*1.0*79 - Instead of changing DIS (in case another routine ; calls it), copied it but also used LTC Admission Date DISDT(DFN,EASADM) ;Display patient's LTC Copay Test status for a given LTC Admission Date ; Input -- DFN - IEN of Patient file ; EASADM - LTC Admission Date ; Output -- None N DGX,DGMTI,DGMTDT,DGMTS Q:'$G(DFN) Q:'$G(EASADM) S DGX=$$LST(DFN,EASADM) Q:'DGX S DGMTI=+DGX,DGMTDT=$P(DGX,U,2),DGMTS=$P(DGX,U,3) S:DGMTS="" DGMTS="UNKNOWN" W !,"LTC Copayment Status: ",DGMTS," Last Test: " S Y=DGMTDT X ^DD("DD") W Y ; If last test is over a year old and patient is not deceased or not ; exempt due to eligibility (compensable SC) or LTC before 11/30/99 ; display message that a new test is required I $$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,DGMTDT)>364 D . I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U) Q . I "^1^4^"[(U_$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,7)_U) Q . W " **NEW TEST REQUIRED**" I $P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),U,11)=0 W !,"Patient INELIGIBLE to Receive LTC Services -- Did Not Agree to Pay Copayments" Q