EASECU21 ;ALB/LBD - Income Utilities Cont. ;14 AUG 2001 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**5**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; This routine was modified from DGMTU21 for LTC Co-pay ; ALL(DFN,DGTYPE,DGDT,DGRTY,DGMT) ;Select patient relation, individual annual ; income and income relation arrays of internal ; entry numbers ; Input -- DFN Patient file IEN ; DGTYPE Type of Relation which can ; contain: ; V for veteran ; S for spouse ; C for dependent children ; or ; D for all dependents ; DGDT Date/Time ; DGRTY Type of Array to Return ; which can contain: ; I for Ind Annual Income ; P for Patient Relation ; R for Income Relation ; (Optional - default IPR) ; DGMT IFN of Means Test (optional) ; Output -- DGREL Patient Relation IEN Array ; DGINC Individual Annual Income IEN Array ; DGINR Income Relation IEN Array ; DGDEP Number of Dependents K DGINC,DGINR,DGREL N DGCNT,DGLY,DGPRTY ; for LTC co-pay DGLY is set to current year S:'$D(DGRTY) DGRTY="IPR" S DGLY=$E(DGDT,1,3)_"0000" D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,DGTYPE,DGLY,$G(DGMT)) S DGPRTY="" F S DGPRTY=$O(DGREL(DGPRTY)) Q:DGPRTY="" D SET I DGRTY'["P" K DGREL ALLQ Q ; SET ;Set individual annual income and income relation arrays N DGCNT,DGPRI,DGINI,DGIRI I "CD"[DGPRTY S DGCNT=0 F S DGCNT=$O(DGREL(DGPRTY,DGCNT)) Q:'DGCNT D .S DGPRI=+DGREL(DGPRTY,DGCNT) D GET .I DGINI,DGRTY["I" S DGINC(DGPRTY,DGCNT)=DGINI .I DGIRI,DGRTY["R" S DGINR(DGPRTY,DGCNT)=DGIRI I "SV"[DGPRTY D .S DGPRI=+DGREL(DGPRTY) D GET .I DGINI,DGRTY["I" S DGINC(DGPRTY)=DGINI .I DGIRI,DGRTY["R" S DGINR(DGPRTY)=DGIRI Q ; GET ;Look-up individual annual income and income relation IEN S DGINI=+$$IAI^DGMTU3(DGPRI,DGLY,$S($G(DGMT):$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMT,0)),"^",19),1:1)) S DGIRI=+$O(^DGMT(408.22,"AIND",DGINI,0)) Q