EASEZF1A ;ALB/ma-Filing 1010EZ Data to Patient Database(AO) ;11/09/04 13:07 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**57**;Nov 9, 2004 ; Q ; File value "V(ietnam)" in Patient File #2 ; in field "Agent Orange Location" #3213 ; if answer is "Y(es)" in the field "Agent Orange exposure" ; and File NULL if "N(o)" F32102(EASAPP,EASDFN,EASDATA) ; File Value to Patient File #2 ;input EASAPP = ien to file #712 ; EASDFN = ien to #2 ; EASDATA = Agent Orange Exposure ("Y/N") ; N EZAOL,EZIENS S EZIENS=EASDFN_"," S EZAOL(EASAPP,2,EZIENS,.3213)=$S(EASDATA["Y":"V",1:"") D FILE^DIE("","EZAOL("_EASAPP_")","ERR") Q