EASEZP6U ;ALB/AMA - Print utility for 10-10EZ, Version 6 or greater; 10/23/00 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**51,60,57**;Mar 15, 2001 ; Q ;Parts of this routine were copied from EASEZPU (the other parts are ;in EASEZPU2); if the version # of the 1010EZ application is 6.0 or ;greater, then this routine will be executed. ; PAGE1 ;This function retrieves and formats the page 1 application data from ;the 1010EZ Holding File, #712, for the printed version of the VistA ;10-10EZ form. If the holding file entry has not been accepted, and ;a vista entry is available, the vista entry is printed. ; Called from EN^EASEZP6F ; ;The ^TMP("EZTEMP") global is built in SETUP^EASEZP6F and ;remains until the printed form is complete. ; Variables ; ZDATA - references TMP global for output data ; EZDATA - references available data from 1010EZ holding file ; EASTR - Temporary String data variable ; EAX,EAY - Temporary data variables ; EACT - Temporary city variable ; N ZDATA,EZDATA,EASTR,EAX,EAY,EACT ; S ZDATA=$NA(^TMP("EASEZ",$J,1)) S EZDATA=$NA(^TMP("EZTEMP",$J,"I",1)) K @ZDATA ; ;Type Of Benefits Applied For S EASTR="" F EAX="1A.1","1A.2","1A.3","1A.4","1A.5" D . I $$PROCESS(EAX)="UNKNOWN" S EASTR="UNKNOWN, ",EAX="1A.5" Q . I $$PROCESS(EAX)="YES" S EASTR=EASTR_$$BENEFIT(EAX)_", " S @ZDATA@("1A")=$E(EASTR,1,($L(EASTR)-2)) ;remove last comma & space ; S @ZDATA@("1B")=$$PROCESS("1B.") ;Which facility? S @ZDATA@(2)=$$PROCESS(2.1) ;Vet's name S @ZDATA@(3)=$E($$PROCESS("3."),1,35) ;Other names used S EAX=$E($$PROCESS("3A."),1,35) ;Mother's maiden name I $E(EAX,$L(EAX))="," S EAX=$E(EAX,1,$L(EAX)-1) S @ZDATA@("3A")=EAX S @ZDATA@(4)=$$PROCESS("4.") ;Gender ; S EAX=$$PROCESS("4A.") ;Are You Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino? ;EAS*1.0*57 - print full word "UNKNOWN" S @ZDATA@("4A")=$S($E(EAX)="Y"!($E(EAX,1,3)="YES"):"YES",$E(EAX)="N"!($E(EAX,1,3)="NO"):"NO",$E(EAX,1,7)="UNKNOWN":"UNKNOWN",1:"") ; F EAX="4B","4C","4D","4E","4F","4G" D ;Race . I $E($$PROCESS(EAX_"."),1,3)="YES" S @ZDATA@(EAX)=" X " I 1 . E S @ZDATA@(EAX)="___" ; S @ZDATA@(5)=$$PROCESS("5.") ;SSN S @ZDATA@(6)=$$PROCESS("6.") ;Claim number S @ZDATA@(7)=$$PROCESS("7.") ;Date of birth S @ZDATA@(8)=$$PROCESS("8.") ;Religion S EAX=$$PROCESS("8A."),EAY=$$PROCESS("8B.") ;Birth place city & state I (EAX]""),(EAY]"") S @ZDATA@("8A")=EAX_", "_EAY E S @ZDATA@("8A")=$S(EAX]"":EAX,EAY]"":EAY,1:"") S @ZDATA@("9A")=$E($$PROCESS("9A."),1,35) ;Address S @ZDATA@("9B")=$E($$PROCESS("9B."),1,32) ;City S @ZDATA@("9C")=$$PROCESS("9C.") ;State S @ZDATA@("9D")=$$PROCESS("9D.") ;Zip S @ZDATA@("9E")=$$PROCESS("9E.") ;County S @ZDATA@(10)=$$PROCESS("10.1") ;Home phone S @ZDATA@(11)=$$PROCESS("11.1") ;Work phone S @ZDATA@("11A")=$$PROCESS("11A.") ;E-mail S @ZDATA@("11B")=$$PROCESS("11B.") ;Want an appt? S @ZDATA@("11C")=$$PROCESS("11C.") ;Been seen before? S @ZDATA@("11D")=$$PROCESS("11D.") ;Location seen before ; ;EAS*1.0*60 -- add cell phone and pager S @ZDATA@("11G")=$$PROCESS("11A1.") ;Cell phone number S @ZDATA@("11H")=$$PROCESS("11A3.") ;Pager number ; S @ZDATA@(12)=$$PROCESS("12.") ;Marital status S @ZDATA@("13A")=$$PROCESS("13A.") ;Last branch of service S @ZDATA@("13B")=$$PROCESS("13B.") ;Last entry date S @ZDATA@("13C")=$$PROCESS("13C.") ;Last discharge date S @ZDATA@("13D")=$$PROCESS("13D.") ;Discharge type S @ZDATA@("13E")=$$PROCESS("13E.") ;Military service number ; F EAX="14A1","14A2","14B","14B2","14D3","14D4","14E","14F","14G","14G1","14I","14J","14K","14L" D . S EAY=$$PROCESS(EAX_".") . ;EAS*1.0*57 - no room on form here to print full word "UNKNOWN" . S @ZDATA@(EAX)=$S(EAY="Y"!(EAY="YES"):"YES",EAY="N"!(EAY="NO"):"NO",EAY="UNKNOWN":"UNK",1:"") ; S @ZDATA@("14B1")=$$PROCESS("14B1.") ;Rated percentage S @ZDATA@("14K1")=$$PROCESS("14K1.") ;Medicare Part A effective date S @ZDATA@("14L1")=$$PROCESS("14L1.") ;Medicare Part B effective date S @ZDATA@("14M")=$$PROCESS("14M.") ;Medicare claim number S @ZDATA@("14N")=$$PROCESS("14N.") ;Name on Medicare card ;Vet's employment status^Date of retirement S @ZDATA@("15A")=$$PROCESS("15A.1")_U_$$PROCESS("15A.2") ; S EAX=$E($$PROCESS("15B.1"),1,30) ;Company's name S EACT="",EACT=$E($$PROCESS("15B.3"),1,30) ;Company's city I EACT]"" S EACT=EACT_", " ;if there's a city, add comma & space ;Company's name^Street^City, State Zip^Phone S EAX=EAX_U_$E($$PROCESS("15B.2"),1,30)_U_EACT_$$PROCESS("15B.4")_" "_$E($$PROCESS("15B.5"),1,10)_U_$$PROCESS("15B.6") S @ZDATA@("15B")=EAX ; ;Spouse's employment status^Date of retirement S @ZDATA@("16A")=$$PROCESS("16A.1")_U_$$PROCESS("16A.2") ; S EAX=$E($$PROCESS("16B.1"),1,30) ;Spouse's company's name S EACT="",EACT=$E($$PROCESS("16B.3"),1,30) ;Spouse's company's city I EACT]"" S EACT=EACT_", " ;if there's a city, add comma & space ;Spouse's company's name^Street^City, State Zip^Phone S EAX=EAX_U_$E($$PROCESS("16B.2"),1,30)_U_EACT_$$PROCESS("16B.4")_" "_$E($$PROCESS("16B.5"),1,10)_U_$$PROCESS("16B.6") S @ZDATA@("16B")=EAX ; Q ; PROCESS(KEY) ; Process data value from ^TMP("EZTEMP" array ;format = IEN ^ EAS DATA ^ ACCEPT VALUE ^ 712 SUBIEN ^ VISTA DATA ;Take #712 value from 2nd piece, if it's accepted; ;otherwise, take the Patient File value from the 5th piece ; N EAV,RSLT ; I '$D(@EZDATA@(KEY)) G PQ S EAV=@EZDATA@(KEY) S RSLT=$S(+$P(EAV,U,3):$P(EAV,U,2),1:$P(EAV,U,5)) PQ Q $G(RSLT) ; BENEFIT(X) ; Return External format of benefit applied for ; Q $S(X="1A.1":"HEALTH SERVICES",X="1A.2":"NURSING HOME",X="1A.3":"DOMICILIARY",X="1A.4":"DENTAL",X="1A.5":"ENROLLMENT",1:"")