EASEZPF ;ALB/SCK - Print 1010EZ Enrollment form ; 10/19/2000 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**44,51**;Mar 15, 2001 ; ; These routines print a version of the OMB approved VA10-10EZ form. ; No local modifications to these routines will be made. Any changes ; will be provided through the National Patch Module release process. ; QUE(EASAPP,EASDFN) ; Queue the 1010EZ print ; Input ; EASAPP - Internal entry number in the 1010EZ HOLDING File, #712 ; EASDFN - [Optionla] Patient DFN ; ; Output ; ZTSK - Task Number returned from call to Task Manager ; ; N ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK,ZUSR,POP,X,ERR ; ; Check for conditions to print form. If conditions not met, quit G:$$CHECKS(EASAPP) EXIT ; W !!?5,*7,"Do not select a slave device for output." W !?5,"This output requires a 132 column output printer." W !?5,"Output to SCREEN will be unreadable.",! ; S EASAPP=$G(EASAPP),EASDFN=$G(EASDFN) ; S %ZIS="Q",%ZIS("S")="I $P($G(^(1)),U)'[""SLAVE""&($P($G(^(0)),U)'[""SLAVE"")" D ^%ZIS ; G:POP EXIT S ZUSR=DUZ,ZTRTN="EN^EASEZPF",ZTDESC="1010EZ PRINT" ;EAS*1*51 -- if version # 6 or greater, use new print format I '$G(EASVRSN) S EASVRSN=$$VERSION^EASEZU4(EASAPP) I '(EASVRSN<6) S ZTRTN="EN^EASEZP6F" ; F X="ZUSR","EASAPP","EASDFN" S ZTSAVE(X)="" D ^%ZTLOAD D HOME^%ZIS ; EXIT Q +$G(ZTSK) ; CHECKS(EASAPP) ; Check for quit conditions ; Q 0 N RSLT ; S X=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",3.4,"I") D . I +X'>0 S ERR(3.4)="The applicant has not been linked to the PATIENT File, #2" ; S X=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",5.1,"I") D . I +X'>0 S ERR(5.1)="This application has not been reviewed" ; S X=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",9.1,"I") D . I X>0 S ERR(9.1)="This application has already been closed, thE VA10-10EZ cannot be printed" ; I $D(ERR)>0 D . W !!?3,*7,"The VA10-10EZ for " . W $$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",1),", ",$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",2),", " . W !?3,"WEB submission ID: ",$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",.1) . W !?3,"could not be printed for the following reason(s): " . S X=0 . F S X=$O(ERR(X)) Q:'X D . . W !?5,">> ",ERR(X) . S RSLT=1 ; Q $G(RSLT) ; EN ; Entry point to print 1010EZ N EALNE,EAINFO,EAABRT,EAADL,ERR ; D SETUP(.EALNE,.EAINFO,EASAPP,EASDFN) ; D PAGE1^EASEZPU D EN^EASEZPF1(.EALNE,.EAINFO) ; D PAGE2^EASEZPU D EN^EASEZPF2(.EALNE,.EAINFO) ; D EN^EASEZPF3(.EALNE,.EAINFO) ; ; Print additional second pages if more than 1 dependent. F EAADL=1:1 D Q:$G(EAABRT) . I '$D(^TMP("EZTEMP",$J,"IIB",EAADL)) S EAABRT=1 Q . D PAGEN^EASEZPU(EAADL) . D EN^EASEZPF2(.EALNE,.EAINFO) ; ENQUIT ; Cleanup temp globals after printing is complete K ^TMP("EASEZ",$J) K ^TMP("EZDATA",$J) K ^TMP("EZINDEX",$J) K ^TMP("EZTEMP",$J) K ^TMP("EZDISP",$J) Q ; SETUP(EALNE,EAINFO,EASAPP,EASDFN) ; Set-up print variables ; Input ; EALNE - Line format array ; EAINFO - Misc Data ; ("CLRK") - Clerk's intials ; ("ID") - Web ID from #712 ; ("PGE") - Page number ; ("VET" ) - Veteran's name submitting the application ; ("SSN") - Veteran's SSN ; ("DISC") - Financial Disclosure status ; EASAPP - IEN of applicant on the 1010EZ HOLDING File, #712 ; EASDFN - DFN of applicant in the PATIENT File, #2 ; N X ; ; Build Line array for printout S EALNE("ULC")=$S('($D(IOST)#2):"-",IOST["C-":"-",1:"_") S EALNE("D")="",EALNE("DD")="",EALNE("UL")="" S $P(EALNE("D"),"-",131)="",$P(EALNE("DD"),"=",131)="",$P(EALNE("UL"),EALNE("ULC"),131)="" ; ; Setup information array ; Get clerk's initals S ZUSR=$G(ZUSR) I +ZUSR>0 D . S EAINFO("CLRK")=$$GET1^DIQ(200,ZUSR,1) . I EAINFO("CLRK")']"" D . . S X=$$GET1^DIQ(200,ZUSR,.01) . . S EAINFO("CLRK")=$E($P(X,",",2),1)_$E($P(X,","),1) E D . S EAINFO("CLRK")="unk" ; ; Set data elements S EAINFO("PGE")=0 S EAINFO("ID")=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",.1) S EAINFO("PD")=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT) S EAINFO("DISC")=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",3.8) S EAINFO("EASAPP")=EASAPP S EAINFO("VET")=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",1) S EAINFO("SSN")=$$GET1^DIQ(712,EASAPP_",",2) ; ; Retrieve applciation data from holding file, #712 D EN^EASEZC1(EASAPP) D SORT^EASEZC3(EASAPP) SETQ Q ; HDRMAIN(EALNE) ; W @IOF W ?75,"OMB APPROVED NO. 2900-0091 / Est. Burden Avg. 20 min.",!,EALNE("DD") W !,"D E P A R T M E N T O F V E T E R A N S A F F A I R S",?96,"APPLICATION FOR HEALTH BENEFITS",!,EALNE("DD") W !?50,"SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION",!,EALNE("D") Q ; HDR(EALNE,EAINFO) ; W @IOF W !,"APPLICATION FOR HEALTH BENEFITS, Continued",?65,"| ",EAINFO("VET"),?100,"| ",EAINFO("SSN") W !,EALNE("DD") Q ; FT(EALNE,EAINFO) ; N %,Y ; W !,EALNE("DD") W !,"AUTOMATED VA FORM 10-10EZ APR 1998",?40,"PRINTED: ",EAINFO("PD") W ?80,"Clerk: ",EAINFO("CLRK"),"/",EAINFO("ID") W ?120,"Page " S EAINFO("PGE")=EAINFO("PGE")+1 W EAINFO("PGE") Q