EASUM1 ;ALB/SEK,GN - IVM MEANS/COPAY TEST UPLOAD DRIVER ; 7/6/04 1:23pm ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**23,30,35,42**;21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;EAS*1*42 add RX Copay to Z06 Upload/Delete ; EN ; this routine will call routines to upload means tests sent by the IVM ; Center in HL7 segments. the required sequence of these segments were ; validated in the calling routine IVMPREC7. this routine will call ; IVMUCHK to ensure that the data is consistent with DHCP means test ; file and software requirements. ; ; entries will be added/modified in the following means test and ; patient files: ; ; PATIENT RELATION (#408.12) ; INCOME PERSON (#408.13) ; INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL INCOME (#408.21) ; INCOME RELATION (#408.22) ; ANNUAL MEANS TEST (#408.31) ; MEANS TEST CHANGES (#408.41) ; PATIENT (#2) ; ; current year is date of means test. ; income year is calendar year before date of means test. ; meant test status is based on income year data. ; ; IVMDAP is pointer to the PID HL7 segment in file #772 ; IVMDAZ is pointer to the ZMT segment ; S:'$D(DUZ) DUZ=.5 ; if no DUZ set to postmaster ; ; get copay exemption status (IVMCEB) and means test status (IVMMTB) ; before upload S IVMCEB=$P($$RXST^IBARXEU(DFN),"^",2) S IVMMTB=$P($$LST^DGMTU(DFN),"^",3) ; ; subscript of array IVMAR is ien of 408.12 transmitted by IVM Center ; or created by upload. ;K IVMAR ;S IVMX=$$EN^IVMUCHK() I IVMX]"" S HLERR=IVMX K IVMX Q ; error found in MT data ; ADD ; add new annual means test file (408.31) stub ; input DGMTDT (.01) dt of test ; DFN (.02) Patient IEN ; DGMTYPT (.19) type of test (1-means test, 2-Rx Copay test) ; output DGMTI annual means test IEN S DGMTDT=IVMMTDT ;stop setting DGMTYPT here, EAS*1*42 D ADD^DGMTA I $G(IVMMTIEN)="" S IVMMTIEN=+Y ;Set IEN if only MT on file is Z06 MT ; ;Create new Z06 IVM Means Test ; Make STUB MT primary, add comment that it was created by Edb S DGCOM="Z06 MT via Edb" D PARSEZMT^EASPREC7(ZMTSEG) ;Parse ZMT Segment for MT Data I $$EXPIRED^EASPTRN1(DFN,$G(IVM2)) S DGENUPLD="ENROLLMENT/ELIGIBILITY UPLOAD IN PROGRESS" ;If MT expired then do not update Enrollment record S DA=DGMTI,DIE="^DGMT(408.31," S DR=".03////^S X=IVM3;.12////^S X=IVM8;.07////^S X=IVM10;.09////^S X=IVM25;.11////^S X=IVM7;.18////^S X=IVM12;.23////^S X=IVM18;.25////^S X=IVM20;2////1;2.02////^S X=IVMDATE;2.03////^S X=IVM26;50///^S X=DGCOM" ; ; Linking logic for MT & CT, conditionally set link field 2.06 ; Link the CT to MT (if MT found), or MT to CT (if CT found) ; don't link tests older than Oct. 1999 or not same Year & NOT ; Cat "C" (i.e. Cat "C" & > Oct. 1999 is ok to link) N LNKDAT,LNKMT,LNKDTE,LNKCAT,CURIEN S CURIEN=DGMTI,LNKMT="" S LNKDAT=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DGMTDT,$S(DGMTYPT=1:2,1:1)),DGMTI=CURIEN S:LNKDAT LNKMT=+LNKDAT,LNKDTE=$P(LNKDAT,"^",2),LNKCAT=$P(LNKDAT,"^",4) ; set LNKMT off if either of two scenarios below I LNKMT D ;check for < Oct. 1999 1st . I DGMTDT<2991001 S LNKMT="" Q . I $E(LNKDTE,1,3)'=$E(DGMTDT,1,3),LNKCAT'="C" S LNKMT="" Q S:LNKMT DR=DR_";2.06////^S X=LNKMT" ; D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR ;update new 408.31 test ; ; Update other 408.31 related Test, Link field, if link scenario true I LNKMT S DA=LNKMT,DIE="^DGMT(408.31,",DR="2.06////^S X=CURIEN" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR ; ;Variables needed for Bulletins ; S DGCAT=$P($G(^DG(408.32,IVM3,0)),"^",1) I '$D(IVM5) S IVM5="" ; D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"V",DGLY,IVMMTIEN) I EASZ06 S (IVMMT31,DGMTP)=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) ;dgmtp is event driver variable D COMPLETE Q ; ; add dependent(s) to income person file (408.13) ; ; add spouse if not in 408.13 S IVMSPCHV="S" ; spouse/child/vet indicator S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+3 D GET ; spouse ZDP segment D INPIEN^IVMUM2 Q:$D(IVMFERR) ; I IVMFLG5 G ADDCHILD ; entry not added - goto add children ; ; add entry to patient relation file (408.12) D EN^IVMUM3 Q:$D(IVMFERR) ; ADDS21 ; add spouse entry to individual annual income file (408.21) S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+4 D GET ; spouse ZIC segment D EN^IVMUM4 Q:$D(IVMFERR) ; ; add spouse entry to income relation file (408.22) S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+5 D GET ; spouse ZIR segment D EN^IVMUM5 Q:$D(IVMFERR) ; ADDCHILD ; add children if not in 408.13 S IVMSPCHV="C" ; spouse/child/vet indicator I 'IVMFLGC G ADDV21 ; no dependent children S IVMCTR2=5 F IVMCTR3=1:1:IVMFLGC D Q:$D(IVMFERR) .S IVMCTR2=IVMCTR2+1 .S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+IVMCTR2 D GET ; child ZDP segment .D INPIEN^IVMUM2 .Q:$D(IVMFERR) .; .; add child entry to patient relation file (408.12) .D EN^IVMUM3 .Q:$D(IVMFERR) .; ADDC21 .; add child entry to individual annual income file (408.21) .S IVMCTR2=IVMCTR2+1 .S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+IVMCTR2 D GET ; child ZIC segment .D EN^IVMUM4 .Q:$D(IVMFERR) .; .; add entry to income relation file (408.22) .S IVMCTR2=IVMCTR2+1 .S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+IVMCTR2 D GET ; child ZIR segment .D EN^IVMUM5 .Q:$D(IVMFERR) .Q Q:$D(IVMFERR) ; ADDV21 ; add vet entry to individual annual income file (408.21) ; get vet patient relation ien S DGPRI=+$G(DGREL("V")) S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+1 D GET ; vet ZIC segment S IVMSPCHV="V" ; spouse/child/vet indicator D EN^IVMUM4 Q:$D(IVMFERR) S DGVINI=DGINI ; vet individual annual income ien ; ; add vet entry to income relation file (408.22) S IVMDA1=IVMDAP+2 D GET ; vet ZIR segment D EN^IVMUM5 Q:$D(IVMFERR) S DGVIRI=DGIRI ; vet income relation ien ; COMPLETE ; complete means test ; ;D EN^IVMUM6 ;Call Means Test Event Driver to complete processing ; S DGMTACT="UPL" D AFTER^DGMTEVT S DGMTINF=1 ;Non-Interactive Flag D EN^DGMTEVT D MTBULL^EASUM7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() ;Build Mail Message ; ; cleanup ;EAS*1*42 remove Dgmtypt K DGINI,DGIRI,DGLY,DGMTDT,DGPRI,DGREL,DGVINI,DGVIRI,DGENUPLD K DGCAT,IVMAR,IVMCEB,IVMCTR2,IVMCTR3,IVMDA1,IVMDAP,IVMFERR K IVMFLG2,IVMFLG5,IVMFLGC,IVMMTB,IVMPRN K IVMRELN,IVMRELO,IVMSEG,IVMSPCHV,IVMX Q ; GET ; get HL7 segment from ^HL S IVMSEG=$P($G(^TMP($J,IVMRTN,IVMDA1,0)),"^",2,999) Q