EASUM7 ;ALB/GN,EG - DELETE IVM MEANS TEST ; 07/07/2006 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**42,74**;21-OCT-94;Build 6 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;EAS*1*42 This routine patterned after IVMUM7. ; EN ; this routine will process an IVM MT/CT delete request ; from the IVM Center. ; ; delete IVM MT/CT records in the following files: ; 408.22 ; 408.21 ; ; 408.12 & 408.13 if IVM dependent ; or ; 408.1275 if IVM & VAMC dependent (new 408.1275 record was ; created for each IVM dependent by upload). ; change back the following fields to VAMC values ; from IVM values: ; 408.12 - relationship ; 408.13 - name, dob, ssn, sex ; or ; 408.1275 if VAMC dependent (new inactivated 408.1275 record ; was created by upload). ; ; 408.31 ; ; the "PRIM" node for the VAMC MT will be changed to 1 ; ; the event driver will be called twice ; DGMTACT="DUP" ; DGMTACT="DEL" ; ; ; Input IVMMTDT MT date ; IVMMTIEN primary MT IEN ; ; check primary test is IVM S IVMNO=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) ; ivm mt 0th node S IVMSOT=$P($G(^DG(408.34,+$P(IVMNO,"^",23),0)),"^") ; source of test I IVMSOT'="IVM" D Q .S HLERR="IVM "_^DG(408.33,DGMTYPT,0)_" for income year "_($E(DGLY,1,3)+1700)_" not found" .D ACK^IVMPREC ; ; get VAMC MT/CT via AD xref (by type) to be re-instated ;EAS*1*42 S IVMVAMC="A" ; ivmvamc is vamc ien ;make sure you get the latest test of that type for that date first F S IVMVAMC=$O(^DGMT(408.31,"AD",DGMTYPT,DFN,IVMMTDT,IVMVAMC),-1) Q:'IVMVAMC D Q:$D(IVMVNO) . S IVMVNO=$G(^DGMT(408.31,+IVMVAMC,0)) ; vamc 0th node . S IVMSOT=$P($G(^DG(408.34,+$P(IVMVNO,"^",23),0)),"^") ; source of test . I IVMSOT'="VAMC",IVMSOT'="DCD",IVMSOT'="OTHER FACILITY" K IVMVNO Q . Q ; ; if no previous VAMC RXCT (type 2) on file, then ;EAS*1*42 ; simply delete the IVM RX converted 408.31 record I '$D(IVMVNO),DGMTYPT=2 D EN1^EASUM8 Q ; ; if no VAMC MT type 1, then error I '$D(IVMVNO) D Q .S HLERR=IVMSOT_^DG(408.33,DGMTYPT,0)_" for income year "_($E(DGLY,1,3)+1700)_" not found" .D ACK^IVMPREC ; ; get array dginc containing ien(s) of 408.21 ; get array dginr containing ien(s) of 408.22 D ALL^DGMTU21(DFN,"VSC",IVMMTDT,"IR",IVMMTIEN) ; ; delete 408.22 ; S DA=$G(DGINR("V")) D .Q:'DA S DIK="^DGMT(408.22," D ^DIK S DA=$G(DGINR("S")) D .Q:'DA S DIK="^DGMT(408.22," D ^DIK S IVMN=0 F S IVMN=$O(DGINR("C",IVMN)) Q:'IVMN S DA=$G(DGINR("C",IVMN)),DIK="^DGMT(408.22," D ^DIK ; ; delete 408.21 ; S DA=$G(DGINC("V")) D .Q:'DA S DIK="^DGMT(408.21," D ^DIK S DA=$G(DGINC("S")) D .Q:'DA S DIK="^DGMT(408.21," D ^DIK S IVMN=0 F S IVMN=$O(DGINC("C",IVMN)) Q:'IVMN S DA=$G(DGINC("C",IVMN)),DIK="^DGMT(408.21," D ^DIK ; ; logic for 408.12/408.1275 & 408.13 ; D SETUPAR^EASUM8 ; ; no "AIVM" x-ref means ; no dependents ; or ; IVM v2.0 means test (no dependent difference) ; only 408.22, 408.21, and 408.31 records will be deleted ; S IVM12="" F S IVM12=$O(^DGPR(408.12,"AIVM",IVMMTIEN,IVM12)) Q:'IVM12 D Q:$D(IVMFERR) .I $G(^DGPR(408.12,+IVM12,0))']"" D Q ..S (IVMTEXT(6),HLERR)="Can't find 408.12 record "_IVM12 ..D ERRBULL^IVMPREC7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() ..S IVMFERR="" ..D ACK^IVMPREC ..Q .; .I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+IVM12,"E",0)),"^",4)=1 D Q ..; only 1 multiple record (408.1275) indicates IVM dependent ..; delete 408.12 & 408.13 records for IVM dependent ..S IVM13=$P($P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+IVM12,0)),"^",3),";") I $G(^DGPR(408.13,+IVM13,0))']"" D Q ...S (IVMTEXT(6),HLERR)="Can't find 408.13 record "_IVM13 ...D ERRBULL^IVMPREC7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() ...S IVMFERR="" ...D ACK^IVMPREC ...Q ..S DA=IVM12,DIK="^DGPR(408.12," D ^DIK K DA,DIK ..S DA=IVM13,DIK="^DGPR(408.13," D ^DIK K DA,DIK ..Q .; .; delete 408.1275 record for IVM dependent and .; change demo data in 408.12 & 408.13 back to VAMC values .; or .; delete 408.1275 record for inactivated VAMC dependent .S IVM121="",IVM121=$O(^DGPR(408.12,"AIVM",IVMMTIEN,+IVM12,IVM121)) .I $G(^DGPR(408.12,+IVM12,"E",+IVM121,0))']"" D Q ..S (IVMTEXT(6),HLERR)="Can't find 408.1275 record "_IVM12_" "_IVM121 ..D ERRBULL^IVMPREC7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() ..S IVMFERR="" ..D ACK^IVMPREC ..Q .S IVMVAMCA=$P(^(0),"^",2) ; dependent active? .S DA(1)=IVM12,DA=IVM121,DIK="^DGPR(408.12,"_DA(1)_",""E""," .D ^DIK K DA(1),DA,DIK .Q:'IVMVAMCA ; quit if inactivated VAMC dependent .S IVM13=+$P($P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+IVM12,0)),"^",3),";") .D EN^EASUM8 .Q ; Q:$D(IVMFERR) D EN1^EASUM8 Q ; ERRBULL ; build mail message for transmission to IVM mail group notifying site ; of upload error. S IVMPAT=$$PT^IVMUFNC4(DFN) S XMSUB="IVM - MEANS TEST UPLOAD" S IVMTEXT(1)="The following error occured when an Income Verification Match" S IVMTEXT(2)="verified Means Test was being uploaded for the following patient:" S IVMTEXT(3)=" " S IVMTEXT(4)=" NAME: "_$P(IVMPAT,"^") S IVMTEXT(5)=" ID: "_$P(IVMPAT,"^",2) S IVMTEXT(6)=" ERROR: "_IVMTEXT(6) Q ; MTBULL ; build mail message for transmission to IVM mail group notifying them ; an IVM verified MT/CT has been uploaded into DHCP for a patient. ; S IVMPAT=$$PT^IVMUFNC4(DFN) S XMSUB="IVM - INCOME TEST UPLOAD for "_$P($P(IVMPAT,"^"),",")_" ("_$P(IVMPAT,"^",3)_")" S IVMTEXT(1)="An Income Verification Match verified " S IVMTEXT(1)=IVMTEXT(1)_^DG(408.33,DGMTYPT,0)_" has been uploaded" S IVMTEXT(2)="for the following patient:" S IVMTEXT(3)=" " S IVMTEXT(4)=" NAME: "_$P(IVMPAT,"^") S IVMTEXT(5)=" ID: "_$P(IVMPAT,"^",2) S Y=IVMMTDT X ^DD("DD") S IVMTEXT(6)=" DATE OF TEST: "_Y ;set previous sts from previous 408.31 or previous RX sts S IVMTEXT(7)=" PREV CATEGORY: " I DGMTYPT=2 D . S IVMTEXT(7)=IVMTEXT(7)_IVMCEB E D . S IVMTEXT(7)=IVMTEXT(7)_$P($G(^DG(408.32,+$P(IVMMT31,"^",3),0)),"^",1) ; S IVMTEXT(8)=" NEW CATEGORY: "_DGCAT I IVM5 S Y=IVM5 X ^DD("DD") S IVMTEXT(9)=" DATE/TIME OF ADJUDICATION: "_Y Q