EASXDRUT ;ALB/AEG - Duplicate Patient Relations Utilities ;7-12-02 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**10**;Mar 15, 2002 ; TEXT ; Print Screen Text upon Entry into the option. N TEX,I F I=1:1 S TEX=$P($T(DESC+I),";;",2) Q:TEX="QUIT" D .I I'>2 W !,?17,TEX .E W !,?3,TEX K I,X Q ; DESC ; Text to be printed upon entry into the option. ;;*** DUPLICATE PATIENT RELATIONS REPORT *** ;; ;;This report will search the PATIENT RELATION file (#408.12) to identify ;;those entries where potential duplicates exist. ;; ;;This report is designed for an 80 column print device or a terminal ;;using the HOME device. The report may take a long time to generate, ;;accordingly, it is recommended that it be queued to an 80 column ;;print device. The P-MESSAGE device is NOT recommended for use, nor ;;should the output format be specified at the device prompt in order to ;;do a screen capture. ;;QUIT ; SETUP ; Setup output variables based on terminal type. S COL1=0 S COL2=11 S COL3=38 S COL4=48 S COL5=58 S COL6=63 S COL7=74 S $P(EQL,"=",IOM)="" S $P(DAL,"-",IOM)="" Q ; PAUSE ; N IY,ZZ S ZZ=$Y I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D .F IY=ZZ:1:(IOSL-4) W ! .K DIR,DIRUT .S DIR(0)="E" .D ^DIR .;W @IOF Q