PRCNOTHR ;SSI/ALA-Other request reviewers ;[ 11/04/96 10:17 AM ] ;;1.0;Equipment/Turn-In Request;**1,11**;Sep 13, 1996 CON ; Concurring Official's review and approval S DIC="^PRCN(413,",DIC(0)="AEQZ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,7)=9" D ^DIC K DIC("S") G Q2:Y<0 S (IN,DA)=+Y ; Check to see if you are one of the concurring officials for ; this transaction I '$D(^PRCN(413,DA,5)) W $C(7)," ?? No Concurring Officials for this transaction!" G Q2 S PRCNDZ=$O(^PRCN(413.3,"B",DUZ,"")) I 'PRCNDZ W !,$C(7)," ?? You are not a Concurring Official!" K PRCNDZ G CON I '$D(^PRCN(413,DA,5,"B",PRCNDZ)) W !,$C(7)," ?? You are not a Concurring Official for this transaction!" K PRCNDZ G CON S NUM=$O(^PRCN(413,DA,5,"B",PRCNDZ,"")) S D0=DA,D1=NUM,PRCNUSR=5 D SETUP^PRCNPRNT ASK K % W !!,"Do you approve this Equipment Request" D YN^DICN S PRCNANS=% G Q2:%=-1 I %=0 W !,"Answer 'Y' or 'N'." G ASK S $P(^PRCN(413,DA,5,NUM,0),U,2)=$S(%=2:"N",1:"Y"),$P(^(0),U,3)=DT EX S ^PRCN(413,DA,5,NUM,1,0)="^^"_DT,DIWETXT="COMMENTS" W !,"COMMENTS" NEW DIC S DIC="^PRCN(413,"_DA_",5,"_NUM_",1," D EN^DIWE I '$D(^PRCN(413,DA,5,NUM,1,1)) W !,$C(7),"Please enter an explanation of your decision." G EX D ES^PRCNUTL I $G(FAIL)<1 G EXIT CS ; Check if all concurring officials have answered. S (DIS,N,SUB,TOT)=0 F S N=$O(^PRCN(413,DA,5,N)) Q:'N D . S STAT=$P(^PRCN(413,DA,5,N,0),U,2),TOT=TOT+1 . S:STAT]"" ANS(STAT)=$G(ANS(STAT))+1,SUB=SUB+1 I SUB'