PRCNRSMT ;SSI/ALA-Resubmit Equipment Requests ;[ 03/18/96 12:47 PM ] ;;1.0;Equipment/Turn-In Request;;Sep 13, 1996 EN ; Review equipment requests and resubmit to equipment committee S DIC="^PRCN(413,",DIC(0)="AEQZ" I $G(PRCNCMF)="" S DIC("S")="S ST=$P(^(0),U,7) I ST=4!(ST=17)!(ST=18)&($P(^(0),U,2)=DUZ)" I $G(PRCNCMF)'="" S DIC("S")="S ST=$P(^(0),U,7) I (ST=4)!(ST=17)!(ST=18)&($P(^(0),U,6)=DUZ)" D ^DIC K DIC("S") G EXIT:Y<0 S (IN,DA)=+Y,PRCNUSR=8 D SETUP^PRCNPRNT S PST=$P($G(^PRCN(413,DA,8)),U,9) S NST=$S(ST=4:3,ST=17:10,ST=18:39,1:ST) S:PST=45 NST=39 G EXIT:$D(DUOUT) QS W !,"Is this request ready to go" S %=1 D YN^DICN I %=0 D G QS . W !!,"Enter 'Y'es if this request is ready to be resubmitted. Request will become" . W !,"'Pending Equipment Committee Review/Rank' if status was 'Deferred'." . W !,"Or status will become 'Ready for 2237 Processing if status was 'Approved-Pending Funding'." . W !,"Or status will become 'Pending CMR Official Review if status was 'Returned by" . W !,"CMR Official-Not Approved." I %=1 D . S DIE=413,DR="6////^S X=NST;7////^S X=DT;77////^S X=ST" D ^DIE . W !!,"Transaction has become => ",$P(^PRCN(413.5,NST,0),U) W ! D EXIT G EN EXIT K DIC,DUOUT,%,DIE,DR,ST,PRCNUSR,IN,X,D0,DA,D,NST Q