ECUERPC2 ;ALB/JAM;Event Capture Data Entry Broker Utilities ;Apr 24, 2002 ;;2.0; EVENT CAPTURE ;**41,39,50,72**;8 May 96 ; ECDOD(RESULTS,ECARY) ;RPC Broker entry point to get a patient's date of death ; RPC: EC DIEDON ;INPUTS ECARY - Contains the following elements as input ; ECDFN - Patient DFN ; ;OUTPUTS RESULTS - Fileman Internal Date of Patient date of Death^ ; Message with Patient External Date of Death ; N ECDFN,DFN,VADM D SETENV^ECUMRPC S ECDFN=$P(ECARY,U),RESULTS="^" I ECDFN="" S RESULTS="0^Patient DFN not defined" Q ;NOIS MWV-0603-21781: line below changed by VMP S DFN=ECDFN D 2^VADPT I +VADM(6) S RESULTS=$P(VADM(6),U)_"^"_"[PATIENT DIED ON "_$P(VADM(6),U,2)_"]" Q VISINFO(RESULTS,ECARY) ; ; ;Broker call returns the EC values based on a Visit Number ; RPC: EC GETVISITINFO ;INPUTS ECARY - Contains the following subscripted elements ; ECVSN - Visit Number, IEN in file (#9000010) ; ;OUTPUTS RESULTS - Contains the following data:- ; Location IEN^DSS Unit IEN^Proc Date/Time Fileman^ ; Procedure Date/Time Readable^Patient DFN ; 0^Error Message (if error) ; N ECLOC,ECUNT,NODE,Y,ECPXDT,DA,ECVSN,ECDFN,DSSF,LOC,UNT D SETENV^ECUMRPC S ECVSN=$P(ECARY,U) I ECVSN="" S RESULTS=0_"^Visit undefined" Q K ^TMP($J,"ECVISINFO") S DA=$O(^ECH("C",ECVSN,0)) I 'DA D Q . S RESULTS=0_"^Visit not on File" S NODE=$G(^ECH(DA,0)) I NODE="" D Q . S RESULTS=0_"No corresponding EC procedures found for Visit" S ECLOC=$P(NODE,U,4),ECUNT=$P(NODE,U,7),ECPXDT=$P(NODE,U,3) S LOC=$P($G(^DIC(4,ECLOC,0)),U),UNT=$G(^ECD(ECUNT,0)),DSSF=$P(UNT,U,14) S UNT=$P(UNT,U) S:DSSF="" DSSF="N" S ECDFN=$P(NODE,U,2),Y=ECPXDT X ^DD("DD") S RESULTS=ECLOC_U_LOC_U_ECUNT_U_UNT_U_DSSF_U_ECPXDT_U_Y_U_ECDFN Q PATPRV(ECIEN) ; ;Returns to broker a patient providers (primary & secondary) entries ;from EVENT CAPTURE PATIENT FILE #721 ;INPUTS ECIEN - Event Capture Patient ien ; ;OUTPUTS RESULTS - Array of Event Capture Patient file contains ; ^ECH IEN^provider ien^provider description^Primary/Secondary ; code^Primary/Secondary description ; N ECPRV,ECPROV I '$D(^ECH(ECIEN,"PRV")) Q K ^TMP($J,"ECPRV") S ECPRV=$$GETPRV^ECPRVMUT(ECIEN,.ECPROV) I 'ECPRV D .M ^TMP($J,"ECPRV")=ECPROV S RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J,"ECPRV")) Q