BPS01P5C ;ALB/SS - BPS*1.0*5 POST INSTALL ROUTINE ;14-NOV-06 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ;/* ;Get ePharmacy ien by: ; BPSDT - date, ; BPSRXIEN - RX ien and ; BPSREF - refil number ;by using BPS LOG file, then BPS TRANSACTION file and then PRESCRIPTION file ; ;returns ien of #9002313.56 BPS PHARMACIES ;or zero (0) if not found GETEPHRM(BPSDT,BPSRXIEN,BPSREF) ;*/ I +$G(BPSRXIEN)=0 Q 0 I $G(BPSREF)="" Q 0 N BP57,BP59,BPZ,BPFND,BPSPHRM S BPFND=0,BPSPHRM=0 ;create a BPS TRANSACTION ien S BP59=BPSRXIEN_"."_$E(((BPSREF_"1")+100000),2,6) ;first look at BPS LOG file for the date ; I $G(BPSDT)>0 S BP57=0 F S BP57=$O(^BPSTL("B",BP59,BP57)) Q:(+BP57=0)!(BPFND>0) D . I ($P($G(^BPSTL(BP57,0)),U,11)\1)=BPSDT S BPFND=BP57 ;if was found in BPS LOG I BPFND>0 S BPSPHRM=+$P($G(^BPSTL(BPFND,1)),U,7) I BPSPHRM>0 Q BPSPHRM ;if not get it from BPS TRANSACTION S BPSPHRM=+$P($G(^BPST(BP59,1)),U,7) I BPSPHRM>0 Q BPSPHRM ;if not then get it using PRESCRIPTION file's OUTPATIENT SITE Q +$$EPHARM(BPSRXIEN,BPSREF) ; ;/* ;returns ien of #9002313.56 BPS PHARMACIES associated ;with the prescription specified by: ; BPSRX - IEN in file #52 ; BPSREFIL - zero(0) for the original prescription or the refill ; number for a refill (IEN of REFILL multiple #52.1) EPHARM(BPSRX,BPSREFIL) ;*/ I +$G(BPSRX)=0 Q "" I $G(BPSREFIL)="" Q "" N BPSDIV59 S BPSDIV59=+$$RXSITE^PSOBPSUT(+BPSRX,+BPSREFIL) ;IA #4701 I BPSDIV59>0 Q $$GETPHARM^BPSUTIL(BPSDIV59) Q "" ; ; Delete BPS NCPDP FIELD DEF entries that are obsolete ; for version 5.1 or are not Telecommunication standard DEL91 ; N I,FLDNUM ; ; Fields in LIST are obsolete and/or not part of the Telecommunication standard F I=1:1 S FLDNUM=$P($T(LIST+I),";",3) Q:FLDNUM="END" D DEL91A(FLDNUM) ; ; Fields 601+ are either obsolete and/or not part of the Telecommunication standard S FLDNUM=600 F S FLDNUM=$O(^BPSF(9002313.91,"B",FLDNUM)) Q:+FLDNUM=0 D DEL91A(FLDNUM) Q ; DEL91A(FLDNUM) ; N DIE,DA,DR S DA=$O(^BPSF(9002313.91,"B",FLDNUM,"")) I DA="" Q S DIE=9002313.91,DR=".01////@" D ^DIE Q ; LIST ;; ;;329 ;;404 ;;410 ;;416 ;;422 ;;425 ;;428 ;;432 ;;437 ;;508 ;;516 ;;525 ;;535 ;;END