BPSECMC2 ;BHAM ISC/SAB - ENTER/EDIT OUTPATIENT SITE PARAMETERS ;09/18/92 9:11 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,2,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; CHOP - Final processing prio to submitting a claim to HL7; ; Input ; HLA - HL7 packet (local array) ; CLAIMIEN - BPS Claims ; IEN59 - BPS Transactions CHOP(HLA,CLAIMIEN,IEN59) ; ; N TCNT,CNT,RNLNGTH,TRANID,V2DTG,RTN,MSG N BPSRESLT,HL S CNT=0,RTN=$T(+0) ; ; Crash proofing - Need to put better error handling in I '$D(HLA)!'$L($G(CLAIMIEN)) D ERROR^BPSOSU(RTN,IEN59,511,"Invalid Claim Data") Q ; ; Initialize HL7 environment D INIT^HLFNC2("BPS ECMECL1 NTE",.HL) ; ; Handle failure if variables were not initialized I $G(HL) D ERROR^BPSOSU(RTN,IEN59,512,"Call to INIT^HLFNC2 failed") Q ; ; Determine run length of the transmission & pad with zeroes S RNLNGTH=0 F TCNT=1:1 Q:$G(HLA("HLS",TCNT))="" S RNLNGTH=RNLNGTH+$L(HLA("HLS",TCNT)) S RNLNGTH=$RE($E($RE("0000"_(RNLNGTH+32)),1,4)) S CNT=TCNT-1 ; S TRANID=$P($G(^BPSC(CLAIMIEN,0)),"^") S HLA("HLS",1)="\X02\"_RNLNGTH_TRANID_$G(HLA("HLS",1)) ; ; Translate non-printable to printable & Set OBX segs F TCNT=1:1:CNT Q:$G(HLA("HLS",TCNT))="" D . F D Q:$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(29))=HLA("HLS",TCNT) .. S:HLA("HLS",TCNT)[$C(29) HLA("HLS",TCNT)=$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(29))_"\X1D\"_$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(29),2,999) . F D Q:$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(30))=HLA("HLS",TCNT) .. S:HLA("HLS",TCNT)[$C(30) HLA("HLS",TCNT)=$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(30))_"\X1E\"_$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(30),2,999) . F D Q:$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(28))=HLA("HLS",TCNT) .. S:HLA("HLS",TCNT)[$C(28) HLA("HLS",TCNT)=$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(28))_"\X1C\"_$P(HLA("HLS",TCNT),$C(28),2,999) . I TCNT=CNT S HLA("HLS",CNT)=$P(HLA("HLS",CNT),$C(3))_"\X03\" . S HLA("HLS",TCNT)="OBX||FT|NCPDP|"_TCNT_"|"_HLA("HLS",TCNT)_"||||||F" ; ; Set OBR seg ; Get fileman date/time, ensuring seconds are included: 3031029.135636 S V2DTG=$E($$HTFM^XLFDT($H)_"000000",1,14) ; ; Set HL7 Date/Time format: 20031029135636-0400 S HLA("HLS",.5)="OBR||||NCPDP|||"_$$FMTHL7^XLFDT(V2DTG)_"|||||||||||"_$E(TRANID,1,32) K HLA("HLS",0) ; ; Change status to 60 and call HL7 to transmit a single message D SETSTAT^BPSOSU(IEN59,60) D GENERATE^HLMA("BPS ECMESV1 NTE","LM",1,.BPSRESLT,"") ; ; If error, log error and quit I +BPSRESLT'>0 D Q . S MSG="HL7 error for "_$P($G(^BPSC(CLAIMIEN,0)),U)_". Error message-"_$P(BPSRESLT,U,3)_"-Error code: "_+$P(BPSRESLT,U,2) . D ERROR^BPSOSU(RTN,IEN59,601,MSG) ; ; If successful, log message ; Needed for Turn-Around Stats - Do NOT delete/alter!! D LOG^BPSOSL(IEN59,RTN_"-Claim Sent - "_$P($G(^BPSC(CLAIMIEN,0)),U)) ; ; Update Transmitted On field in BPS Claim N FDA,MSG S FDA(9002313.02,CLAIMIEN_",",.05)=$$NOW^XLFDT D FILE^DIE("","FDA","MSG") ; ; If filing did not work, log it I $D(MSG) D LOG^BPSOSL(IEN59,$T(+0)_"-Failed to update Transmitted On field") Q ; ; STORESP - The HL7 Response Processing Routine calls this procedure. This module reads the ; the information and stores it into BPS Responses ; Note the code below assumes that there will only be one Claim per Transaction. ; If the VA ever bundles multiple transactions into a single claim, the code ; below will need to be change to walk the AE/AER index to handle each transaction ; ; HLNODE and HLNEXT are 'passed-in' by the HL7 application STORESP ; ; ; Initialize variables N RI,TMSG,RMSG,RESPIEN,TRANTYPE,VANUM,CLAIMIEN,IEN59 ; ; Get the OBX segment S TMSG="" F RI=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:HLNODE="" I $E(HLNODE,1,3)="OBX" D . S TMSG=HLNODE,RMSG="" . F S RMSG=$O(HLNODE(RMSG)) Q:RMSG="" S TMSG=TMSG_HLNODE(RMSG) ; ; Strip off HL7, STX, ETX, NTE, and Byte Count S TMSG=$P(TMSG,$E(TMSG,4),6),TMSG=$E(TMSG,10,$L(TMSG)-5) ; ; Get the claim ID (external and internal) S TRANTYPE=$E(TMSG,35,36),VANUM=$E(TMSG,1,32) S CLAIMIEN=$O(^BPSC("B",VANUM,"")) ; ; Using the Claim ID, get the BPS transaction IEN ; If CLAIMIEN is null, next line will crash ungracefully ; We should log an error, but we need the Transaction IEN to ; do so. So, the next best thing is to log an error in the error ; trap. S IEN59=$O(^BPST("AE",CLAIMIEN,"")) I IEN59="" S IEN59=$O(^BPST("AER",CLAIMIEN,"")) ; ; Update the status to 70 (Receiving Response) D SETSTAT^BPSOSU(IEN59,70) ; ; Store the response in BPS Response D LOG^BPSOSL(IEN59,$T(+0)_"-Parsing Response "_$P($G(^BPSC(CLAIMIEN,0)),U)) ; ; Parse the response and store it into BPS Responses ; If the testing tool is on, BPSECMPS will need variable TRANTYPE as well D PARSE^BPSECMPS(TMSG,CLAIMIEN,.RESPIEN) ; ; Log that parsing is done ; Needed for Turn-Around Stats - Do NOT delete/alter!! D LOG^BPSOSL(IEN59,$T(+0)_"-Response stored "_$P($G(^BPSC(CLAIMIEN,0)),U)) ; ; Call BPSOSQL for final processing D ONE^BPSOSQL(CLAIMIEN,$G(RESPIEN)) Q