BPSJAREG ;BHAM ISC/LJF - HL7 Application Registration MFN Message ;21-NOV-2003 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,2,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This program will process the outgoing registration MFN message ; ; Variables ; HL = HL7 parameters ; HL7DTG = Date time in HL7 format ; HLECH = HL7 Encoding Characters ; HLEID = HL7 Link id ; HLFS = HL7 Field separator ; HLLNK = HL7 E-Pharm Link ; HLRESET = HL7 generate results ; IPP = IP Port ; IPA = IP Address ; MCT = Message Count ; MGRP = E-Mail message group ; MSG = Message ; INI ; INIT ; Unconditional jump.... G ^BPSJINIT Q ; BPSJVAL(BPSJVAL) ; Validation entry point - HL7 message processing prevented ; TASKMAN ; Entry point for taskman to run this routine ; N DA,HL,HL7DTG,HLECH,HLEID,HLFS,HLLNK,HLRESET,HLPRO N IPA,IPP N MGRP,MSG,MCT,BPSJARES,BPVALFN ; S MCT=0,BPSJVAL=+$G(BPSJVAL) K ^TMP("HLS",$J) ; S BPVALFN=9002313.99 ; ; Create/update BPS Setup record ; Returns record number in DA D VERSION^BPSJINIT(BPVALFN) ; ; The following code was copied from BPSJINIT w/o edits for patch BPS*1*2 ; It is probably not needed since VERSION^BPSJINIT sets the version ; Need to delete/clean up in the next release K DIC,DIE,DINUM,DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,DLAYGO,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DR=$P($G(^BPS(BPVALFN,DA,"VITRIA")),U,3) I DR>2,DR=+DR E S DIE=$$ROOT^DILFD(BPVALFN),DR="6003////3" D ^DIE ; ; Get Link data from HL7 table S HLPRO="BPSJ REGISTER",(IPA,IPP)="" S HLLNK=$$FIND1^DIC(870,"",,"EPHARM OUT","B") I HLLNK S IPA=$$GET1^DIQ(870,HLLNK_",",400.01),IPP=$$GET1^DIQ(870,HLLNK_",",400.02) ; ; Error if any missing data I IPA=""!(IPP="") S MCT=MCT+1,MSG(MCT)="IP Address or Port is not defined. " ; I MCT,'BPSJVAL D MSG^BPSJUTL(.MSG,"BPSJAREG") Q ; ; Initialize the HL7 D INIT^HLFNC2(HLPRO,.HL) S HLFS=$G(HL("FS")) I HLFS="" S HLFS="|" S HLECH=$E($G(HL("ECH")),1) I HLECH="" S HLECH="^" S HL("SITE")=$$SITE^VASITE,HL("SAF")=$P(HL("SITE"),U,2,3) S HL("EPPORT")=IPP,HLEID=$$HLP^BPSJUTL(HLPRO) ; ;Get fileman date/time, ensuring seconds are included: 3031029.135636 S HL7DTG=$E($$HTFM^XLFDT($H)_"000000",1,14) ;Set HL7 Date/Time format: 20031029135636-0400 S HL7DTG=$$FMTHL7^XLFDT(HL7DTG) ; ; Set the MFI segment S ^TMP("HLS",$J,1)="MFI"_HLFS_"Facility Table"_HLFS_HLFS_"UPD"_HLFS S ^TMP("HLS",$J,1)=^TMP("HLS",$J,1)_HL7DTG_HLFS_HL7DTG_HLFS_"NE" ; ; Set the MFE segment S ^TMP("HLS",$J,2)="MFE"_HLFS_"MUP"_HLFS_HLFS_HL7DTG_HLFS S ^TMP("HLS",$J,2)=^TMP("HLS",$J,2)_+HL("SITE")_HLFS_"ST" ; ; Set the ZQR segment S ^TMP("HLS",$J,3)=$$EN^BPSJZQR(.HL) ; S BPSJARES=$$VAL1^BPSJVAL(BPSJVAL) ; 0 = ok, I BPSJVAL=3 G FINI ; Just checking to see if data valid. ; ;-Check if msg valid. I 'BPSJARES D G FINI . N BPSHLRS . D GENERATE^HLMA(HLEID,"GM",1,.BPSHLRS,"") . I $P($G(BPSHLRS),U,2)]"" D Q .. I BPSJVAL D Q ; Interactive: show no success ... W !!,"ECME Application Registration HL7 Message not created: "_BPSHLRS .. S MCT=MCT+1,MSG(MCT)="ECME Application Registration HL7 Message not created." .. S MCT=MCT+1,MSG(MCT)=BPSHLRS .. D MSG^BPSJUTL(.MSG,"ECME Application Registration") . I BPSJVAL D ;Interactive: show success .. W !!,"ECME Application Registration HL7 Message successfully created." ; FINI ; Clean up K ^TMP("HLS",$J) Q