BPSJPAY ;BHAM ISC/DMB - e-Pharmacy Payer Sheet Code ;28-SEP-2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1**;JUN 2004 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Fileman access to VA(200) supported by DBIA 10060 ; ; Must enter at tag STLIC Q ; ; Subroutine to get State DEA and State Credentialing License Numbers STLIC(MEDN,PIEN,DOS) ; ; Input variable: ; MEDN - Index number indicating what medication is being processed (parameter) ; PIEN - Provider IEN for provider being processed (parameter) ; DOS - Service Date (parameter) ; U - Delimiter (System variable) ; Output variables ; State DEA License - ; BPS("RX",RX number,"Prescriber State DEA #",State Abbrev)=ID ; State Credentialling ID - ; BPS("RX",RX number,"Prescriber State License #",State Abbrev)=ID ; ; Check that first two parameters are not null I MEDN=""!(PIEN="") G STLIC2 N IEN,X,STATE,ID,EXPDT,BPSVA,DISYS ; ; Get IDs from New Person File D GETS^DIQ(200,PIEN_",","54.1*;54.2*","I","BPSVA") ; ; State Issued DEA number S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(BPSVA(200.55,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . S STATE=$G(BPSVA(200.55,IEN,.01,"I")) . S ID=$G(BPSVA(200.55,IEN,1,"I")) . I STATE=""!(ID="") Q . S STATE=$P($G(^DIC(5,STATE,0)),"^",2) . I STATE="" Q . S BPS("RX",MEDN,"Prescriber State DEA #",STATE)=ID ; ; Get State Credentialing License Number I DOS="" G STLIC2 S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(BPSVA(200.541,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . S STATE=$G(BPSVA(200.541,IEN,.01,"I")) . S ID=$G(BPSVA(200.541,IEN,1,"I")) . S EXPDT=$G(BPSVA(200.541,IEN,2,"I")) . I STATE=""!(ID="") Q . ; If there is a expiration date, check to see if the license is valid . ; as of the service date . I EXPDT,EXPDT+17000000