BPSJZQR ;BHAM ISC/LJF - HL7 Registration ZQR Message ;21-NOV-2003 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,3**;JUN 2004;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; ZQR is pharmacy site registration info ; EN(HL) N ZQR,FS,CPS,REP,BPSFILE,BPSIEN,VAIX1,VAIX2,CNF,I ; ; Normally: HL("FS")="|" HL("ECH")="^~\&" S FS=$G(HL("FS")) I FS="" S FS="|" S CPS=$E($G(HL("ECH"))) I CPS="" S CPS="^" S REP=$E($G(HL("ECH")),2) I REP="" S REP="~" ; S ZQR=FS_(+$G(HL("SITE"))) ; ; Get Contact Info S BPSFILE=9002313.99,BPSIEN=$O(^BPS(BPSFILE,0)) S VAIX1=$G(^BPS(BPSFILE,BPSIEN,"VITRIA")),VAIX2=$P(VAIX1,U,2) ; ; Get Version number S ZQR=ZQR_FS_$P(VAIX1,U,3) ; ; Port S ZQR=ZQR_FS_$G(HL("EPPORT")) ; ; Load the Name and Means Fields ; Default the values to null F I=5:1:8 S $P(ZQR,FS,I)="" ; Contact I VAIX1 D . S CNF=$$VA200NM^BPSJUTL(+VAIX1,"",.HL) I CNF]"" S $P(ZQR,FS,5)=CNF . S CNF=$$VA20013^BPSJUTL(+VAIX1,.HL) I CNF]"" S $P(ZQR,FS,6)=CNF ; ; Alternate Contact I VAIX2 D . S CNF=$$VA200NM^BPSJUTL(VAIX2,"",.HL) I CNF]"" S $P(ZQR,FS,7)=CNF . S CNF=$$VA20013^BPSJUTL(VAIX2,.HL) I CNF]"" S $P(ZQR,FS,8)=CNF ; Q "ZQR|"_ZQR