BPSNCPD3 ;BHAM ISC/LJE - Continuation of BPSNCPDP - DUR HANDLING ;06/16/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; DUR1 is called by PSO to get the reject info so that should NOT be removed ; ; ; ; Function call for DUR INFORMATION ; Parameters: BRXIEN = Prescription IEN ; BFILL = fill number ; DUR = DUR info passed back ; ERROR = error passed back ; Note: ; DUR("BILLED")=0 if ecme off for pharmacy or no transaction in ECME ; DUR(,"BILLED")=1 if billed through ecme DUR1(BRXIEN,BFILL,DUR,ERROR) ; N SITE,DFILL,TRANIEN,JJ,DUR1,DURIEN,I ; ; Get Site info and check is ECME is turned on ; If not, set DUR("BILLED")=0 and quit I '$G(BFILL) S SITE=$$RXAPI1^BPSUTIL1(BRXIEN,20,"I") I $G(BFILL) S SITE=$$RXSUBF1^BPSUTIL1(BRXIEN,52,52.1,BFILL,8,"I") I '$$ECMEON^BPSUTIL(SITE) S DUR("BILLED")=0 Q ; ; Set up the Transaction IEN S DFILL="",DFILL=$E($TR($J("",4-$L(BFILL))," ","0")_BFILL,1,4)_1 S TRANIEN=BRXIEN_"."_DFILL ; ; If the transaction record does not exist, set DUR("BILLED")=0 and quit I '$D(^BPST(TRANIEN)) S DUR("BILLED")=0 Q ; ; Loop through the insurance multiple and set DUR array S JJ=0 F S JJ=$O(^BPST(TRANIEN,10,JJ)) Q:JJ=""!(JJ'?1N.N) D . ; . ; We are good so set Billed . S DUR(JJ,"BILLED")=1 . ; . ; Get Insurance Info and set into DUR array . D GETS^DIQ(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",","902.05;902.06;902.24;902.25;902.26","E","DUR1","ERROR") . S DUR(JJ,"INSURANCE NAME")=$G(DUR1(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",",902.24,"E")) ; Insurance Company Name . S DUR(JJ,"GROUP NUMBER")=$G(DUR1(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",",902.05,"E")) ; Insurance Group Number . S DUR(JJ,"GROUP NAME")=$G(DUR1(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",",902.25,"E")) ; Insurance Group Name . S DUR(JJ,"PLAN CONTACT")=$G(DUR1(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",",902.26,"E")) ; Insurance Contact Number . S DUR(JJ,"CARDHOLDER ID")=$G(DUR1(9002313.59902,JJ_","_TRANIEN_",",902.06,"E")) ; Cardholder ID . ; . ; Get Response IEN and Data . S DURIEN="",DURIEN=$P(^BPST(TRANIEN,0),"^",5) ;Note: in future will need to store/get DURIEN for each insurance . S DUR(JJ,"RESPONSE IEN")=DURIEN . D GETS^DIQ(9002313.0301,"1,"_DURIEN_",","501;567.01*;526","E","DUR1","ERROR") . S DUR(JJ,"PAYER MESSAGE")=$G(DUR1(9002313.0301,"1,"_DURIEN_",",526,"E")) ;Additional free text message info from payer . S DUR(JJ,"STATUS")=$G(DUR1(9002313.0301,"1,"_DURIEN_",",501,"E")) ;Status of Response . S DUR(JJ,"REASON")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",439,"E")) ;Reason of Service Code . S DUR(JJ,"CLIN SIGNIFICANCE")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",528,"E")) ;Clinical Significance Code . S DUR(JJ,"OTH PHARM IND")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",529,"E")) ;Other Pharmacy Indicator Code . S DUR(JJ,"PREV FILL DATE")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",530,"E")) ;Previous Date of Fill . S DUR(JJ,"QTY OF PREV FILL")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",531,"E")) ;Quantity of Previous Fill . S DUR(JJ,"DATABASE IND")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",532,"E")) ;Database Indicator . S DUR(JJ,"OTH PRESCRIBER IND")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",533,"E")) ;Other Prescriber Indicator . S DUR(JJ,"DUR FREE TEXT DESC")=$G(DUR1(9002313.1101,"1,1,"_DURIEN_",",544,"E")) ;DUR Free Text Message from Payer . ; . ; Get DUR reject codes and description and store in DUR . D GETS^DIQ(9002313.0301,"1,"_DURIEN_",","511*","I","DUR1","ERROR") ;get DUR codes and descriptions . S DUR(JJ,"REJ CODE LST")="" . F I=1:1 Q:'$D(DUR1(9002313.03511,I_",1,"_DURIEN_",")) D .. S DUR(JJ,"REJ CODES",I,DUR1(9002313.03511,I_",1,"_DURIEN_",",.01,"I"))=$$GET1^DIQ(9002313.93,DUR1(9002313.03511,I_",1,"_DURIEN_",",.01,"I"),".02") .. S DUR(JJ,"REJ CODE LST")=DUR(JJ,"REJ CODE LST")_","_DUR1(9002313.03511,I_",1,"_DURIEN_",",.01,"I") . S DUR(JJ,"REJ CODE LST")=$E(DUR(JJ,"REJ CODE LST"),2,9999) Q