BPSOS ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS - Table of Contents, etc ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; TOC N I,X F I=0:1 S X=$P($T(TOC1+I),";",2,9) Q:X="*" D . W X,! Q TOC1 ; Directory of BPSEC* and BPSOS* ; BPSECA* - Build formatted claim packets ; BPSECFM - Formatting (signed numeric overpunch, etc.) ; BPSECM* - Parse Response packets ; BPSECX* - Low-level BPS Claims routines, descendant from BPSOSQ2 ; BPSMHDR - Menu header ; BPSNCP* - Callable API to initiate an ECME claim ; BPSOS0* - Some fetch utilities for BPS Claims and BPS Responses ; BPSOS2x - Statistics Screen ; BPSOS57 - Utilities for BPS Log of Transactions ; BPSOS6M - Developer Log ; BPSOSC2 - Certification utilities (sporadic development use only) ; BPSOSCx - Building BPS Claims (BPSOSQ2->QG->CA->C*) ; BPSOSH* - Support utilities for packet building ; BPSOSI* - BPS Transaction creation ; BPSOSK* - Winnowing old data ; BPSOSL* - Log file utilities ; BPSOSO* - Override NCPDP Data Dictionary values ; BPSOSQ* - Claim processing through the queues ; BPSOSR* - Queue Processing ; BPSOSS* - Setup POS ; BPSOSU* - Utilities ;* RXDEL(RXI,RXR) ; EP - $$ is RX deleted? ; For refills: if the refill multiple is gone, it's been "deleted" I $G(RXR),$$RXSUBF1^BPSUTIL1(RXI,52,52.1,RXR,.01,"I")="" Q 1 ; For first fill: look at the STATUS flag I $$RXAPI1^BPSUTIL1(RXI,.01,"E")="" Q 1 ; shouldn't be missing but is N X S X=$$RXAPI1^BPSUTIL1(RXI,100,"I") Q X=13 ; if status is DELETED ZWRITE(%,VARA,VARB,VARC,VARD,VARE) ;EP - from many, many places I %="%"!(%?1"VAR"1U) D Q . D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("P","TI","Conflict in var names",%,"ZWRITE",$T(+0)) I '$D(@%) W %," is undefined",! Q I $D(@%)#10 W %,"=",@%,! F S %=$Q(@%) Q:%="" W %,"=",@%,! I $D(VARA) D ZWRITE(VARA) I $D(VARB) D ZWRITE(VARB) I $D(VARC) D ZWRITE(VARC) I $D(VARD) D ZWRITE(VARD) I $D(VARE) D ZWRITE(VARE) Q