BPSOS6M ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS - Print log of claim ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Display the BPS Log for a given BPS Transaction Q CLAIMLOG(IEN59) ;EP - from BPSSCRDV ; I '$G(IEN59) Q ; ; Get Device N POP D ^%ZIS I $G(POP) Q U IO ; ; Determine if this is a terminal N BPSCR S BPSCR=$S($E($G(IOST),1,2)="C-":1,1:0) ; ; Read BPS Transaction into the local variable N REC,X,X1,X2 M REC=^BPST(IEN59) N I F I=0:1:2 I '$D(REC(I)) S REC(I)="" ; ; Display Header I BPSCR W @IOF W "Pharmacy ECME Log of activity for one prescription",! ; ; Prescription and Transaction Info W "Internal Prescription #",$P(REC(1),U,11) W " Fill #",+$P(REC(1),U) W !,"VA Prescription #",$$RXAPI1^BPSUTIL1(+$P(REC(1),U,11),.01) W !,"Transaction #",IEN59 ; ; Patient W !,"Patient: " S X=$P(REC(0),U,6) I X]"" S X=$P($G(^DPT(X,0)),U) W X ; ; Status and Response W !!,"Status: " S X=$P(REC(0),U,2) W X," (",$$STATI^BPSOSU(X),")" I X=99 D DISPRESP ; ; Transaction Times W !!,"Last started on " S X1=$P(REC(0),U,11) I X1]"" W $$DATETIME^BPSOSUD(X1) W !,"Last activity on " S X2=$P(REC(0),U,8) I X2]"" W $$DATETIME^BPSOSUD(X2) I X1]"",X2]"" W " Elapsed time: " W $$TIMEDIF^BPSOSUD(X1,X2) ; ; Claim and Response W !! S X=$P(REC(0),U,4) I X="" W "No entry" E W "See also entry `",X W " in file BPS CLAIMS (#9002313.02)",! I X]"" D . S X=$P(REC(0),U,5) . I X="" W " but there is no entry" . E W " and entry `",X . W " in file BPS RESPONSES (#9002313.03)",! ; ; Log N STOP S STOP=0 N EXISTS S EXISTS=$$EXISTS^BPSOSL1(IEN59) I EXISTS D Q:$G(STOP) . W !,"Log of this claim's activity: ",! . I BPSCR S X="" D PAUSE^VALM1 I X="^" S STOP=1 Q . D PRINTLOG^BPSOSL1(IEN59,.STOP) . I $G(STOP) Q . I BPSCR D PRESSANY^BPSOSU5() I 'EXISTS D . W !,"There is no log for this claim's activity.",! . I BPSCR D PRESSANY^BPSOSU5() ; ; Close Device D ^%ZISC Q ; ; Display response info DISPRESP ; N RES S RES=$P(REC(2),U) I RES=0 D ; good, go to the claim response and see what it says . N RSP D RESPINFO^BPSOSQ4(IEN59,.RSP) . W !,"Response Status-Header: ",$G(RSP("HDR")) . W !,"Response Status-Prescription: ",$G(RSP("RSP")) ; Payable, Rejected, Captured, Duplicate . I $G(RSP("MSG"))]"" W !?10,RSP("MSG") . N I F I=1:1:$G(RSP("REJ",0)) W !?10,$G(RSP("REJ",I)) E D . W !,"Result: ",RES . I $P(REC(2),U,2)]"" W " (",$P($P(REC(2),";",1),U,2,$L(REC(2),U)),")" Q