BPSOSCC ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/DLF - Set up BPS() ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,2,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; GETINFO - Create BPS array for non-repeating data ; IEN59 - Pointer to BPS Transactions ; IEN5902 - IEN for Insurance multiple of BPS Transactions ; ; Note that the BPS array is shared by all of the BPSOSC* routines and ; is newed by BPSOSCA ; Note that VAINFO is newed/set in BPSOSCB Q GETINFO(IEN59,IEN5902) ; EP - BPSOSCB ; Check parameters I $G(IEN59)="" Q I $G(IEN5902)="" Q ; ; New variables and parse parameter data N RXIEN,IENS,XDATA,PHARMACY,DFN,VAPA,VADM,SITE,NPI ; ; Setup Prescription IEN and IENS for transaction multiple S RXIEN=$P(IEN59,".",1) S IENS=IEN5902_","_IEN59_"," ; ; Site Information S PHARMACY=$P(^BPST(IEN59,1),U,7) S XDATA=^BPS(9002313.56,PHARMACY,0) S BPS("Site","NABP #")=$P(XDATA,U,2) S BPS("Site","Default DEA #")=$P(XDATA,U,3) S BPS("Site","Medicaid Pharmacy #")="" ; Referenced in payer sheet special code S BPS("Site","Pharmacy #")=BPS("Site","NABP #") S SITE=$P($G(^BPST(IEN59,1)),U,4) S NPI=$$NPI^BPSNPI("Pharmacy_ID",SITE) I +NPI=-1 S NPI="" S BPS("Site","NPI")=$P(NPI,U,1) ; ; Transaction Header Data S BPS("NCPDP","IEN")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.02,"I")) S BPS("NCPDP","BIN Number")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.03,"I")) S BPS("NCPDP","PCN")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.04,"I")) I BPS("NCPDP","IEN")="" D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("P","TI","Payer Sheet pointer missing from multiple",,1,$T(+0)) I BPS("NCPDP","IEN") S XDATA=$G(^BPSF(9002313.92,BPS("NCPDP","IEN"),1)) I XDATA="" D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("DB","TI","VA - Payer sheet info missing.",,2,$T(+0)) I BPS("NCPDP","BIN Number")="" S BPS("NCPDP","BIN Number")=$P(XDATA,U,1) S BPS("NCPDP","Version")=$P(XDATA,U,2) S BPS("NCPDP","# Meds/Claim")=$P(XDATA,U,3) S BPS("NCPDP","Software Vendor/Cert ID")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.18,"I")) ; ; Patient Data S DFN=$P(^BPST(IEN59,0),U,6) I 'DFN D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("DB","TI","DFN",,,$T(+0)) I DFN,'$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("DB","TI","^DPT(DFN)",,,$T(+0)) D DEM^VADPT,ADD^VADPT S BPS("Patient","IEN")=DFN S BPS("Patient","Name")=$G(VADM(1)) S BPS("Patient","Sex")=$P($G(VADM(5)),"^",1) S BPS("Patient","DOB")=$P($G(VADM(3)),"^",1) S BPS("Patient","DOB")=($E(BPS("Patient","DOB"),1,3)+1700)_$E(BPS("Patient","DOB"),4,7) S BPS("Patient","SSN")=$P($G(VADM(2)),"^",1) S BPS("Patient","State")=$P($G(VAPA(5)),"^",1) I BPS("Patient","State")'="" S BPS("Patient","State")=$P($G(^DIC(5,BPS("Patient","State"),0)),"^",2) S BPS("Patient","Street Address")=$G(VAPA(1)) S BPS("Patient","City")=$G(VAPA(4)) S BPS("Patient","Zip")=$G(VAPA(6)) S BPS("Patient","Phone #")=$TR($P($G(VAPA(8)),"^",1),"()-/*# ") S BPS("Patient","Plan ID")=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,"1,"_DFN_",",.18) ; ; Insurer Data S BPS("Insurer","IEN")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,.01,"I")) S BPS("Insurer","Relationship")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.07,"I")) S BPS("Insurer","Administrative Fee")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.16,"I")) I BPS("Insurer","Administrative Fee")'="",BPS("Insurer","Administrative Fee")'=0 S BPS("Insurer","Other Amt Claim Sub Qual")="04" E S BPS("Insurer","Other Amt Claim Sub Qual")="" I BPS("Insurer","Relationship")="" S BPS("Insurer","Relationship")=0 ;if not there, mark it as unspecified. S BPS("Patient","Primary Care Prov Location Code")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.11,"I")) S BPS("Insurer","Person Code")=$S(BPS("Insurer","Relationship")=1:"01",BPS("Insurer","Relationship")=2:"02",BPS("Insurer","Relationship")=3:03,1:"") S BPS("Insurer","Group #")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.05,"I")) S BPS("Insurer","Policy #")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.06,"I")) ;CARDHOLDER ID S BPS("Insurer","Full Policy #")=BPS("Insurer","Policy #") S:'$D(BPS("Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Rate Sub")) BPS("Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Rate Sub")="" S:'$D(BPS("Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Basis Sub")) BPS("Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Basis Sub")="" S BPS("Insurer","Percentage Sales Tax Amt Sub")=0 S BPS("Insurer","Flat Sales Tax Amount Sub")=0 ; ; DMB - The next pair of lines may seem odd. However, there was an error in the IHS code, so ; this array element was always set to "". I fixed the code, but do not want to implement the fix ; until it can be determined whether the fix will not cause rejects S BPS("Insurer","Facility ID")=$$RXAPI1^BPSUTIL1(RXIEN,5,"E") S BPS("Insurer","Facility ID")="" ; ; Cardholder Data S BPS("Cardholder","First Name")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.08,"I")) S BPS("Cardholder","Last Name")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.09,"I")) S BPS("Home Plan")=$G(VAINFO(9002313.59902,IENS,902.11,"I")) Q