BPSOSQ4 ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/DLF - Process responses ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine has two components ; Procedures to report Response info ; Procedures to handle insurer asleep functions Q ; ; The following are separate little utilities called from elsewhere. ; PAID(IEN59) ;quick query to see if it's paid N TMP D RESPINFO(IEN59,.TMP) Q:'$D(TMP("RSP")) 0 N X S X=TMP("RSP") I X="Payable" Q 1 Q 0 RESPINFO(RXI,DST) ;EP - BPSOS6M ; quick way to get all the response info for a given RXI ; IMPORTANT!! Do not change spelling, case, wording, or spacing!!! ; If a reversal was attempted, it complicates things. ; fills DST array as follows: ; DST("HDR")=Response Status (header) ; DST("RSP")=Response Status (prescription) ; This could be: "Payable" "Rejected" "Captured" "Duplicate" ; or "Accepted reversal" or "Rejected reversal" ; or "null" or "null reversal" (no response or corrupt response ; or maybe someone without insurance, so no request was sent) ; DST("REJ",0)=count of reject codes ; DST("REJ",n)=each reject code ; DST("MSG")=message with the response ; All of these are defined, even if originals were '$D. ; The external forms are returned. N REVERSAL S REVERSAL=$G(^BPST(RXI,4))>0 N RESP I 'REVERSAL S RESP=$P(^BPST(RXI,0),U,5) E S RESP=$P(^BPST(RXI,4),U,2) I 'RESP Q N ECME S POS=$P(^BPST(RXI,0),U,9) Q:'POS N FMT S FMT="E" S DST("HDR")=$$RESP500(RESP,FMT) S DST("RSP")=$$RESP1000(RESP,POS,FMT) S DST("REJ",0)=$$REJCOUNT(RESP,POS,FMT) I DST("REJ",0) D . N I F I=1:1:DST("REJ",0) S DST("REJ",I)=$$REJCODE(RESP,POS,I,FMT) S DST("MSG")=$$RESPMSG(RESP,POS,FMT) ; Dealing with oddities of PCS (and others'?) response to reversals I REVERSAL,DST("RSP")["null" D . I DST("RSP")["null" S DST("RSP")=DST("HDR")_" reversal" Q ; In the following quickies: ; RESP = RESPIEN, pointer to 9002313.03 ; FMT = "I" for internal, "E" for external, defaults to internal RESP500(RESP,FMT) ;EP - BPSOS57,BPSOSUC ; returns the response header status N X S X=$P($G(^BPSR(RESP,500)),U) I $G(FMT)'="E" Q X I X="" S X="null" S X=$S(X="A":"Accepted",X="R":"Rejected",1:"?"_X) Q X RESP1000(RESP,POS,FMT) ;EP - BPSOSUC ; returns the prescription response status ; Note! Could be DP or DC for duplicates N X S X=$P($G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,500)),U) I $G(FMT)'="E" Q X I X="" S X="null" ; ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/07/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes - they will send an "A" back ; now on the transaction level to indicate that it has been accepted ; Next code line remarked out - following added ; S X=$S(X="A":"Accepted",X="P":"Payable",X="R":"Rejected",X="C":"Captured",X="D"!(X="DP")!(X="DC"):"Duplicate",1:"?"_X) Q X ; REJCOUNT(RESP,POS,FMT) ; returns rejection count Q +$P($G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,511,0)),U,3) ; REJCODE(RESP,POS,N,FMT) ; returns Nth rejection code ; if FMT="E", returns code:text N CODE S CODE=$P($G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,511,N,0)),U) I CODE="" S CODE="null" I FMT'="E" Q CODE N X S X=$O(^BPSF(9002313.93,"B",CODE,0)) I X]"" S CODE=CODE_":"_$P($G(^BPSF(9002313.93,X,0)),U,2) E S CODE="?"_CODE Q CODE ; ; NCPDP 5.1 changes - message may not come back in 504. They may ; come back in 526 instead RESPMSG(RESP,POS,FMT) ; response message - additional text from insurer ; N MSG S MSG="" S MSG=$G(^BPSR(RESP,504)) S:MSG="" MSG=$G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,504)) S:MSG="" MSG=$G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,526)) Q MSG ; ; NOW() N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC Q % ; ; The xxxSLEEP functions are called from BPSOSQL ; ; REJSLEEP - Check if the insurer should be asleep ; based on the reject codes ; Input ; RESP - BPS Response IEN ; POS - Multiple IEN ; Return ; 1 if the insurer is asleep ; 0 if the insurer is not asleep REJSLEEP(RESP,POS) ;EP - BPSOSQL ; ; DMB - Asleep functionality is disabled for VA until an analysis of reject ; codes can be done and asleep code needs to handle a stranded prober. Q 0 ; ; Validate parameters I '$G(RESP) Q 0 I '$G(POS) Q 0 ; ; This is basically old IHS logic I $G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,504))?1"EV16-".E Q 1 I $G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,504))?1"EV38-".E Q 1 I $G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,504))?1"EV32-".E Q 1 I $G(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,504))?1"EV25-".E Q 1 ; BPS*1.0T7*4 ; ; NDC's, and theoretically, Envoy too, though they seem to do EV- msgs I $O(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,511,"B",90))="" Q 0 ; cheap check ; ; But for a PCS case we see, Code 99 + some code < 90 ; BPS*1.0T7*2 ; isn't "asleep" - 99 is something PCS threw in ; BPS*1.0T7*2 ; so require 99 to be accompanied by something <99 too ; BPS*1.0T7*2 ; N RET S RET=0 N I F I=92,93,99 D Q:RET . I $D(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,511,"B",I)) S RET=1 . Q:I'=99 Q:'RET ; BPS*1.0T7*2 . I I=99,$O(^BPSR(RESP,1000,POS,511,"B",0))<90 S RET=0 ; BPS*1.0T7*2 Q RET ; ; INCSLEEP - Increment sleep time for this insurer, if necessary. ; Input ; IEN59 - BPS Transaction IEN ; PAYSH - Payer Sheet IEN ; Return the scheduled retry time INCSLEEP(IEN59,PAYSH) ;EP - BPSOSQL ; ; Set retry time to be 10 minutes in the future N X,RETRY S X=600,RETRY=$$TADDNOWS^BPSOSUD(X) ; ; Set retry time to be 10 minutes S $P(^BPSF(9002313.92,PAYSH,1),U,12)=RETRY S $P(^BPST(IEN59,8),U,1)=RETRY S $P(^BPST(IEN59,8),U,3)=PAYSH ; ; Fire up a packet process 10 seconds after the RETRY time so that the ; claims can be processed as soon as the retry time expires D TASKAT^BPSOSQA($$TADDNOWS^BPSOSUD(X+10)) ; ; And run packeter right now, too, to stamp new times on the others in status 31 D TASK^BPSOSQA Q RETRY ; ; Clear insurer sleeping condition CLRSLEEP(IEN59,PAYSH) ;EP - BPSOSQL N RETRY ; ; Reset Retry Time and Prober Flga I $D(^BPST(IEN59,8)) S $P(^BPST(IEN59,8),U,1)="",$P(^BPST(IEN59,8),U,3)="" ; ; Get retry time from the payer sheet and quit if does not exist S RETRY=$P($G(^BPSF(9002313.92,PAYSH,1)),U,12) ; ; Reset Retry Time and Prober S $P(^BPSF(9002313.92,PAYSH,1),U,11)="" S $P(^BPSF(9002313.92,PAYSH,1),U,12)="" ; ; If this insurer was asleep and there are other asleep transactions, fire off ; the Packeter task to see if they should be done I RETRY,$D(^BPST("AD",31)) D TASK^BPSOSQA Q