BPSOSUD ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS/FLS - utils, some options ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Some utilities. ; Some options- goal is to move them out to other routines ; Q ; INCSTAT(N1,P1,N2,P2,N3,P3) ;EP - BPSBUTL,BPSOSQL ; increment the given N nodes at the P pieces D ADD1STAT(N1,P1,1) Q:'$D(N2) D ADD1STAT(N2,P2,1) Q:'$D(N3) D ADD1STAT(N3,P3,1) Q ADDSTAT(N1,P1,Q1,N2,P2,Q2,N3,P3,Q3) ; ; add Quantities to given Nodes,Pieces D ADD1STAT(N1,P1,Q1) Q:'$D(N2) D ADD1STAT(N2,P2,Q2) Q:'$D(N3) D ADD1STAT(N3,P3,Q3) Q ADD1STAT(N,P,Q) ; L +^BPSECX("S",1,N):5 I '$D(^BPSECX("S",1,N)) S ^BPSECX("S",1,N)="" S $P(^BPSECX("S",1,N),U,P)=$P(^BPSECX("S",1,N),U,P)+Q L -^BPSECX("S",1,N) Q ; DATETIME(Y) ;EP - convert fileman date.time to printable X ^DD("DD") Q Y TIMEAGO(THEN) ; external form for TIMEAGOI N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC Q $$TIMEDIF(THEN,%) TIMEAGOI(THEN) ; how many seconds ago was it? returns positive value N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC ; giving % Q $$TIMEDIFI(THEN,%) TIMEDIFI(X1,X2) ;EP - Computed field of BPS Log of Transactions and BPS Transactions ; time difference in seconds, negative if X1>X2 I X1>X2 Q -$$TIMEDIFI(X2,X1) N %,X,%H,%T,%Y,D1,T1,D2,T2 S X=X1 D H^%DTC S D1=%H,T1=%T S X=X2 D H^%DTC S D2=%H,T2=%T S X=D2-D1*86400+T2-T1 Q X TIMEDIF(X1,X2) ;EP - Computed field of BPS Log of Transactions and BPS Transactions N X S X=$$TIMEDIFI(X1,X2) N SGN S SGN=$S(X<0:-1,1:1),X=X*SGN Q $S(SGN<0:"-",1:"")_$$SECSDHMS(X) SECSDHMS(X) ;EP - seconds -> # da # hr # min # sec N % S %="" I X'<86400 S %=X\86400_" da",X=X#86400 I X'<3600!(%]"") S:%]"" %=%_" " S %=%_(X\3600)_" hr",X=X#3600 I X'<60!(%]"") S:%]"" %=%_" " S %=%_(X\60)_" min",X=X#60 S:%]"" %=%_" " S %=%_X_" sec" Q % PRESSANY D PRESSANY^BPSOSU5() Q CONTINUE(DEF) ;EP - ; returns a single character ; or returns DEF, the default CONT1 ; S X=$$FREETEXT^BPSOSU2("Type C to continue or Q to quit: ",,1,1,1,15) Q X ; TT() Q "S:Y[""."" Y=$P(Y,""."",2) S Y=Y_""000000"" S Y=""@""_$E(Y,1,2)_"":""_$E(Y,3,4)_"":""_$E(Y,5,6)" ; TT is kind of like ^DD("DD") but just for our times SHOULDNT W "this should never happen" Q TDIFNOW(T) ;EP - ; compute time difference between T and NOW ; returns # of seconds, positive if T precedes now (how long ago) ; negative if T follows NOW (countdown "T minus...") N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC ; giving % Q $$TDIF(%,T) TDIF(T1,T2) ; compute time difference T1-T2 = how many seconds ;T1,T2 both Fileman date.times S T1=$TR($J(T1,16,8)," ","0"),T2=$TR($J(T2,16,8)," ","0") N R S R=$P(T1,".")-$P(T2,".")*86400 ; days' difference S T1=$P(T1,".",2),T2=$P(T2,".",2) ; hhmmsstt S T1=$E(T1,1,2)*60+$E(T1,3,4)*60+$E(T1,5,6) S T2=$E(T2,1,2)*60+$E(T2,3,4)*60+$E(T2,5,6) I $E(T1,7,8) S T1=$E(T1,7,8)/100+T1 I $E(T2,7,8) S T2=$E(T2,7,8)/100+T2 S R=R+T1-T2 Q R TADDSECS(T1,SECS) ; add SECS seconds to T1 N T2 S T2=$$SECS2T2(SECS) Q $$TADD(T1,T2) BADPARAM(VARNAME,ATLABEL) D IMPOSS^BPSOSUE("P,DB","TI","Bad parameter "_VARNAME_"="_$G(@VARNAME),,ATLABEL,$T(+0)) Q TADDNOWS(SECS) ;EP - add SECS seconds to NOW I SECS'?1N.N D BADPARAM("SECS","TADDNOWS") Q "" N T2 S T2=$$SECS2T2(SECS) Q $$TADDNOW(T2) SECS2T2(SECS) ; convert integer seconds into a fileman time format N T2,NEG S NEG=(SECS<0) I NEG S SECS=-SECS I SECS>86400 S T2=SECS\86400,SECS=SECS#86400_"." E S T2="." N % S %=SECS\3600,SECS=SECS#3600 S:$L(%)=1 %="0"_% S T2=T2_% S %=SECS\60,SECS=SECS#60 S:$L(%)=1 %="0"_% S T2=T2_% S:$L(SECS)=1 SECS="0"_SECS S T2=T2_SECS Q $S(NEG:"-",1:"")_T2 TADDNOW(T2) ;EP - ; add T2 time differential to NOW N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC ; giving % Q $$TADD(%,T2) TADD(T1,T2) ;EP - ; add T2 time differential to T1 I T1<0 D BADPARAM("T1","TADD") Q ; but T2 can be negative N SGN S SGN=$S(T2<0:-1,1:1),T2=T2*SGN I SGN<0,T2>T1 D BADPARAM("T2","TADD") Q ; can't handle this case (yet) S T1=$TR($J(T1,16,8)," ","0"),T2=$TR($J(T2,16,8)," ","0") N R ;S R=$P(T1,".",1)+($P(T2,".",1)*SGN) ; add days portion S R=$$CDTC($P(T1,"."),$P(T2,".")*SGN) S T2=$P(T2,".",2) ; note: without the sign S T1=$P(T1,".",2) S T1=$E(T1,1,2)*60+$E(T1,3,4)*60+$E(T1,5,6) ; seconds S T2=$E(T2,1,2)*60+$E(T2,3,4)*60+$E(T2,5,6) ; seconds I $E(T1,7,8) S T1=$E(T1,7,8)/100+T1 ; hundredths I $E(T2,7,8) S T2=$E(T2,7,8)/100+T2 ; hundredths S T2=T2*SGN ; restore sign to T2's hundredths N S S S=T1+T2 I S>86400 S S=S-86400,R=$$CDTC(R,1) ; R+1 ; carry E I S<0 S S=S+86400,R=$$CDTC(R,-1) ; R-1 ; borrow S T2=S\3600,S=S#3600 S R=R_"."_$TR($J(T2,2)," ","0") ; hours S T2=S\60,S=S#60 S R=R_$TR($J(T2,2)," ","0") ; minutes S T2=S\1,S=S#1 S R=R_$TR($J(T2,2)," ","0") ; seconds S T2=S*100\1,R=R_$TR($J(T2,2)," ","0") ; hundredths of seconds S R=+R ; removes trailing zeroes Q R CDTC(X1,X2) N X,%H D C^%DTC Q X