BPSREOP ;BHAM ISC/SS - REOPEN CLOSED CLAIMS ;05-APR-05 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**3**;JUN 2004;Build 20 ;; Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;Reopen closed claims ;Q EN1 ; N BPDFN,BPSTRT,BPEND W @IOF I $$WHATTODO(.BPDFN,.BPSTRT,.BPEND)<0 Q ; EN ; -- main entry point for BPS LSTMN ECME REOPEN N VALMAR,VALMBCK,VALMCNT,VALMHDR,X D EN^VALM("BPS LSTMN ECME REOPEN") Q ; HDR ; -- header code ;S VALMHDR(1)="This is a test header for BPS LSTMN ECME REOPEN." ;S VALMHDR(2)="This is the second line" Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array N BPTMPGL,Y ;ask what patient and what is date range I ('$D(BPDFN))!('$D(BPSTRT))!('$D(BPEND)) W !,"BPDFN,BPSTRT,BPEND need to be defined! " Q D COLLECT^BPSREOP1(BPDFN,BPSTRT,BPEND) S VALMHDR(1)="PATIENT: "_$$PATINF^BPSREOP1(BPDFN)_" Closed claims from "_$$FORMDATE^BPSSCRU6(BPSTRT,3)_" to "_$$FORMDATE^BPSSCRU6(BPEND,3) Q ; HELP ; -- help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code Q ; EXPND ; -- expand code Q ; ;prompts the user to select patient , start and end dates ;input/output (by reference): ;BPDFN - patient ien #2 ;BPSTRT - start date (fileman format) ;BPEND - end date (fileman format) ;Return value: ;-1 quit ; 1 - continue (okay)_ ; WHATTODO(BPDFN,BPSTRT,BPEND) ; S BPDFN=$$PROMPT^BPSSCRCV("P^DPT(","Select PATIENT NAME","") I BPDFN<0 Q -1 S BPSTRT=$$ASKDATE^BPSSCRU6("START WITH DATE:","TODAY") I BPSTRT<0 Q -1 F S BPEND=$$ASKDATE^BPSSCRU6("GO TO DATE:","TODAY") Q:(BPEND<0)!(BPEND'