BPSSCRDS ;BHAM ISC/SS - ECME USER SCREEN DIVISION SELECT ;05-APR-05 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1**;JUN 2004 ;; Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;USER SCREEN Q ;/*---------------------- ;Division select for the user screen. ;Input: ; BPARR - array to return division(s) : IEN of #9002313.56 ; BPDUZ7 - DUZ ;Return value: ; 0 nothing selected/ ; -1 ALL ; -2 timeout or uparrow ; n number of IENs of #9002313.56 selected by the user and stored in BPARR ;Returned by reference: ; BPARR - array with user profile info to store in IENs to #9002313.56 DS(BPARR,BPDUZ7) ; N DIR,DTOUT,BPINP N DR,DIE,DA N DIR S BPINP=$$EDITFLD^BPSSCRCV(1.13,+BPDUZ7,"S^D:DIVISION;A:ALL","Select Certain Pharmacy (D)ivisions or (A)LL","ALL",.BPARR) I BPINP=-1 Q -2 ;quit I $P(BPINP,U,2)="A" Q -1 ;ALL Q $$SELDIVS(BPDUZ7,.BPARR) ; ;/** ;returns back the name of the ECME pharmacy division DIVNAME(BPDIV) ; Q $P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,BPDIV,0)),U) ; ;/*---------------------- ;Reads division selection from the USER PROFILE file ;Input: ; BPSDIVS by reference - array to return division(s) : BPSDIVS(IEN of #9002313.56) ; BPDUZ7 - DUZ ;Return value: ; 0 nothing selected ; -1 ALL ; n number of IENs of #9002313.56 selected by the user and stored in BPSDIVS ;Returned by reference: ; BPSDIVS - array with IENs to #9002313.56 GETDIVIS(BPDUZ7,BPSDIVS) ;*/ N BPDIV,BPCNT S BPARRAY("DIVS")=$$GETPARAM^BPSSCRSL(2,BPDUZ7) F BPCNT=1:1:20 S BPDIV=$P($G(BPARRAY("DIVS")),";",BPCNT+1) Q:+BPDIV=0 D . S BPSDIVS(BPDIV)="" Q BPCNT-1 ;number of items ; ;/** ;to select divisions (the user cannot select more then 20 divisions) ;Input: ; BPARRAY - array to return division(s) in BPARRAY("DIVS") ; BPDUZ7 -DUZ ;Return value: ; -2 timeout or up arrow ; n - number of divisions selected ;by reference - BPARRAY("DIVS") - the string with ; divisions ien (#9002313.56) divided by "^" SELDIVS(BPDUZ7,BPARRAY) ; N BPSDIVS,BPDIV1 N BP1,BPDIV,BPCNT S BPDIV=0,BPCNT=0 ;reads from file- NOT from BPARRAY ! I $$GETDIVIS(BPDUZ7,.BPSDIVS) W !,?2,"Selected:" F S BPDIV=$O(BPSDIVS(BPDIV)) Q:+BPDIV=0 S BPCNT=BPCNT+1 D . W !,?10,$$DIVNAME(BPDIV) F S BPDIV=$$DIV() Q:BPDIV=-2 Q:+BPDIV=0 D . I $D(BPSDIVS(BPDIV)) I $$DELDIV(BPDIV)="Y" K BPSDIVS(BPDIV) . E S BPSDIVS(BPDIV)="" . S BPCNT=0,BPDIV1=0 . F S BPDIV1=$O(BPSDIVS(BPDIV1)) Q:+BPDIV1=0 S BPCNT=BPCNT+1 D . . I BPCNT>20 D Q . . . W !,"Number of selected divisions cannot exceed 20!" . . . K BPSDIVS(BPDIV) . S BPCNT=0,BPDIV1=0 . F S BPDIV1=$O(BPSDIVS(BPDIV1)) Q:+BPDIV1=0 S BPCNT=BPCNT+1 D . . W !,?10,$$DIVNAME(BPDIV1) ; I BPDIV=-2 D Q -2 ;exit . W !,"Exit without changes..." . N BPSDIVS . I $$GETDIVIS(BPDUZ7,.BPSDIVS) . S BPCNT=0,BPDIV1=0 . F S BPDIV1=$O(BPSDIVS(BPDIV1)) Q:+BPDIV1=0 S BPCNT=BPCNT+1 D . . W !,?10,$$DIVNAME(BPDIV1) ; ;convert selection into "^div1;div2...divN;" string S BPARRAY("DIVS")="" F BPCNT=1:1:20 S BPDIV=$O(BPSDIVS(BPDIV)) Q:+BPDIV=0 D . S BPARRAY("DIVS")=$G(BPARRAY("DIVS"))_";"_BPDIV S BPARRAY("DIVS")=$G(BPARRAY("DIVS"))_";" Q BPCNT-1 ;-------- ; DIV() ; N DIC,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT S DIC("A")="Select ECME Pharmacy Division(s): ",DIC=9002313.56,DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC I $D(DIRUT) Q -2 I ($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT)) Q -2 I Y<1 Q 0 Q +Y ; ; DELDIV(BPDIV) ; N DIR S DIR(0)="S^Y:YES;N:NO",DIR("A")="Delete "_$$DIVNAME(BPDIV)_" from your list?",DIR("B")="N" D ^DIR Q Y ;