BPSSCRPR ;BHAM ISC/SS - ECME SCREEN PRINT ;05-APR-05 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; ;/** ;FLDNO - field # in PARAMETER file to store prescription for the User Screen ;RECIEN - user ID ;PRMTMSG - user prompt ;DFLTVAL - pass the default value for the case if there is no value in database ;BPARRAY - array to store and change values in profile ;returns: ;as return value: ; "1^value" - if selected ; "-1" if timeout or uparrow ;via BPARRAY ; BPARRAY(FLDNO)=value EDITRX(FLDNO,RECIEN,PRMTMSG,DFLTVAL,BPARRAY) ;*/ N DIR,RETV,RETARR N RECIENS,FDA,LCK,ERRARR S RETV=$$GETPARAM^BPSSCRSL(FLDNO,RECIEN) ;if data then use it, otherwise use data from parameter I $L($G(RETV))>0 S DFLTVAL=RETV E S DFLTVAL=$G(DFLTVAL) ;prompt the user S RETV=$$PROMPTRX^BPSUTIL1(PRMTMSG,DFLTVAL) Q:RETV<0 -1 ;save it in the database S BPARRAY(FLDNO)=RETV Q "1^"_RETV ;