FBAAAV ;AISC/GRR-FLAG VENDOR FOR ADDITION IN CENTRAL FEE ;10JUL86 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. UPDATE ;enter here to update FMS vendor file - called from fbaa fms update option N FBDA,FBSAY S FBSAY=1 ;flag, if 1 then write W !! S DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC="^FBAAV(",DIC("S")="N FBVC S FBVC=$P($G(^FBAA(161.25,+Y,0)),U,2,3),FBVC=$TR(FBVC,U) I FBVC'[""C""&(FBVC'[""N"")&('$D(^FBAA(161.25,""AF"",+Y)))" D ^DIC G EXIT:X="^"!(X=""),UPDATE:Y<0 S (FBDA,DA)=+Y D EN1^FBAAVD W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is this vendor information correct",DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR K DIR G EXIT:$D(DIRUT),VER:Y I '$D(^XUSEC("FBAA ESTABLISH VENDOR",DUZ)) W !!,*7,"You must contact a vendorizing clerk or supervisor to update this record!" G EXIT S FBHDA=DA D EDITV^FBAAVD S DA=FBHDA S FBVC=$P($G(^FBAA(161.25,DA,0)),U,2,3),FBVC=$TR(FBVC,U) I FBVC["C" W !!?5,"Vendor flagged for updating!" G UPDATE VER W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to update this Vendor in the FMS and Central Fee vendor files",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("??")="^D HELP^FBAAAV" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT I 'Y W !!,*7,"Will NOT be Updated" G UPDATE D SET(FBDA) G UPDATE ; SET(DA,FBSAY) ;INPUT: DA = ien of record to be updated ; FBSAY = flag to write: 1 for on (optional) Q:'+$G(DA) N DIE,DR,FBIEN1,FBLOCK,FBT S FBT="C",FBIEN1=DA D SETGL^FBAAVD W:$G(FBSAY) !!,*7,"Vendor flagged for updating!" S DIE="^FBAAV(",DA=FBIEN1,DR="30.01///@;9///@;13///@" D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,DA,1) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -^FBAAV(DA) ;K DA,DIE,DR,FBLOCK ;G UPDATE:FBSAY EXIT K FBT,FBTOV,X,FBEXDT,FBEXNDT,DIC,DIE,Y,DA,DIRUT,FBHDA,FBIEN1,FBTOV,FEEO,Z,Z1,ZZ,FBAAPN,FBDEL,FBID,FBLIEN,FBPARCD,FBTV,FBVIEN,FBV1,FBVC,FBZ,FBX,FBCNUM Q UPDT(FBDA) ;entry point from fbaavd2 - non-interactive ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of vendor in vendor file ;OUTPUT: set in vendor correction file as update (link to itself) if vendor does not exist, or another vendor is not already linked to it. Q:'+$G(FBDA) N FBSAY S FBSAY=0 ;S DIC(0)="M",DIC="^FBAAV(" D ^DIC G EXIT:Y'>0 S FBDA=+Y I '$D(^FBAA(161.25,FBDA,0))&('$D(^FBAA(161.25,"AF",FBDA))) D SET(FBDA) Q HELP ;help for update of fms vendor file W !?10,"This option should only be used to update the FMS and Central" W !?10,"Fee vendor files in Austin with the appropriate information." W !?10,"(NOTE: The vendor may not exist in the FMS vendor file," W !?10," or may exist, but the information in the FMS vendor" W !?10," file does not reflect accurate information.)" W ! W !?10,"Use of this option should update the FMS system to reflect" W !?10,"what is currently in the DHCP system. Information at all" W !?10,"other VA Medical Centers using this vendor will also be updated."