FBAACO0 ;AISC/GRR-DISPLAY PATIENT ADDRESS DATA AND EDIT ;7/13/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4,38,52,57,61,75,70**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. S FBMST=$S(FBTT=1:"Y",1:""),FBTTYPE="A",FBFDC="" N FBEDPTAD S (FBEDPTAD(1),FBEDPTAD(2))=0 W @IOF,"Patient: ",$P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^") S (Y(0),HY(0))=$G(^DPT(DFN,.11)) I Y(0)="" W !,*7,"No Address information for this patient!" G EDIT S VAPA("P")="" D ADD^VADPT S FBEDPTAD(1)=$$ISCCADR() S FBEDPTAD(2)="N" I $$CCADR(2) W !!,"Patient's Permanent address:" F Z=1:1:3 I VAPA(Z)]"" W !?2,"Address Line ",Z,":",?18,VAPA(Z) W !?2,"City:",?18,VAPA(4),!?2,"State:",?18,$P(VAPA(5),U,2) W !?2,"Zip:",?18,$S(+$G(VAPA(11)):$P(VAPA(11),U,2),1:VAPA(6)),!?2,"County",?18,$P(VAPA(7),U,2) K VAPA,VAERR RD W ! S DIR("A")="Want to edit Permanent Address data",DIR("B")="No",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR S:Y&('$D(DIRUT)) FBEDPTAD(2)="Y" G EDIT Q EDIT I $G(FBEDPTAD(2))'="N" W !! S HY(0)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.11)) D EN^DGREGAED(DFN) I $$EDTCCADR()=0 I FBTT'=1 I FBEDPTAD(2)="N" Q MRA I FBTT=1!($G(^DPT(DFN,.11))'=$G(HY(0))) S FBD1=FTP D ENT^FBAAAUT K FBD1 Q FEE ;calculates amount paid based on fee schedule N FB1725 ; set FB1725 flag = true if payment for a 38 U.S.C. 1725 claim S FB1725=$S($G(FB583):+$P($G(^FB583(+FB583,0)),U,28),1:0) S FBFY=FY-1 S (FBFSAMT,FBFSUSD)="",FBAMTPD=$S($G(FBAMTPD)>0:FBAMTPD,1:"") ; if amount not passed then use fee schedule I '$G(FBAMTPD) D . N FBX . S FBX=$$GET^FBAAFS($$CPT^FBAAUTL4(FBAACP),$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA","E"),FBAADT,$G(FBZIP),$$FAC^FBAAFS($G(FBHCFA(30))),$G(FBTIME)) . ; . I '$G(FBAAMM1) D . . S FBFSAMT=$P(FBX,U),FBFSUSD=$P(FBX,U,2) . E W !?2,"Payment is for a contracted service so fee schedule does not apply." . ; . I $P($G(FBX),U)]"" D . . W !?2,$S($G(FBAAMM1):"However, f",1:"F") . . W "ee schedule amount is $",$P(FBX,U)," from the " . . W:$P(FBX,U,3)]"" $P(FBX,U,3)," " ; year if returned . . W:$P(FBX,U,2)]"" $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(162.03,45,"",$P(FBX,U,2)) . E W !?2,"Unable to determine a FEE schedule amount." . ; . I FB1725 D . . W !!?2,"**Payment is for emergency treatment under 38 U.S.C. 1725." . . I FBFSAMT D . . . S FBFSAMT=$J(FBFSAMT*.7,0,2) . . . W !?2," Therefore, fee schedule amount reduced to $",FBFSAMT," (70%)." . ; . I $G(FBUNITS)>1 D . . W !!?2,"Units Paid = ",FBUNITS . . Q:FBFSAMT'>0 . . N FBFSUNIT . . ; determine if fee schedule can be multipled by units . . S FBFSUNIT=$S(FBFSUSD="R":1,FBFSUSD="F"&(FBAADT>3040930):1,1:0) . . I FBFSUNIT D . . . S FBFSAMT=$J(FBFSAMT*FBUNITS,0,2) . . . W !?2," Therefore, fee schedule amount increased to $",FBFSAMT . . E D . . . W !?2," Fee schedule not complied on per unit basis so amount not adjusted for units." . ; . I '$G(FBAAMM1) D . . ; set default amount paid to lesser of amt claimed (J) or fee sched. . . S FBAMTPD=$S(FBFSAMT>J:J,FBFSAMT>0:FBFSAMT,1:"") . ; . W ! ; AMTPD W !,"AMOUNT PAID: "_$S(FBAMTPD]"":FBAMTPD_"//",1:"") R X:DTIME S:X="" X=FBAMTPD G KILL:$E(X)="^",HELP1:$E(X)="?" S:X["$" X=$P(X,"$",2) I +X'=X&(X'?.N.1".".2N)!(+X>+J)!(+X<0) G HELPPD I FBAMTPD]"",X>FBAMTPD&('$D(^XUSEC("FBAASUPERVISOR",DUZ))) D G AMTPD .W !!,*7,"You must be a holder of the 'FBAASUPERVISOR' key to",!,"exceed the Fee Schedule. Entering an up-arrow ('^') will",!,"delete the payment or you can accept the default.",! S FBAMTPD=X Q KILL W !!,*7,"Entering an '^' will delete this payment!" R !,?5,"Do you want to delete? No//",X:DTIME S:X="" X="N" D VALCK^FBAAUTL1 G KILL:'VAL,AMTPD:"Nn"[$E(X) S DIK="^FBAAC("_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",1,"_DA(1)_",1," D WAIT^DICD,^DIK W !,?3,"" K DA,J,K,DIC,DIK,FBAACP,FBAADT,FBX S Y=0,FBDL=1 Q HELP1 W !!,"Enter a dollar amount that does not exceed the amount claimed.",!,"Entering an '^' will delete the payment.",! I FBAMTPD>0 W !,"Only the holder of the 'FBAASUPERVISOR' key may exceed the",!,"Fee Schedule.",! G AMTPD HELPPD W !!,*7,"Enter a dollar amount that does not exceed the amount claimed.",! G AMTPD Q ;print Confidential Communication address ;ADD^VADPT must be invoked before this call ;FBDFN -patient's DFN ;FBSTPOS - position to start print ;returns 0 if there is no active CC address ;returns 1 if active CCADR(FBSTPOS) ; N FBACT S FBACT=0 I '$D(VAPA(12)) Q 0 ;if D ADD^VADPT was not invoked before I 'VAERR D . S FBACT=$$ACTIVECC() . Q:'FBACT . W !!,"Confidential Communication address until: "_$P($G(VAPA(21)),U,2) . I $G(VAPA(13))]"" W !?FBSTPOS,"Line 1: ",$G(VAPA(13)) . I $G(VAPA(14))]"" W " Line 2: ",$G(VAPA(14)) . I $G(VAPA(15))]"" W !?FBSTPOS,"Line 3: ",$G(VAPA(15)) . W !?FBSTPOS,"City:",?9,$S($G(VAPA(16))]"":$G(VAPA(16)),1:" ") . W ?40,"State:",?47,$S($P($G(VAPA(17)),U,2)]"":$P($G(VAPA(17)),U,2),1:" ") . W !?FBSTPOS,"Zip:",?9,$P($G(VAPA(18)),U,2) . W ?20,"County:",?28,$P($G(VAPA(19)),U,2) Q $G(FBACT) ; ;is called after ADD^VADPT to verify whether confidential address is ;active or not to encapsulate the logic related to status of CC address ;input: VAPA ACTIVECC() ; Q (+$G(VAPA(12))=1)&($P($G(VAPA(22,3)),"^",3)="Y") ; ;edit confidential address ;returns 1 if CC address has been edited ;otherwise - 0 EDTCCADR() ; Q:'$G(DFN) 0 I FBEDPTAD(1)=0 D . N VAPA S VAPA("P")="" D ADD^VADPT S FBEDPTAD(1)=$$ISCCADR() I FBEDPTAD(1)'="N" D . W:FBEDPTAD(1)'="B" !!,"WARNING: The Confidential address is NOT active for the Billing Category." . S DIR("A")="Want to edit Confidential Address data" E S DIR("A")="Want to add Confidential Address data" W ! S DIR("B")="No",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR Q:($D(DIRUT)) 0 ;Registration API I Y D QUES^DGRPU1(+DFN,"ADD4") Q 1 Q 0 ; ;returns "B" if patient has any (active or inactive) CC address and billing category ;returns "Y" if patient has any (active or inactive) CC address with another category ;otherwise returns "N" ISCCADR() ; Q:($P($G(VAPA(22,3)),"^",3)="Y") "B" Q:'$O(VAPA(22,0)) "N" Q "Y" ; ;FBAACO0