FBAAUTL7 ;AISC/CMR,dmk,WCIOFO/SAB-UTILITY ROUTINE ;5/27/1999 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; SCPT ;set "AE" x-ref when SERVICE PROVIDED field is added or modified ; called by .01 field of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162 ; input ; X = new value of SERVICE PROVIDED (internal) ; DA = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple ; DA(3) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162 ; Q:'$G(X) N FBAADT,Y ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field from global S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),U) ; build sorted list of CPT modifers from the CPT MODIFIER multiple S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("^FBAAC("_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",1,"_DA(1)_",1,"_DA_",""M"")") ; set node in "AE" x-ref S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,X_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA)="" Q ; KCPT ;kill "AE" x-ref when SERVICE PROVIDED field is deleted or modified ; called by .01 field of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162 ; input ; X = old value of SERVICE PROVIDED (internal) ; DA = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple ; DA(3) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162 ; Q:'$G(X) N CPTM,FBAADT,Y ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field from global S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),U) ; kill all nodes in x-ref for this SERVICE PROVIDED entry (DA) ; Note: Deleting an entry in the SERVICE PROVIDED multiple will ; cause the x-ref kill logic of the CPT MODIFIER sub-multiple to be ; executed for each modifer before any global updates take place. ; Therefore, there can be several nodes to delete by the time the ; SERVICE PROVIDED field kill logic is run since each CPT MODIFIER ; kill logic will have set a node for any remaining modifiers. S CPTM="" F S CPTM=$O(^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,CPTM)) Q:CPTM="" D . I $D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,CPTM,DA)) K ^(DA) Q ; SMOD ;set "AE" x-ref when CPT MODIFIER is added or modified ; called by .01 field of CPT MODIFIER multiple in file 162 ; input ; X = new value of CPT MODIFIER (internal) ; DA = IEN of entry in CPT MODIFIER multiple ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple ; DA(3) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple ; DA(4) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162 ; Q:'$G(X) N FBAADT,FBAACP,FBMODA,Y ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),0),U) ; obtain current value of SERVICE PROVIDED field S FBAACP=$P($G(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0)),U) ; obtain array of modifiers in global for CPT MODIFIER multiple D MODDATA^FBAAUTL4(DA(4),DA(3),DA(2),DA(1)) ; ; when a new/changed modifier is entered, the x-ref that previously ; existed will need to be deleted. ; remove node associated with new/changed modifier from array K FBMODA(DA) ; build sorted list of modifiers without the new/changed modifier S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA") ; kill existing x-ref node (if any) for the service K:$D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))) ^(DA(1)) ; ; now create a node in the x-ref for the new/changed value ; add new/changed modifier to modifier array S FBMODA(DA)=X ; build sorted list of all modifiers S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA") ; set x-ref node S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_"-"_Y,DA(1))="" Q ; KMOD ;kill "AE" x-ref when CPT MODIFIER is deleted or modified ; called by .01 field of CPT MODIFIER multiple in file 162 ; input ; X = old value of CPT MODIFIER (internal) ; DA = IEN of entry in CPT MODIFIER multiple ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple ; DA(3) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple ; DA(4) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162 ; Q:'$G(X) N FBAADT,FBAACP,FBMODA,Y ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),0),U) ; obtain current value of SERVICE PROVIDED field S FBAACP=$P($G(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0)),U) ; obtain array of modifiers in global for CPT MODIFIER multiple D MODDATA^FBAAUTL4(DA(4),DA(3),DA(2),DA(1)) ; ; if a CPT modifier was deleted or changed then we need to delete ; the x-ref for the old value ; overwrite node in array for the deleted/changed CPT modifier since ; the global may have already been updated S FBMODA(DA)=X ; build sorted list of CPT modifiers S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA") ; kill existing x-ref node K:$D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))) ^(DA(1)) ; ; if a CPT modifier was deleted then we need to set a x-ref node for ; procedure and any remaining modifiers. Note that during a change ; the set logic is run after the kill logic and it will delete the ; x-ref node created here before setting a node for the new value. ; remove deleted/changed modifier from array K FBMODA(DA) ; build sorted list of remaining modifiers S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("FBMODA") ; set x-ref node S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))="" Q ; ;FBAAUTL7