FBAAUVC ;WOIFO/SAB-UPDATE VENDOR CODES ;11/27/2000 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**24**;JAN 30, 1995 ;This routine may be tasked (or directly called) from the patch ;FB*3.5*24 post install routine. Q ; ENQ ; Tasked Entry Point N FBERR D UPDPART D UPDSPEC Q ; UPDPART ;Update Selected Participation Code(s) ;May also be directly called from FBXIP24 N FBCODE,FBDA,FBFDA,FBI,FBNAME,FBX,X,Y K FBERR ; ; update Part Codes K FBFDA ; loop thru Part Codes F FBI=1:1 S FBX=$P($T(PART+FBI),";;",2) Q:FBX="END" D . S FBCODE=$P(FBX,U) . S FBNAME=$P(FBX,U,2) . Q:FBCODE="" . ; . ; locate Part Code in file . S FBDA=$$FIND1^DIC(161.81,"","X",FBCODE,"C") . ; . ; if PART CODE found then check and if necessary add to update array . I FBDA D . . I $$GET1^DIQ(161.81,FBDA_",",.01)=FBNAME Q . . S FBFDA(161.81,FBDA_",",.01)=FBNAME . ; . ; if Part Code not found then add it . I 'FBDA D . . N DA,DD,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO,DO,X . . S DIC="^FBAA(161.81,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=161.81 . . S X=FBNAME Q:X="" . . S DIC("DR")="1////^S X=FBCODE" . . I +FBCODE,'$D(^FBAA(161.81,+FBCODE,0)) S DINUM=+FBCODE . . D FILE^DICN . . I Y<0 S FBERR(FBCODE)="" ; ; actually update the found Part Codes I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; Q ; PART ;austin code^name for Participation Code(s) ;;15^DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ;;END ; UPDSPEC ;Update Selected Specialty Code(s) ;May also be directly called from FBXIP24 N FBCODE,FBDA,FBFDA,FBI,FBNAME,FBX,X,Y K FBERR ; ; update Specialty Code(s) K FBFDA ; loop thru Specialties F FBI=1:1 S FBX=$P($T(SPEC+FBI),";;",2) Q:FBX="END" D . S FBCODE=$P(FBX,U) . S FBNAME=$P(FBX,U,2) . Q:FBCODE="" . ; . ; locate Specialty Code in file . S FBDA=$$FIND1^DIC(161.6,"","X",FBCODE,"C") . ; . ; if Spec Code found then check and if necessary add to update array . I FBDA D . . I $$GET1^DIQ(161.6,FBDA_",",.01)=FBNAME Q . . S FBFDA(161.6,FBDA_",",.01)=FBNAME . ; . ; if Specialty Code not found then add it . I 'FBDA D . . N DA,DD,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO,DO,X . . S DIC="^FBAA(161.6,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=161.6 . . S X=FBNAME Q:X="" . . S DIC("DR")="1////^S X=FBCODE" . . D FILE^DICN . . I Y<0 S FBERR(FBCODE)="" ; ; actually update the found Specialty Codes I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; Q ; SPEC ;;austin code^name for Specialty Code(s) ;;53^CHIROPRACTIC ;;END ; ;FBAAUVC