FBAAVD3 ;WCIOFO/SAB-EDIT VENDOR FPDS DATA ;10/6/97 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**9,10**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. RDV ; ask vendor D GETVEN^FBAAUTL1 G:IFN="" EXIT S DA=IFN ; display vendor ;D EN1^FBAAVD ; check vendor I $D(^FBAA(161.25,"AF",DA)) D G RDV . ; linked vendor . W !,"Current vendor information is pending Austin processing." . W !,"Use the Display/Edit Vendor option if changes need to be made." I $D(^FBAA(161.25,DA,0)),$P(^(0),U,5)]"" D G RDV . ; awaiting reply from Austin . W !,"Current vendor information is pending Austin processing." . W !,"Use the Display/Edit Vendor option if changes need to be made." I $P($G(^FBAAV(DA,"ADEL")),U)="Y" D G RDV . W !,"Vendor has been deleted." . W !,"Use the Display/Edit Vendor option if changes need to be made." ; lock vendor L +^FBAAV(DA):5 I '$T D G RDV . W !,"Vendor is being accessed by another user." . W !,"Please try again later." ; save current FPDS data S FBBT("O")=$P($G(^FBAAV(DA,1)),U,10) D GETGRP^FBAAUTL6(DA) ; edit vendor FPDS data S DIE="^FBAAV(",DR="24;S FBBT=X;25;S:$$VGRP^FBAAUTL6(D0) Y=24" D ^DIE K DIE ; if data changed store in 161.25 I $P($G(^FBAAV(DA,1)),U,10)'=FBBT("O")!$$GRPDIF^FBAAUTL6(DA) D . Q:$D(^FBAA(161.25,DA,0)) ; already queued, all actions inc. FPDS data . ; add to file 161.25 with action of F . S FBT="F",FBIEN1=DA,FEEO="" D SETGL^FBAAVD . K FBT,FBIEN1,FEEO ; unlock vendor L -^FBAAV(DA) ; G RDV EXIT ; K DA,DIE,DR,IFN,FBBT,FBSG Q