FBAAVD4 ;AISC/CLT, Special routine for entering/inactivating/deleting NPI in file 161.2; ; 19 Sep 2006 12:31 PM ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**98**;30-JAN-95;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine will ask for the NPI, check for proper format, check for duplicate entries ;check for proper format using the double-add-double formula. If the NPI is being ;deleted it will check if it is being deleted because of a valid NPI being removed for some ;other reason. If it is being deleted because of an erroneous entry it will be completely deleted. ; If it is a valid NPI being deleted because of a possible inappropriate usage it will be maintained ; in the history cross reference to preclude anyone from using this NPI again. ; EN ;Routine primary entry point ; N DIR,DUOUT,DTOUT,FBIEN,FBRTN,FBNPI,X,Y,FBCHECK,FBOLDNPI,FBRBNPI,DIE,DIC,DR S FBIEN=DA,FBRTN="" I $G(DA) S:$P($G(^FBAAV(DA,3)),U,2)'="" (DIR("B"),FBOLDNPI)=$P($G(^FBAAV(DA,3)),U,2) EN1 S DIR(0)="FO^10:10",DIR("A")="BILLING PROVIDER NPI",DIR("?")="Enter a 10 digit National Provider Identifier" S:'$G(DTIME) DIR("T")=600 S FBCHECK=0 D ^DIR G:$G(DUOUT)!$G(DTOUT) XIT G:X="@" DEL I X=""!(X=$P($G(^FBAAV(FBIEN,3)),U,2)) G XIT I Y="" S:$G(FBOLDNPI) FBNPI=FBOLDNPI G XIT S FBNPI=Y I '$$CHKDGT^XUSNPI(FBNPI) D BADCHK G EN1 I $$DUP^FBNPILK(FBNPI)'=""&(FBRTN'=DA) K DIR("A") G EN1 I $G(FBOLDNPI)'="" I FBNPI'=FBOLDNPI D INACT D:FBNPI'="" ACTIVATE G XIT ; BADCHK ;BACK CHECK DIGIT ON THE NPI W !,*7,"Not a valid NPI. Please try again." Q ; ACTIVATE ;CREATE AN ACTIVATED ENTRY IN MULTIPLE NPI FIELD Q:$G(FBNPI)="" S DA(1)=FBIEN,DIC="^FBAAV("_DA(1)_",""NPI"",",DIC(0)="L",X=$$NOW^XLFDT() H 1 S DIC("DR")=".02////^S X=1;.03////^S X=FBNPI;.04////^S X=DUZ" D ^DIC S $P(^FBAAV(FBIEN,3),U,2)=FBNPI,^FBAAV("NPI",FBNPI,FBIEN)="",^FBAAV("NPIHISTORY",FBNPI,FBIEN)="" Q ; DEL ;NPI HAS BEEN DELETED ;If the user deletes the NPI this subroutine will determine why it was deleted and if it was because it was found ;in a false identity situation will not allow it to be deleted, but removed to history to never be used again. I $P($G(^FBAAV(DA,3)),U,2)="" W " ??",$C(7) Q S FBNPI=DIR("B") K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure you wish to delete this NPI",DIR("?")="You have indicated you wish to delete the NPI. This is a second chance check." D ^DIR G:$G(Y)=0 XIT S DIR(0)="S^E:ERROR;V:VALID",DIR("A")="Was this a Valid NPI or an NPI entered in Error",DIR("?",1)="An example of an NPI entered in error is if the entry person transposes numbers," S DIR("?",2)="or the NPI for one provider is accidentally assigned to a different provider." S DIR("?")="Enter a 'E' for Error or a 'V' for Valid." D ^DIR D:$G(Y)="E" COMP I $G(Y)="V" S FBCHECK=3 D INACT Q ; COMP ;COMPLETELY DELETE THE NPI ;This subroutine will delete the NPI from the NPI and NPIHISTORY cross references. It make an entry in the ;NPI multiple field within a vendor record to indicate that the NPI has been deleted. K ^FBAAV("NPI",FBNPI,DA),^FBAAV("NPIHISTORY",FBNPI,DA) S DA(1)=FBIEN,DIC="^FBAAV("_DA(1)_",""NPI"",",DIC(0)="L",X=$$NOW^XLFDT() S FBRB=0 D ; Find the most recent status '0' (inactive) NPI entry in the list that was not later made status '2' (deleted). . N FBRBLST,FBRBTMP . ; Don't want to roll back to the same number you are deleting. . S FBRBLST(FBNPI)="" . S FBRBTMP=$P(^FBAAV(FBIEN,"NPI",0),U,3) . ; Go through each entry in reverse order . F S FBRBTMP=$O(^FBAAV(FBIEN,"NPI",FBRBTMP),-1) Q:'FBRBTMP D Q:FBRB'=0 .. S FBRBLST=^FBAAV(FBIEN,"NPI",FBRBTMP,0) .. ; If this is an 'active' entry then ignore it. .. I $P(FBRBLST,U,2)=1 Q .. ; If this is a 'deleted' entry then store the NPI for later comparison to any 'inactive' entries found. .. I $P(FBRBLST,U,2)=2 S FBRBLST($P(FBRBLST,U,3))="" Q .. ; If this is an 'inactive' entry and there is no 'deleted' entry then report it. .. I $P(FBRBLST,U,2)=0,'$D(FBRBLST($P(FBRBLST,U,3))) S FBRB=FBRBTMP Q .. Q . Q S DIC("DR")=".02////^S X=2;.03////^S X=FBOLDNPI;.04////^S X=DUZ" D ^DIC S ^FBAAV(DA,3)="^" W !,"This NPI has been deleted.",! I FBRB>0 D ROLLBACK Q ; INACT ;INACTIVATE AN ENTRY ;This subroutine makes two entries in the NPI multiple field. One for the activation of a new NPI and the second ;is the deactivation of the old NPI. S DA(1)=FBIEN,DIC="^FBAAV("_DA(1)_",""NPI"",",DIC(0)="L",X=$$NOW^XLFDT() S DIC("DR")=".02////^S X=$S(FBCHECK=2:2,FBCHECK=3:0,1:0);.03////^S X=FBOLDNPI;.04////^S X=DUZ" D ^DIC S ^FBAAV("NPIHISTORY",FBOLDNPI,DA(1))="" K ^FBAAV("NPI",FBOLDNPI,DA(1)) S $P(^FBAAV(FBIEN,3),U,2)="" I FBCHECK=0 D ACTIVATE S ^FBAAV("NPIHISTORY",FBNPI,DA(1))="" Q ; ROLLBACK ;ROLL BACK TO THE PREVIOUS NPI AFTER AN NPI IS DELETED S (FBNPI,FBRBNPI)=$P(^FBAAV(FBIEN,"NPI",FBRB,0),U,3) S $P(^FBAAV(DA(1),3),U,2)=FBRBNPI,^FBAAV("NPI",FBRBNPI,DA(1))="" H 1 D ACTIVATE Q ; XIT ;CLEAN AND EXIT K FBRTN,FBRB,FBNPI,FBBT Q