FBCHFA ;WOIFO/SAB-FILE ADJUSTMENTS FOR CH/CNH PAYMENT ;9/9/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**61**;JAN 30, 1995 Q FILEADJ(FBIENS,FBADJ) ; File Adjustments ; ; Input ; FBIENS - required, internal entry numbers for file 162.5 ; in standard format as specified for FileMan DBS calls ; FBADJ - required, array passed by reference ; array of adjustments to file ; array does not have to contain any data or be defined ; format ; FBADJ(#)=FBADJR^FBADJG^FBADJA ; where ; # = sequentially assigned number starting with 1 ; FBADJR = adjustment reason (internal value file 162.91) ; FBADJG = adjustment group (internal value file 162.92) ; FBADJA = adjustment amount (dollar value) ; Output ; Data in File 162.5 will be modified ; N FB,FBFDA,FBHIGH,FBI,FBMSR,FBSC,FBSIENS,FBTAS ; ; delete adjustment reasons currently on file D GETS^DIQ(162.5,FBIENS,"58*","","FB") K FBFDA S FBSIENS="" F S FBSIENS=$O(FB(162.558,FBSIENS)) Q:FBSIENS="" D . S FBFDA(162.558,FBSIENS,.01)="@" I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; ; delete suspend data currently on file K FBFDA S FBFDA(162.5,FBIENS,9)="@" S FBFDA(162.5,FBIENS,10)="@" I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; ; delete description of suspension currently on file D WP^DIE(162.5,FBIENS,18,,"@") ; ; compute total amount suspended and determine most significant reason ; loop thru reasons S (FBTAS,FBI,FBHIGH)=0,FBMSR="" F S FBI=$O(FBADJ(FBI)) Q:'FBI D . N FBADJA . ; get adjustment amount for reason . S FBADJA=$P(FBADJ(FBI),U,3) . ; add amount to total . S FBTAS=FBTAS+FBADJA . ; check if reason has largest absolute $ impact . I $FN(FBADJA,"-")>$G(FBHIGH) S FBMSR=FBI,FBHIGH=$FN(FBADJA,"-") ; I +FBTAS=0 Q ; quit since total amount suspended is 0 ; ; file adjustments from input array K FBFDA S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(FBADJ(FBI)) Q:'FBI D . S FBFDA(162.558,"+"_FBI_","_FBIENS,.01)=$P(FBADJ(FBI),U) . S FBFDA(162.558,"+"_FBI_","_FBIENS,1)=$P(FBADJ(FBI),U,2) . S FBFDA(162.558,"+"_FBI_","_FBIENS,2)=+$P(FBADJ(FBI),U,3) I $D(FBFDA) D UPDATE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; ; file derived suspend data K FBFDA S FBFDA(162.5,FBIENS,9)=FBTAS I FBMSR,$P(FBADJ(FBMSR),U) S FBSC=$$GET1^DIQ(161.91,$P(FBADJ(FBMSR),U),3) I '$G(FBSC) S FBSC=4 S FBFDA(162.5,FBIENS,10)=FBSC I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") ; ; if suspend code = 4 (other) then file description of suspension I FBSC=4,FBMSR,$P(FBADJ(FBMSR),U) D WP^DIE(162.5,FBIENS,18,,"^FB(161.91,"_$P(FBADJ(FBMSR),U)_",4)") D MSG^DIALOG() ; Q ; LOADADJ(FBIENS,FBADJ) ; Load Adjustments ; Input ; FBIENS - required, internal entry numbers for subfile 162.5 ; in standard format as specified for FileMan DBS calls ; FBADJ - required, array passed by reference ; array to load adjustments into ; Output ; FBADJ - the FBADJ input array passed by reference will be modified ; format ; FBADJ(#)=FBADJR^FBADJG^FBADJA ; where ; # = sequentially assigned number starting with 1 ; FBADJR = adjustment reason (internal value file 162.91) ; FBADJG = adjustment group (internal value file 162.92) ; FBADJA = adjustment amount (dollar value) ; if no adjustments are on file then the array will be ; undefined N FB,FBC,FBI,FBSIENS ; K FBADJ ; S FBC=0 D GETS^DIQ(162.5,FBIENS,"58*","I","FB") D MSG^DIALOG() S FBSIENS="" F S FBSIENS=$O(FB(162.558,FBSIENS)) Q:FBSIENS="" D . S FBC=FBC+1 . S FBADJ(FBC)=FB(162.558,FBSIENS,.01,"I") . S FBADJ(FBC)=FBADJ(FBC)_U_FB(162.558,FBSIENS,1,"I") . S FBADJ(FBC)=FBADJ(FBC)_U_FB(162.558,FBSIENS,2,"I") ; Q ; ADJLRA(FBIENS) ; Adjustment Reason^Amount List Extrinsic Function ; Input ; FBIENS - required, internal entry number for file 162.5 ; in standard format as specified for FileMan DBS calls ; Result ; string containing sorted list (by external code) of reason^amounts ; format ; FBADJE 1, FBADJE 2^FBADJA 1,FBADJA2 ; where ; FBADJE = adjustment reason code (external value) ; FBADJA = adjustment amount N FBRET,FBADJ,FBADJL,FBADJLA,FBADJLR D LOADADJ^FBCHFA(FBIENS,.FBADJ) S FBADJL=$$ADJL^FBUTL2(.FBADJ) S FBADJLR=$$ADJLR^FBUTL2(FBADJL) S FBADJLA=$$ADJLA^FBUTL2(FBADJL) S FBRET=FBADJLR_U_FBADJLA Q FBRET ; ;FBCHFA