FBFHLD9 ;OIFO/SAB-GET DATA FOR INPATIENT INVOICE ;9/9/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**61**;JULY 18, 2003 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; EN ; ; input ; FBAAIN - invoice number ; output ; If transaction type = "X" then only * items are output ; Claim Level Data ; FBD(0,"AMT") = Amount Disbursed^Amount Interest ; *FBD(0,"CAN") = Cancel Date^Cancel Reason^Cancel Activity ; FBD(0,"DAYS) = Covered Days ; FBD(0,"DRG") = DRG^DRG Weight ; FBD(0,"DT") = Invoice Date ; *FBD(0,"FPPS") = FPPS Claim ID ; *FBD(0,"INV") = Invoice #^Transaction Type^Station # ; ; Line Level Data ; FBD(1,"ADJ") = AdjReason1^AdjGrp1^AdjAmt1 ; FBD(1,"AMT") = Amount Claimed^Amount Paid ; FBD(1,"CK") = Check Number^Check Date^Payment Method ; FBD(1,"DT") = Start Date^End Date ; FBD(1,"FPPS") = FPPS Line Item ; FBD(1,"RMK") = Remittance Remark1,Remittance Remark2 ; ; If exceptions for invoice ; ^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN,seq number)=message ; If warnings for invoice ; ^TMP($J,"FBW",FBAAIN,seq number)=message ; ; initialize variables N DA,FBC,FBI,FBIENS,FBSTA,FBTTYP,FBY K FBD ; S DA=FBAAIN S FBIENS=DA_"," F FBI=0,2,3,"FBREJ" S FBY(FBI)=$G(^FBAAI(DA,FBI)) Q:'$$CKLNST() ; skip line if status not OK to transmit S FBC=1 D INVOICE I FBTTYP="C" D LINE Q ; INVOICE ; determine invoice data ; FBD(0,"AMT") = Amount Disbursed^Amount Interest ; FBD(0,"CAN") = Cancel Date^Cancel Reason^Cancel Activity ; FBD(0,"DAYS") ; FBD(0,"DRG") ; FBD(0,"DT") = Invoice Date ; FBD(0,"FPPS") = FPPS Claim ID ; FBD(0,"INV") = Invoice #^Transaction Type^Station # ; FBSTA = station number ; FBTTYP = transaction type (C or X) ; N FBDT,FBOB,FBX ; determine Transaction Type (based on CANCELLATION DATE) S FBTTYP=$S($P(FBY(2),U,5)]"":"X",1:"C") ; ; determine station number S FBSTA=$$STANO^FBFHLU($P(FBY(0),U,17)) ; ;INV S FBD(0,"INV")=FBAAIN_U_FBTTYP_U_FBSTA ; ;FPPS S FBD(0,"FPPS")=$P(FBY(3),U) ; ;CAN ; if cancel then get cancel data I FBTTYP="X" D Q . S FBD(0,"CAN")=$P(FBY(2),U,5)_U_$$GET1^DIQ(162.5,FBIENS,"50:1")_U_$P(FBY(2),U,7) ; ;AMT S FBD(0,"AMT")="0^0" ; initialize sums ; ;DT ; determine invoice date ; (date finalized or date paid or date supervisor closed batch) S FBDT=$P(FBY(0),U,16) ; date finalized I FBDT="" S FBDT=$P(FBY(2),U) ; date paid I FBDT="",$P(FBY(0),U,17) S FBDT=$P(^FBAA(161.7,$P(FBY(0),U,17),0),U,6) ; date supv closed S FBD(0,"DT")=FBDT ; ;DAYS S FBD(0,"DAYS")=+$P(FBY(2),U,10) ; ;DRG S FBX=$$GET1^DIQ(162.5,FBIENS,24) I $E(FBX,1,3)="DRG" S FBX=$E(FBX,4,999) S FBD(0,"DRG")=FBX_U_$P(FBY(2),U,12) ; Q ; LINE ; FBC ; FBD(#,"ADJ") = AdjReason1^AdjGrp1^AdjAmt1 ; FBD(#,"AMT") = Amount Claimed^Amount Paid ; FBD(#,"CK") = Check Number^Check Date^Payment Method ; FBD(#,"DT") = Start Date^End Date ; FBD(#,"FPPS") = FPPS Line Item ; FBD(#,"RMK") = Remittance Remark1^Remittance Remark2 ; N FBADJ ; ;FPPS S FBD(FBC,"FPPS")=$P(FBY(3),U,2) ; ;DT S FBD(FBC,"DT")=$P(FBY(0),U,6)_U_$P(FBY(0),U,7) ; ;AMT S FBD(FBC,"AMT")=$P(FBY(0),U,8)_U_$P(FBY(0),U,9) ; ;ADJ D LOADADJ^FBCHFA(FBIENS,.FBADJ) I $D(FBADJ) S FBD(FBC,"ADJ")=$$ADJL^FBUTL2(.FBADJ) ; ;RMK S FBD(FBC,"RMK")=$$RRL^FBCHFR(FBIENS) ; ;CK S FBD(FBC,"CK")=$P(FBY(2),U,4)_U_$P(FBY(2),U)_U_$$PAYMETH^FBFHLU($P(FBY(2),U,4)) ; ;CAMT ; add disbursed and interest amounts to claim (0) level ; note - disbursed amount on file includes the interest ; since FPPS wants it w/o interest - interest is subtracted S $P(FBD(0,"AMT"),U)=$P(FBD(0,"AMT"),U)+($P(FBY(2),U,8)-$P(FBY(2),U,9)) S $P(FBD(0,"AMT"),U,2)=$P(FBD(0,"AMT"),U,2)+$P(FBY(2),U,9) Q ; CKLNST() ; check line status extrinsic function ; result (0 or 1) ; 0 when line should not be sent to FPPS ; 1 when line should be sent to FPPS N FBRET S FBRET=1 ; ; check if rejected line I $P(FBY("FBREJ"),U)]"" S FBRET=0 ; Q FBRET ; ;FBFHLD9