FBFHLX ;WOIFO/SAB-TRANSMIT HL7 MESSAGES TO FPPS ;10/8/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**61**;JULY 18, 2003 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; EN ; Entry Point ; may be called by scheduled option as non-interactive task ; may be called by user menu option as interactive task ; N FBMODE,FBQUIT S FBQUIT=0 ; ; Determine Mode - (A)LL PENDING or BY SELECTED (I)NVOICE I $E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" S FBMODE="A" ; non-interactive is always ALL I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D . ; ask mode . W !,"This option transmits HL7 messages to FPPS for EDI invoices." . S DIR(0)="S^I:By Specified Invoice;A:All Pending Invoices" . S DIR("A")="Select Transmission Option" . S DIR("?",1)="Enter I to transmit a single invoice or A to transmit" . S DIR("?",2)="all pending invoices. If I is entered then you will be" . S DIR("?",3)="asked to select the invoice." . S DIR("?",4)="" . S DIR("?")="Enter a code from the list." . D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S FBQUIT=1 Q . S FBMODE=Y . ; confirm all . I FBMODE="A" D . . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Transmit all pending invoices now" . . D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!$D(DIRUT) S FBQUIT=1 Q Q:FBQUIT ; I FBMODE="A" D ALL I FBMODE="I" D BYINV ; Q ; ALL ; Transmit All Pending Invoices (interactive and non-interactive) ; input ; FBQUIT - boolean value (0 or 1), true if process should stop ; output ; FBQUIT - may change value ; N FBCNT,FBERR,FBHL,FBQDA,FBSTA,FBTTYP,FBXL,FBXMIT,HLFS,HLECH ; ; init S FBXL=20 ; last line used for message text (save 20 lines for header) S FBCNT("PENDT")=0 ; count of pending invoices that were transmitted S FBCNT("PENDE")=0 ; count of pending invoices that had exception ; ; save time that process started S FBXMIT("START")=$$NOW^XLFDT() I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W !!,"Starting Process..." ; ; initialize HL variables D INIT^HLFNC2("FB FEE TO FPPS EVENT",.FBHL) I $G(FBHL) D . S FBQUIT=1 . D PTXT^FBFHLX1(.FBXL,"Error: Unable to initialize HL variables.") . D PTXT^FBFHLX1(.FBXL,FBHL) E D . S HLFS=FBHL("FS") . S HLECH=FBHL("ECH") ; ; check for transmitted invoices w/o commit ACK S FBXMIT("ACK")=$$NOW^XLFDT() I 'FBQUIT,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W !!,"Checking for acknowledgements..." I 'FBQUIT D CHKACK^FBFHLX1 ; S FBXMIT("SEND")=$$NOW^XLFDT() I 'FBQUIT,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W !!,"Transmitting Pending Invoices..." ; loop thru pending invoices and transmit S FBQDA=0 F S FBQDA=$O(^FBHL(163.5,"AC",0,FBQDA)) Q:'FBQDA!FBQUIT D . ; check for taskman quit request . I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,FBQUIT=1 Q . ; try to transmit invoice . D INVOICE . ; update counters based on result . I FBERR S FBCNT("PENDE")=FBCNT("PENDE")+1 . E S FBCNT("PENDT")=FBCNT("PENDT")+1 ; ; save time that process ended S FBXMIT("END")=$$NOW^XLFDT() I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W !!,"Process complete. Sending Summary Message to G.FEE..." ; ; build and send summary mail message to G.FEE D SUMMSG^FBFHLX1 ; ; clean-up K ^TMP($J,"FBE"),^TMP($J,"FBNA"),^TMP($J,"FBW"),^TMP($J,"FBX") ; Q ; BYINV ; Transmit Selected Invoices (interactive) ; N FBAAIN,FBERR,FBHL,FBQDA,FBSTA,FBTTYP,FBX,HLFS,HLECH ; ; initialize HL variables D INIT^HLFNC2("FB FEE TO FPPS EVENT",.FBHL) I $G(FBHL) D Q . W !,$C(7),"ERROR: Couldn't initialize HL variables!" . W !,FBHL S HLFS=FBHL("FS") S HLECH=FBHL("ECH") ; ; select invoice F Q:FBQUIT D . S DIC="^FBHL(163.5,",DIC(0)="AEQM" . D ^DIC I Y'>0 S FBQUIT=1 Q . S FBQDA=+Y . ; . ; get invoice number and switch to last entry for invoice . S FBAAIN=$P($G(^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA,0)),U) . S FBQDA=$$LAST^FBFHLU(FBAAIN) . I 'FBQDA W !,"Error, invalid data for invoice ",FBAAIN," in file 163.5" Q . S FBQY=$G(^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA,0)) . ; . ; confirm . S FBX=$S($P(FBQY,U,3)=0:"",1:"re-") . S DIR(0)="Y" . S DIR("A")="Do you want to "_FBX_"transmit invoice "_FBAAIN . D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) FBQUIT=1 I 'Y Q . ; . ; if re-transmit then create a new pending entry for invoice . I FBX="re-" D . . D FILEQUE^FBFHLL(FBAAIN,$P(FBQY,U,2)) . . S FBQDA=$$LAST^FBFHLU(FBAAIN) . . I FBQDA S FBQY=$G(^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA,0)) . . E S FBQY="" . ; . ; check that pending entry was added . I FBX="re-",$P(FBQY,U,3)'=0 D Q . . W !,"Error adding entry to file 163.5. Can't re-transmit invoice." . ; . ; transmit specified invoice . D INVOICE . ; . ; report success or failure of transmit . I FBERR=0 W !,"Invoice has been transmitted to the HL7 package.",!! . I FBERR=1 D . . N FBL . . W $C(7),!,"Problems prevented transmission of the invoice." . . S FBL=0 F S FBL=$O(^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN,FBL)) Q:'FBL D . . . W !," ",$G(^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN,FBL)) . . W ! . ; . ; clean up after transmit . K ^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN) . K ^TMP($J,"FBW",FBAAIN) ; Q ; INVOICE ; transmit invoice ; input ; FBQDA - ien of entry in file 163.5 to transmit, required ; output ; FBERR - error flag (0 or 1), true if error prevented transmit ; FBSTA - station number in transmitted message (may be null if err) ; FBTTYP - transaction type in transmitted message (may be null) ; ^TMP($J,"FBE",invoice number,#) - any exceptions ; ^TMP($J,"FBW",invoice number,#) - any warnings ; ; N FBAAIN,FBD,FBFILE,FBRESULT,FBQY ; ; initialize S FBERR=0 S FBSTA="" S FBTTYP="" ; ; check for required input I '$G(FBQDA) S FBERR=1 Q ; ; lock record L +^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA):10 I '$T D Q . S FBERR=1 . S FBAAIN=+$P($G(^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA,0)),U) . I FBAAIN D POST^FBFHLU(FBAAIN,"E","Couldn't Lock Entry "_FBQDA_" in File 163.5.") ; ; get invoice number and file number I 'FBERR D . N FBQY . S FBQY=$G(^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA,0)) . S FBAAIN=+$P(FBQY,U) . I 'FBAAIN D . . S FBERR=1 . . D POST^FBFHLU(0,"E","Couldn't determine invoice # for entry "_FBQDA_" in file 163.5.") . Q:FBERR . S FBFILE=$P(FBQY,U,2) . I "^3^5^9^"'[(U_FBFILE_U) D . . S FBERR=1 . . D POST^FBFHLU(FBAAIN,"E","Invalid File # for entry "_FBQDA_" in file 163.5.") ; ; gather invoice data I 'FBERR D @("EN^FBFHLD"_FBFILE) I $D(^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN)) S FBERR=1 S FBTTYP=$P($G(FBD(0,"INV")),U,2) S FBSTA=$P($G(FBD(0,"INV")),U,3) ; ; build HL segments I 'FBERR D EN^FBFHLS I $D(^TMP($J,"FBE",FBAAIN)) S FBERR=1 ; ; generate HL message I 'FBERR D . K FBRESULT . D GENERATE^HLMA("FB FEE TO FPPS EVENT","GM",1,.FBRESULT) . I +$P(FBRESULT,U,2) D . . S FBERR=1 . . D POST^FBFHLU(FBAAIN,"E","HL ERR:"_$P(FBRESULT,U,3)) ; ; update file 163.5 I 'FBERR D . N FBFDA . S FBFDA(163.5,FBQDA_",",2)="1" ; set status = transmitted . S FBFDA(163.5,FBQDA_",",3)=$P(FBRESULT,U) ; message ID . S FBFDA(163.5,FBQDA_",",4)=$$NOW^XLFDT() ; message date/time . S FBFDA(163.5,FBQDA_",",5)=FBTTYP ; transaction type . S FBFDA(163.5,FBQDA_",",6)=FBSTA ; station number . I $D(FBFDA) D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") . ; . ; store HL segments in word-processing field . D MOVEHL . D WP^DIE(163.5,FBQDA_",",7,"","^TMP($J,""FBHLSEG"")") . K ^TMP($J,"FBHLSEG") ; ; unlock record L -^FBHL(163.5,FBQDA) ; ; clean-up K ^TMP("HLS",$J) Q ; MOVEHL ; Copy HL segment data into word-processing style array ; input ; ^TMP("HLS",$J, array ; output ; ^TMP($J,"HLSEG",#)=line of text ; there will be a blank line after each segment ; N FBI,FBII,FBL K ^TMP($J,"FBHLSEG") S FBL=0 S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^TMP("HLS",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI D . S FBL=FBL+1,^TMP($J,"FBHLSEG",FBL)=$G(^TMP("HLS",$J,FBI)) . S FBII=0 F S FBII=$O(^TMP("HLS",$J,FBI,FBII)) Q:'FBII D . . S FBL=FBL+1,^TMP($J,"FBHLSEG",FBL)=$G(^TMP("HLS",$J,FBI,FBII)) . S FBL=FBL+1,^TMP($J,"FBHLSEG",FBL)="" Q ; ;FBFHLX