FBFPTR ;WOIFO/SAB-FPPS TRANSMIT REPORT ;9/8/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**61**;JAN 30, 1995 ; W !,"This option generates a report of transmissions to FPPS for a date range.",! ; ask start date S DIR(0)="D^::EX",DIR("A")="From Date" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S FBDT1=Y ; ; ask end date S DIR(0)="DA^"_FBDT1_":"_DT_":EX",DIR("A")="To Date: " D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S FBDT2=Y ; ; ask device S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) D G EXIT . S ZTRTN="QEN^FBFPTR",ZTDESC="FPPS Transmit Report" . F FBX="FBDT*" S ZTSAVE(FBX)="" . D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK ; QEN ; queued entry U IO ; GATHER ; collect and sort data S FBQUIT=0 ; initialize totals array K FBT ; ; loop thru MESSAGE DATE/TIME x-ref by date and process transmissions S FBC=0 ; initialize count of records processed S FBDT=FBDT1 F S FBDT=$O(^FBHL(163.5,"AMD",FBDT)) Q:FBDT=""!($P(FBDT,".")>FBDT2) D Q:FBQUIT . S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(^FBHL(163.5,"AMD",FBDT,FBDA)) Q:'FBDA D Q:FBQUIT . . S FBC=FBC+1 ; increment count of records processed . . ; if tasked then check for stop request . . I $D(ZTQUEUED),FBC\1000,$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,FBQUIT=1 Q . . ; get data . . S FBY=$G(^FBHL(163.5,FBDA,0)) . . S FBFILE=$P(FBY,U,2) ; invoice file number . . I FBFILE="" S FBFILE="U" . . S FBTTYP=$P(FBY,U,6) ; transaction type . . I FBTTYP="" S FBTTYP="U" . . S FBSTA=" "_$P(FBY,U,7) ; station number . . I FBSTA=" " S FBSTA=" UNK" . . ; add to transmitted total . . S $P(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,FBTTYP),U)=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,FBTTYP)),U)+1 . . ; if accepted by interface engine then add to accepted total . . I $P(FBY,U,8)="A" S $P(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,FBTTYP),U,2)=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,FBTTYP)),U,2)+1 ; PRINT ; report data S FBPG=0 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S FBDTR=Y K FBDL S FBDL="",$P(FBDL,"-",IOM)="" ; ; build page header text for selection criteria S FBHDT(1)=" For "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(FBDT1)_" through "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(FBDT2) ; D HD ; I 'FBQUIT,'$D(FBT) W !,"No invoices were transmitted during specified period." ; I 'FBQUIT,$D(FBT) D RSUM ; I FBQUIT W !!,"REPORT STOPPED AT USER REQUEST" ; I 'FBQUIT,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR D ^%ZISC ; EXIT ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K FBC,FBDA,FBDL,FBDT,FBDT1,FBDT2,FBDTR,FBFILE,FBHDT,FBPG,FBQUIT K FBSTA,FBT,FBTTYP,FBX,FBY K %,DIC,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,I,J,POP,X,Y Q ; RSUM ; report summary N FBCC,FBCL,FBCX ; W !!,"SUMMARY OF EDI INVOICES TRANSMITTED TO FPPS" ; ; summary header D HDSUM ; ; init grand total S FBT="0^0^0" ; confirm^cancel^accepted ; ; loop thru station S FBSTA="" F S FBSTA=$O(FBT(FBSTA)) Q:FBSTA="" D Q:FBQUIT . I $Y+9>IOSL D HD Q:FBQUIT D HDSUM . ; init station totals . S FBT(FBSTA)="0^0^0" ; confirm^cancel^accepted . ; . W ! . ; . ; loop thru file type . S FBFILE="" F S FBFILE=$O(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE)) Q:FBFILE="" D Q:FBQUIT . . ; . . ; get counts for each transaction types . . S FBCC=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"C")),U) ; claim . . S FBCL=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"L")),U) ; line . . S FBCX=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"X")),U) ; cancel . . S FBCA=$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"C")),U,2)+$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"L")),U,2)+$P($G(FBT(FBSTA,FBFILE,"X")),U,2) ; accepted . . ; . . ; write the line for the file type . . W !,FBSTA . . W ?9,$S(FBFILE=3:"Outpatient/Ancillary",FBFILE=5:"Pharmacy",FBFILE=9:"Inpatient",1:"Unknown") . . W ?31,$J($FN(FBCL+FBCC,","),9) . . W ?42,$J($FN(FBCX,","),9) . . W ?53,$J($FN(FBCL+FBCC+FBCX,","),9) . . W ?64,$J($FN(FBCA,","),14) . . ; . . ; add file type counts to station totals . . S $P(FBT(FBSTA),U)=$P(FBT(FBSTA),U)+FBCL+FBCC . . S $P(FBT(FBSTA),U,2)=$P(FBT(FBSTA),U,2)+FBCX . . S $P(FBT(FBSTA),U,3)=$P(FBT(FBSTA),U,3)+FBCA . ; . ; write station total . W !,?31,"---------",?42,"---------",?53,"---------",?64,"--------------" . W !,FBSTA," Station Totals",?31,$J($FN($P(FBT(FBSTA),U),","),9) . W ?42,$J($FN($P(FBT(FBSTA),U,2),","),9) . W ?53,$J($FN($P(FBT(FBSTA),U)+$P(FBT(FBSTA),U,2),","),9) . W ?64,$J($FN($P(FBT(FBSTA),U,3),","),14) . ; . ; add station totals to grand total . S $P(FBT,U)=$P(FBT,U)+$P(FBT(FBSTA),U) . S $P(FBT,U,2)=$P(FBT,U,2)+$P(FBT(FBSTA),U,2) . S $P(FBT,U,3)=$P(FBT,U,3)+$P(FBT(FBSTA),U,3) ; Q:FBQUIT ; ; write report totals W !!,?31,"=========",?42,"=========",?53,"=========",?64,"==============" W !,"Report Totals",?31,$J($FN($P(FBT,U),","),9) W ?42,$J($FN($P(FBT,U,2),","),9) W ?53,$J($FN($P(FBT,U)+$P(FBT,U,2),","),9) W ?64,$J($FN($P(FBT,U,3),","),14) Q ; HD ; page header N FBI I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,FBQUIT=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",FBPG S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S FBQUIT=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!FBPG W @IOF S FBPG=FBPG+1 W !,"FPPS Transmission Report ",?49,FBDTR,?72,"page ",FBPG S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(FBHDT(FBI)) Q:'FBI W !,FBHDT(FBI) W !,FBDL Q ; HDSUM ; report summary header W !!,?31,"------------- Transmission Counts -------------" W !,?31,"Payment",?42,"Payment",?64,"Accepted by" W !,"Station",?9,"Invoice Type",?31,"Confirmed",?42,"Cancelled",?53,"Total",?64,"Interface Eng." W !,"-------",?9,"------------",?31,"---------",?42,"---------",?53,"---------",?64,"--------------" Q ; ;FBFPTR