FBMRASV2 ;AISC/TET - Server routine (Cont'd) ;8/29/97 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**9**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EXIT S XMSER="S."_XQSOP,XMZ=XQMSG D REMSBMSG^XMA1C K I,XMER,XMRG,FBI,FBID,FBER,FBERR,FBSITE,FBPOP,FBSN,FBAASN,FBJ,FBRT,FBAC,FBSTN,FBVID,FBCHAIN,FBFEEO,FBVNAME,FBADD1,FBADD2,FBCITY,FBST,FBZIP,FBMRC,FBCC,FBPC,FBTID,FB1099,FBVT,FBICN,FBSC,FBPART,FBSTATE,FBICN1,K,DIE,DA,DR,X,DLAYGO K FBOGN,DIC,FBNGN,%X,%Y,DIK,FBTMP,FBMRA,FBCNT,FBATOT,FBCTOT,FBFTOT,FBQTOT,FBZIP1,FBCHK,FBOUT,XMSER,XMZ,^TMP("FBMRA",$J),^TMP("FBER",$J) Q EDIT ;edit check if fbac=q ;INPUT: FBAC = action code; should only come here if = 'Q' ; FBVID = vendor tax id number ; FBCHAIN = chain store (optional - only if pharmacy record type) ; FBICN = internal control number ; FBVNAME = vendor name from autsin transmission ;OUTPUT: FBAC may be changed from 'Q' to 'C' if id's have not changed, ; or if venid exists on file and austin name matches FBVNAME ; to avoid leaving duplicate vendors in site's vendor file. ;VAR: FBI = internal entry of vendor in vendor file with same id as FBVID ; FBVC = internal entry of vendor in vendor correction file (with station number stripped) N FBI,FBVCI S FBI=0,FBVCI=$E(FBICN,4,$L(FBICN)) S:FBVID=$P($G(^FBAAV(+FBVCI,0)),U,2) FBAC="C" I FBAC="Q" S FBI=$O(^FBAAV("C",FBVID,0)) I FBI,FBVNAME=$P($G(^FBAAV(FBI,"AMS")),U) S FBAC="C" Q TRAP ;trap error, have bulletin message record error, send server message to group and reset trap to server error trap and exit. D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") S XQSTXT(0)="" S XQSTXT(1)="*** Error detected by FEE while processing the above server message. ***" S XQSTXT(2)="Details recorded in the Kernel error trap." S XQSTXT(3)="Please contact your IRM representative immediately." S XQSTXT(4)="",XQSTXT(5)="The above message # has been forwarded to the FEE mail group." S XQSTXT(6)="Once the problem has been identified AND corrected, forward the server message" S XQSTXT(7)=$S($G(FBPAID):" to S.FBAA PAID SERVER",1:" to S.FBAA MRA SERVER")_" server to complete processing." ;S %ZTERLGR=$$LGR^%ZOSV D ^%ZTER ;S X="ERROR^XQSRV2",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") SEND K XMY S XMY("G.FEE")="" D ENT1^XMD ;send message to be processed D EXIT Q MSG ;set up server bulletin upon successful completion of processing S XQSTXT(0)="",XQSTXT(1)="Total Vendor MRA's Received: "_(FBATOT+FBCTOT+FBFTOT+FBQTOT)_" Processed: "_FBCNT_" Errors: "_FBER S XQSTXT(2)="ADDS: "_FBATOT,XQSTXT(3)="CHANGES: "_FBCTOT,XQSTXT(4)="UNSOLICITED ADDS: "_FBQTOT,XQSTXT(5)="FPDS-ONLY CHANGES: "_FBFTOT I +FBER S XQSTXT(6)="",XQSTXT(7)="*** "_FBER_" Error"_$S(FBER>1:"s",1:"")_" detected by FEE while processing the above server message. ***",XQSTXT(8)="" D .N EC,QCT .S QCT=8,EC="" F S EC=$O(^TMP("FBER",$J,EC)) Q:EC']"" D S QCT=QCT+1,XQSTXT(QCT)="" ..N I,DATA ..S QCT=QCT+1,XQSTXT(QCT)="ERROR CODE "_EC_": " ..I EC<4 S XQSTXT(QCT)=XQSTXT(QCT)_$S(EC=1:"Invalid Vendor ID",EC=2:"Invalid Record Length",EC=3:"Invalid Station Number",1:"") ..I EC'<4 S XQSTXT(QCT)=XQSTXT(QCT)_$S(EC=4:"Vendor names do not match",EC=4.1:"Vendor not found in file or vendor in delete status",EC=5:"Vendor change already processed",1:"") ..S XQSTXT(QCT)=" ===> "_XQSTXT(QCT) ..S QCT=QCT+1,XQSTXT(QCT)=" "_$S(EC<3:"Action necessary.",EC=3:"Action may be necessary.",1:"Information only.")_" Refer to the Vendor Error Code documentation." ..S QCT=QCT+1,XQSTXT(QCT)="",I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("FBER",$J,EC,I)) Q:'I S DATA=^(I),QCT=QCT+1,XQSTXT(QCT)=DATA G EXIT ER(EC,J,FBER) ;set error & error count ;INPUT: EC = error code ; 1 = invalid vendor id (action needed) ; 2 = invalid record length (action needed) ; 3 = invalid station number (action may be necessary) ; 4 = vendor names do not match (ignore) ; 4.1 = vendor not found or in delete status (ignore) ; 5 = record already processed (ignore) ; J = data string from message/mra record ; FBER = error count ;OUTPUT: FBER updated I $S($G(FBER)']"":1,J']"":1,'+$G(EC):1,1:0) Q N FBCHAIN,FBRT,FBVID,FBVNAME I EC'=2 S FBRT=$E(J,1),FBVID=$S(FBRT=1:$E(J,9,19),1:$E(J,9,17)),FBVNAME=$S(FBRT=1:$E(J,27,56),1:$E(J,23,52)),FBCHAIN=$S(FBRT=1:"",1:" "_$E(J,18,21)) S FBER=FBER+1,^TMP("FBER",$J,EC,FBER)=$S(EC=2:J,1:FBVNAME_" "_FBVID_FBCHAIN) Q