FBNHEAU2 ;AISC/dmk - ask rates for cnh authorization ;4/28/93 11:04 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. GETRAT S FBERR="",FBMULT=0,FBVIEN=IFN I '$D(^FBAA(161.21,"C",IFN)) S FBERR=1 W !,"Vendor: ",$P(^FBAAV(IFN,0),"^")," has no Contract data on file" Q S FBRIFN=$O(^FBAA(161.21,"ACR",IFN,-(FBPAYDT+.9))) I 'FBRIFN W !,"Vendor: ",$P(^FBAAV(IFN,0),"^")," has no current Contract data on file" S FBERR=1 Q S FBRIFN=$O(^FBAA(161.21,"ACR",IFN,FBRIFN,0)),FBC(0)=^FBAA(161.21,+FBRIFN,0),FBCNUM=$P(FBC(0),U),FBRIFN(0)=FBC(0) S FBEDT=$P(FBC(0),U,2),FBTDT=$P(FBC(0),U,3) I FBTDTFBENDDT) S CNT=CNT+1,FBRIFN(CNT)=^FBAA(161.21,$O(^(I,0)),0) I FBPAYDT>FBTDT S FBERR=1 W !,"Vendor: ",$P(^FBAAV(IFN,0),U)," has no current contract on file.",! Q ;display rates for selection W !!?25,"VENDOR RATE SELECTION",!! I FBMULT=0 S FBVIEN=IFN,FBX=$$RATE^FBAAVD1(FBCNUM),FBRATE="" D DISPLAY^FBAAVD1 S FB(0)=FBBEGDT_"^"_$S(FBTDT>FBENDDT:FBENDDT,1:FBTDT)_"^"_FBRATE_"^"_FBCNUM S:'FBRATE FBERR=1 I FBMULT S I="",FBRATE=0 F S I=$O(FBRIFN(I)) Q:I=""!(FBERR) D . S FBX=$$RATE^FBAAVD1($P(FBRIFN(I),U)),FBFR=$$FR(FBPAYDT,$P(FBRIFN(I),U,2)),FBTO=$$TO(FBENDDT,$P(FBRIFN(I),U,3)),FBCNUM=$P(FBRIFN(I),U) .W !?14,"For dates ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBFR)_" - "_$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBTO)_" : ",! D DISPLAY^FBAAVD1 S:'FBRATE FBERR=1 Q:FBERR D .. S FB(I)=FBFR_"^"_FBTO_"^"_FBRATE_"^"_FBCNUM ;I FBMULT S FBCHECK=1 D EST K FBCHECK,FBATODT,FBTO,FBDEFP I FBERR D ;. W !,*7,"Insufficient contract data on file for current month.",! I FBMULT K FBATODT,FBTO Q ; FR(X,Y) ;return date that should be used as from date at prompt ;x=authorization from date ;y=contract from date Q $S(X>Y:X,1:Y) ; TO(X,Y) ;return date that is default to date ;x=last day of authorization or month ;y=last day of contract Q $S(X>Y:Y,1:X) ; EST ;calculate estimate amount to post to 1358 for month of authorization ;the FB( array contains all rate information currently available ;for this patient based on vendor contract information. ;FBPAYDT=begin date of autorization ;FBENDDT=end date of authorization ;FBATODT=either end of month or end of autorization (whichever less) S Z=$Q(FB) I Z="" S FBERR=1 D ERROR Q I '$D(FBATODT) S FBATODT=$S($E(FBPAYDT,1,5)_"00"+(FBDAYS)>FBENDDT:FBENDDT,1:$E(FBPAYDT,1,5)_"00"+(FBDAYS)) S FBDEFP=0,X=@Z I FBATODT'>$P(X,U,2) S FBDEFP=($$DTC^FBUCUTL(FBATODT,FBPAYDT)+1)*$P(X,U,3) Q S FBDEFP=FBDEFP+($$DTC^FBUCUTL($P(X,U,2),$P(X,U))+1*$P(X,U,3)) MORE S Z=$Q(@Z) I Z="" S FBERR=1 D ERROR Q S X=@Z,FBTO=$S($P(X,U,2)'>FBATODT:$P(X,U,2),1:FBATODT) I FBTO<$P(X,U) S FBERR=1 D ERROR Q I FBTO'>$P(X,U,2) S FBDEFP=FBDEFP+($$DTC^FBUCUTL(FBTO,$P(X,U))+1*$P(X,U,3)) Q S FBDEFP=FBDEFP+($$DTC^FBUCUTL($P(X,U,2),$P(X,U))+1*$P(X,U,3)) G MORE ERROR W:'$D(FBCHECK) *7,!,"Unable to calculate total estimated amount. Check CNH contracts.",! Q ; FILE ;file entries for the patients authorization in file 161.23. ;this file contains from and to dates and the rate we paid ;during that time frame for the 7078. I $Q(FB)="" S FBERR=1 Q I '$G(DFN) S FBERR=1 Q I '$G(FBAA78) S FBERR=1 Q N DA,DIC,DIE,DR,DLAYGO,FBI S FBI="" F S FBI=$O(FB(FBI)) Q:FBI="" D . S X=$P(FB(FBI),U),DIC="^FBAA(161.23,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=161.23 K DD,DO D FILE^DICN I Y<0 S FBERR=1 Q .S DA=+Y,DIE=DIC,DR=".02////^S X=$P(FB(FBI),U,2);.03////^S X=FBAA78;.04////^S X=DFN;.05////^S X=$P(FB(FBI),U,3);.06////^S X=$P(FB(FBI),U,4)" D ^DIE Q