FBNHRCS ;ACAMPUS/dmk-RCS 10-0168 (18-3) ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;this routine will output data needed to complete the CNH codesheet ;it is a quarterly report. user will select first, second, third or ;fourth quarter and fiscal year. ; D SITEP^FBAAUTL Q:$G(FBPOP) W !!?17,"COMMUNITY NURSING HOME REPORT 10-0168",!! SELECT ;select quarter S DIR(0)="SM^1:First Quarter;2:Second Quarter;3:Third Quarter;4:Fourth Quarter" S DIR("?")="Select the reporting quarter" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) Q:'Y S FBQTR=+Y ; ;select fiscal year for report S DIR(0)="D^::AE",DIR("A")="Fiscal Year: " S DIR("?",1)="Examples of Valid Dates:" S DIR("?",2)=" 1994 or 94 or 1/94 or an exact date" S DIR("?")=" If you enter an exact date the Fiscal Year for that date will be used." D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT)!('Y) S FBFY=+Y D . ; set FBBEG = beginning date of selected quarter and fiscal year . ; set FBEND = ending date of selected quarter and fiscal year . ; . S FBBEG=$E(FBFY,1,3)-$S(FBQTR=1:1,1:0)_$P($P($T(DATES+FBQTR),";;",2),"^") . S FBEND=$E(FBFY,1,3)-$S(FBQTR=1:1,1:0)_$P($P($T(DATES+FBQTR),";;",2),"^",2) ; CODE I $$VERSION^XPDUTL("GEC")>1.6 W !,"Do you want to generate code sheets for these Nursing Homes?" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="No" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S:Y FBGECS=1 ; W !!,"The CNH 10-0168 (RCS 18-3) will be compiled for the following date range:" W !?5,"FROM DATE: ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBBEG)," TO DATE: ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBEND) ;want to continue S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to continue",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR K DIR G END:$D(DIRUT)!('Y) ; S PGM="START^FBNHRCS",VAR="FBBEG^FBEND^FBGECS^FBSITE(1)" D ZIS^FBAAUTL G:FBPOP END ; START D START^FBNHRCS1,^FBNHRCS3 G END:$G(FBOUT) I $G(FBGECS) D ^FBNHRCS4 ; END K DTOUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,I,J,JJ,K,FB,FBD,FBHIGH,FBLOW,FBI,FBV,FBPOP,FBY,FBSITE,FBQTR,FBBEG,FBEND,FBFY,^TMP($J),VNAM,CNT,FBAASN,FBSN,FBGECS D CLOSE^FBAAUTL Q ; DATES ;store date ranges for each quarter (format mmdd $T(DATES)+FBQTR) ;;1001^1231 ;;0101^0331 ;;0401^0630 ;;0701^0930 Q