FBSHUTL ;WCIOFO/SAB-STATE HOME UTILITIES ;2/8/1999 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**13**;JAN 30, 1995 Q DOC(FBFR,FBTO,FBDTP1,FBDTP2) ; Days of Care Extrinsic Function ; Return length (days) of authorization. The authorization TO DATE ; is not counted unless it is equal to the authorization FROM DATE. ; If optional period is specified then only the authorization days ; within the period are counted. ; input ; FBFR - authorization FROM DATE (FileMan format) ; FBTO - authorization TO DATE (FileMan format) ; FBDTP1 - (optional) start date of period (FileMan format) ; FBDTP2 - (optional) end date of period (FileMan format) ; returns length of authorization (days) within optional period ; N FBDTC1,FBDTC2,FBQUIT ; ; validate input parameters I FBFR'?7N!(FBTO'?7N)!(FBFR>FBTO) S FBQUIT=1 I $G(FBDTP1)'?7N!($G(FBDTP2)'?7N)!(FBDTP1>FBDTP2) S (FBDTP1,FBDTP2)="" ; ; initialize calculation start and end dates as authorization dates S FBDTC1=FBFR,FBDTC2=FBTO ; ; if period specified then check if auth in period and adjust calc dates I '$G(FBQUIT),FBDTP1]"",FBDTP2]"" D . I FBFR>FBDTP2 S FBQUIT=1 Q ; not within specified period . I FBTOFBDTP2 S FBDTC2=$$FMADD^XLFDT(FBDTP2,1) ; ; return days of care (within optional specified period) ; count as 1 day when auth FROM DATE = TO DATE (special case) Q $S($G(FBQUIT):0,FBFR=FBTO:1,1:$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(FBDTC2,FBDTC1)) ; ;FBSHUTL