FBUCDUP ;ALBISC/TET - Duplicate check of claims ;4/28/93 11:14 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. BUILD ;build display array of potential duplicates ;INPUT: FBVET - ien of veteran ; FBVEN - ien of vendor ; FBTFROM - from treatment date of claim ; FBTTO - to treatment date of claim ;OUTPUT: FBDISP( - array of claims within same date range N DTOUT,DUOUT G:'$D(^FB583("APF",FBVET)) END N FBFROM,FBDA,NODE S FBFROM=FBTFROM-.1 ;S FBFROM=$$CDTC^FBUCUTL(FBTFROM,-730),FBFROM=FBFROM-.1 F S FBFROM=$O(^FB583("APF",FBVET,FBFROM)) Q:'FBFROM!(FBFROM>FBTFROM) D .S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(^FB583("APF",FBVET,FBFROM,FBDA)) Q:'FBDA S NODE=$G(^FB583(FBDA,0)) I $P(NODE,U,6)=FBTTO,$P(NODE,U,3)=FBVEN S FBDISP(FBDA)=NODE .;S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(^FB583("APF",FBVET,FBFROM,FBDA)) Q:'FBDA S:'$O(FBDISP(FBDA)) FBDISP(FBDA)=$G(^FB583(FBDA,0)) ;Q LIST ;display array of potential duplicates ;INPUT: FBDISP( - array of claims within same date range of submitted ;OUTPUT: formatted display of list; FBOUT for uparrow or timeout G:'$D(FBDISP) END N FBPG,FBCRT,FBTITLE,FBDASH,FBDA,FBZ,FBOUT S FBPG=0,FBCRT=$S($E(IOST,1,2)="C-":1,1:0),FBTITLE="POTENTIAL DUPLICATES",$P(FBDASH,"=",80)="",FBOUT=0 D HDR S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(FBDISP(FBDA)) G:'FBDA END D .D:($Y+3)>IOSL PAGE Q:FBOUT S FBZ=FBDISP(FBDA) .W !,FBDA,?10,$E($$VET^FBUCUTL($P(FBZ,U,4)),1,25),?40,$E($$VEN^FBUCUTL($P(FBZ,U,3)),1,25),?70,$E($$PROG^FBUCUTL($P(FBZ,U,2)),1,10) .W !?5,"TREATMENT FROM: ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL($P(FBZ,U,5)),?40,"TREATMENT TO: ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL($P(FBZ,U,6)) ; END Q HDR ;header of list display I FBPG>0!FBCRT W @IOF S FBPG=FBPG+1 W !?(IOM-$L(FBTITLE)/2),FBTITLE W !,"No.",?10,"VETERAN",?40,"VENDOR",?70,"PROGRAM",! Q CR ;carriage return S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) FBOUT=1 Q PAGE ;new page I FBCRT D CR I 'FBOUT D HDR Q