FBUCED ;ALBISC/TET - EDIT UNAUTHORIZED CLAIM FILES ;10/16/2001 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**32,38**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EDT ;edit unauthorized claim with order less than 40 (not dispositioned ;or order = 40 if action is reopen (called by REO tag) S:'$D(FBACT) FBACT="EDT" S FBO=$S(FBACT="EDT":"5^10^20^30^",1:"40^") D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT S FBDR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED EDIT]" D EDIT^FBUCED0(FBDR,FBACT,.FBOUT,FBARY) G END Q REO ;reopen a dispositioned claim (order of 40) S FBACT="REO" G EDT Q APL ;appeal a dispostioned claim (order of 40) S FBACT="APL",FBO="40^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT S FBDR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED APPEAL]" D EDIT^FBUCED0(FBDR,FBACT,.FBOUT,FBARY) G END Q AED ;edit an appeal to an unauthorized claim S FBACT="AED",FBO="50^55^60^70^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT S FBDR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED APPEAL EDIT]" D EDIT^FBUCED0(FBDR,FBACT,.FBOUT,FBARY) G END Q COVA ;enter/edit a COVA appeal S FBACT="COVA",FBO="70^80^90^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT S FBDR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED COVA APPEAL]" D EDIT^FBUCED0(FBDR,FBACT,.FBOUT,FBARY) G END Q DIS ;disposition an appeal S FBACT="DIS",FBO=0 D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT S FBDR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED DISPOSITION]" D EDIT^FBUCED0(FBDR,FBACT,.FBOUT,FBARY) G END Q REC ;receive information which was requested S FBACT="REC",FBO="5^10^50^55^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT,+$G(FBARY) H:+FBARY=1 1 D EDIT8 G END REQ ;request information S FBACT="REQ",FBO="5^10^20^30^50^55^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO) I 'FBOUT,+$G(FBARY) D EDIT8 G:$G(FBOUT) END D END W !! G REQ LET ;to update date letter printed without printing letter N FBLETDT D DISPNP^FBUCUTL3 ;set array of letters which are waiting to be printed D DISPX^FBUCUTL1(1) ;display array for selection I 'FBOUT,+$G(FBARY) D LETDATE^FBUCUTL3 I 'FBOUT D .N FBDA,FBEXP,FBI,FBLET,FBNODE,FBPL,FBUCA D PARSE^FBUCUTL4(FBARY) S FBI=0,FBLET="@" S FBLETDT=$S('+FBLETDT:DT,1:FBLETDT) .F S FBI=$O(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI S FBNODE=$G(^(FBI)),FBDA=+FBNODE,FBUCA=$G(^FB583(FBDA,0)),FBEXP=$$EXPIRE^FBUCUTL8(FBDA,FBLETDT,FBUCA,$$ORDER^FBUCUTL($P(FBUCA,U,24))) D EDITL(FBDA,FBEXP,FBLET,FBLETDT) G END EXT ;enter extensions for incomplete Mill Bill claims ; ; select mill bill claim(s) with an appropriate status S FBACT="EXT",FBO="5^10^" D LOOKUP^FBUCUTL3(FBO,,"M") Q:'+$G(FBARY)!FBOUT N FBDA,FBI,FBNODE,FBPL,FBW D PARSE^FBUCUTL4(FBARY) ; ; loop through all selected claims S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI D Q:FBOUT . S FBNODE=$G(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)) . S FBDA=+$P(FBNODE,";") . N DA,DIE,DIR,DR,FBEXP,FBEXT,FBEXTD,FBUCA,FBY,Y . ; if more than one claim selected then display current one . I +$G(FBARY)>1 D LINE^FBUCUTL4(FBNODE,FBI,FBPL,FBW) . ; lock claim . D LOCK^FBUCUTL("^FB583(",FBDA) Q:'FBLOCK . ; . S FBUCA=$G(^FB583(FBDA,0)) . ; . ; get current expiration date (if any) . S FBEXP=$P(FBUCA,U,26) . ; . ; get most recent extension (if any) . S FBEXT=$$EXT^FBUCUTL8(FBDA,10) . I FBEXT W !,"Current extension date is "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(FBEXT,U,2)) . ; . ; prompt for new extension date . S FBEXTD="" F D Q:FBEXTD]""!FBOUT . . K DA . . I FBEXT S DA(1)=FBDA,DA=+FBEXT ; use existing value as the default . . S DIR(0)="162.701,.04" . . D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S FBOUT=1 Q . . S FBEXTD=Y . . ; confirm . . S DIR(0)="Y" . . S DIR("A")="Confirm entry of "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(FBEXTD)_" as the new extension date for the claim" . . D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S FBOUT=1 Q . . I 'Y S FBEXTD="" ; prompt again . . I FBEXTD=$P(FBEXT,U,2) W !,"New extension date is equal to existing extension date. No change made." S FBEXTD=0 . ; . I FBEXTD,'FBOUT D . . ; save extension . . K DA,DD,DO,DIC,DIE . . S DA(1)=FBDA . . S DIC="^FB583(DA(1),3,",DIC(0)="L",X=$$NOW^XLFDT() . . S DIC("DR")=".02////^S X=DUZ;.03///INCOMPLETE UNAUTHORIZED CLAIM;.04///^S X=FBEXTD" . . D FILE^DICN I Y'>0 W !,"ERROR ADDING EXTENSION" Q . . S DA=+Y . . ; . . ; prompt for optional comments . . S DIE="^FB583(DA(1),3,",DR=".05" D ^DIE . . ; . . ; recompute expiration date if one already exists and update claim . . I FBEXP D . . . N FBLETDT,FBORDER . . . S FBLETDT=$P(FBUCA,U,19) . . . S FBORDER=$$ORDER^FBUCUTL($P(FBUCA,U,24)) . . . S FBEXP=$$EXPIRE^FBUCUTL8(FBDA,FBLETDT,FBUCA,FBORDER) . . . D EDITL^FBUCED(FBDA,FBEXP) . ; . ; unlock claim . L -^FB583(FBDA) ; G END REQENT ;enter/edit requested information file, 162.93 S DLAYGO=162.93,DIC(0)="AELMQZ",DIC="^FB(162.93," D ^DIC K DLAYGO I +Y>0 S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,FBDA=DA,DR=".01:1" D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,FBDA,0) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -^FB(162.93,FBDA) K DIE,DE,DA,DQ,DR,FBDA,FBLOCK W ! G REQENT G END DISENT ;enter/edit disapproval reasons file 162.94 S DLAYGO=162.94,DIC(0)="AELMQZ",DIC="^FB(162.94," D ^DIC K DLAYGO I +Y>0 S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,FBDA=DA,DR=".01:1" D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,FBDA,0) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -^FB(162.94,FBDA) K DIE,DE,DA,DQ,DR,FBDA,FBLOCK W ! G DISENT G END DSPENT ;edit disposition file 162.91 S DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC="^FB(162.91," D ^DIC I +Y>0 S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,FBDA=DA,DR="1:3" D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,FBDA,0) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -^FB(162.91,FBDA) K DIE,DE,DA,DQ,DR,FBDA,FBLOCK W ! G DSPENT END ;kill and quit K DA,DE,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,FBACT,FBAR,FBARY,FBDR,FBIEN,FBIX,FBLOCK,FBO,FBOUT,FBUCPDX,X,Y K ^TMP("FBAR",$J),^TMP("FBARY",$J),^TMP("FBPARY",$J) Q EDIT8 ;edit file 162.8, call before/after & update N FBDA,FBI,FBNODE,FBP,FBPL,FBUCA,FBUCAA,FBUCP,FBUCPA,FBW D PARSE^FBUCUTL4(FBARY) S %X="^TMP(""FBARY"",$J,",%Y="^TMP(""FBPARY"",$J," D %XY^%RCR K %X,%Y S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^TMP("FBPARY",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI S FBNODE=$G(^(FBI)),FBDA=+FBNODE,FBNODE=$P(FBNODE,";",2) D G:FBOUT END .I +$G(FBPARY)>1 W !! F FBP=1:1:FBPL W ?($P(FBW,U,FBP)),$P(FBNODE,U,FBP) .D PRIOR^FBUCEVT(FBDA,FBACT) .N FBARY D REQ^FBUCPEND:FBACT="REQ",REC^FBUCPEND:FBACT="REC" Q:FBOUT D FREQ^FBUCPEND:FBACT="REQ",FREC^FBUCPEND:FBACT="REC" .D AFTER^FBUCEVT(FBDA,FBACT),^FBUCUPD(FBUCP,FBUCPA,FBUCA,FBUCAA,FBDA,FBACT) Q EDITL(FBDA,FBEXP,FBLET,FBLETDT,FBTAMT) ;edit letter sent info, ;may be called to just update expiration, or update print flag, date letter sent &/or expiration, or amount approved ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim (# 162.7) ; FBEXP = expiration date (optional) ; FBLET = flag for letter printed (optional) ; FBLETDT = date letter sent (optional) ; FBLET = '@' to delete letter flag ; FBEXP = expiration date or 0 ; FBTAMT = amount approved (optional) ;OUTPUT: nothing - update all or some flds in 162.7: 19,19.5,26,14 Q:'+$G(FBDA) S FBEXP=+$G(FBEXP),FBLET=$G(FBLET),FBLETDT=+$G(FBLETDT) S FBTAMT=$G(FBTAMT) I 'FBEXP,FBLET']"",'FBLETDT,FBTAMT']"" Q N FBLOCK,DIE,DA,DR S DIE="^FB583(",DR="[FB UNAUTHORIZED LETTER UPDATE]",DA=FBDA D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,DA,1) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -^FB583(FBDA) K FBLOCK Q