FBUCOUT ;ALBISC/TET - OUTPUTS ;7/18/2001 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**32**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ASK ;ask search/sort questions ; ask if report for just mill-bill (1725) or just non-mill bill claims S FB1725R=$$ASKMB^FBUCUTL9 I FB1725R="" G END S DIR(0)="SM^1:PATIENT;2:VENDOR",DIR("A")="Sort by" D ^DIR K DIR G END:$D(DIRUT),ASK:'+Y!($G(Y(0))']"") S FLDS="[FBUC STATUS BY "_Y(0)_"]" D DISP92^FBUCUTL5,DISPX^FBUCUTL1(1) ;set array,display G END:FBOUT,ASK:'+FBARY S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI S FBARY(+$G(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)))="" S DIS(0)="I $D(FBARY(+$P($G(^FB583(D0,0)),U,24)))" ; if just mill bill or non-mill bill then set screen and title I FB1725R="M" D . S DIS(1)="I $P($G(^FB583(D0,0)),U,28)=1" . S DHD="STATUS LISTING OF MILL BILL (1725) CLAIMS" I FB1725R="N" D . S DIS(1)="I $P($G(^FB583(D0,0)),U,28)'=1" . S DHD="STATUS LISTING OF UNAUTH. NON-MILL BILL CLAIMS" S L=0,DIC="^FB583(",BY=FLDS,FR="?,@,@,,@,@,@",TO="?,,,,,," S FBDT=DT,FBZLOW=FBDT,FBZHI=$$CDTC^FBUCUTL(FBDT,30) D EN1^DIP ;set up variable fbexp ;set up dip variables, call dip END ;kill and quit K FBARY,FBDT,FBEXP,FBI,FBOUT,FBZLOW,FBZHI,BY,DIC,DIR,DIRUT,DIS,DTOUT,DUOUT,FLDS,FR,L,TO,Y,^TMP("FBAR",$J),^TMP("FBARY",$J),FB1725R,DHD Q CODE(X) ;dispostion code of disposition if status order is 40,70 or 90 ; 40=dispositioned,70=appeal dispositioned,90=bva appeal dispositioned I '+X Q "" Q $P($$PTR^FBUCUTL("^FB(162.91,",X),U,3) ;