FBUCUTL2 ;ALBISC/TET - UTILITY (CONTINUED) ;2/12/2003 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**23,32,38,52**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ADDRESS(FBUCA) ;set up address (FBADD) and carbon copy address (FBADDCC) ;INPUT: FBUCA = current (or after) zero node for UC (file #162.7) ;OUTPUT: FBADD( array, subscripted by sequential number; FBADD = count ; FBADDCC( array, subscripted by sequential number; FBADDCC=count N FBDA,FBGL,FBSUB K FBADD,FBADDCC S FBSUB=$P(FBUCA,U,23) S:FBSUB']"" FBSUB=$P(FBUCA,U,4)_";DPT(" S FBDA=+$P(FBSUB,";") I FBSUB["FBAAV" D VENADD(FBDA,.FBADD) D VETADD($P(FBUCA,U,4),.FBADDCC) I FBSUB["DPT" D VETADD(FBDA,.FBADD) D VENADD($P(FBUCA,U,3),.FBADDCC) I FBSUB["VA(200" D OTHADD(FBDA,.FBADD) D VETADD($P(FBUCA,U,4),.FBADDCC) Q VETADD(DFN,FBARR) ;set up veteran address ;INPUT: DFN = veteran ien ; FBARR array that will hold the address (passed by reference) ;VAPA("CD") - date for ADD^VADPT if not defined then NOW will be used ; VAPA will be killed! ; ;OUTPUT FBARR array will contain the veteran mailing address, ; subscripted by sequential number; FBARR = line count N FBCT,FBI K FBARR S FBCT=0 I $G(DFN)>0 D .S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$$GETNAME^FBUCLET1(DFN,2,"G") .D ADD^VADPT I 'VAERR D K VAPA,VAERR . . I $$ACTIVECC^FBAACO0() D Q . . . F FBI=13,14,15 S:$G(VAPA(FBI))]"" FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$G(VAPA(FBI)) . . . S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$S($G(VAPA(16))]"":$G(VAPA(16)),1:" ")_" "_$S($P($G(VAPA(17)),U,2)]"":$P($G(VAPA(17)),U,2),1:" ")_" "_$P($G(VAPA(18)),U,2) ..F FBI=1,2,3 S:VAPA(FBI)]"" FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=VAPA(FBI) ..S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$S(VAPA(4)]"":VAPA(4),1:" ")_" "_$S($P(VAPA(5),U,2)]"":$P(VAPA(5),U,2),1:" ")_" "_$S('+$G(VAPA(11)):VAPA(6),$P(VAPA(11),U,2)]"":$P(VAPA(11),U,2),1:VAPA(6)) S FBARR=FBCT Q ; VENADD(FBV,FBARR) ;set up vendor address ;INPUT: FBV = vendor ien (file 161.2) ; FBARR array that will hold the address (passed by reference) ;OUTPUT FBARR array will contain the vendor mailing address, ; subscripted by sequential number; FBARR = line count N FBCT,FBP,FBSTATE,FBZ K FBARR S FBCT=0 I $G(FBV)>0 D .S FBZ=$G(^FBAAV(FBV,0)) .S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$P(FBZ,U) .I FBARR(1)["," S FBARR(1)=$P(FBARR(1),",",2)_" "_$P(FBARR(1),",") .S FBSTATE=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(FBZ,U,5),0)),U,2) .F FBP=3,14 S:$P(FBZ,U,FBP)]"" FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$P(FBZ,U,FBP) .S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$S($P(FBZ,U,4)]"":$P(FBZ,U,4),1:" ")_" "_$S(FBSTATE]"":FBSTATE,1:" ")_" "_$P(FBZ,U,6) S FBARR=FBCT Q OTHADD(FBDA,FBARR) ;set up other party address ;INPUT: FBDA = other party ien (file 200) ; FBARR array that will hold the address (passed by reference) ;OUTPUT FBARR array will contain the vendor mailing address, ; subscripted by sequential number; FBARR = line count N FBCT,FBP,FBSTATE,FBZ11 K FBARR S FBCT=0 I $G(FBDA)>0 D .S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$$GETNAME^FBUCLET1(FBDA,200,"G") .S FBZ11=$G(^VA(200,FBDA,.11)) .I FBZ11]"" D ..S FBSTATE=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(FBZ11,U,5),0)),U,2) ..F FBP=1,2,3 S:$P(FBZ11,U,FBP)]"" FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$P(FBZ11,U,FBP) ..S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBARR(FBCT)=$S($P(FBZ11,U,4)]"":$P(FBZ11,U,4),1:" ")_" "_$S(FBSTATE]"":FBSTATE,1:" ")_" "_$P(FBZ11,U,6) S FBARR=FBCT Q STATADD ;station address, from fee basis site parameter file ;INPUT: nothing ;OUTPUT: FBSADD( array of station name,address, and number ;called when printing a letter, used if letterhead not used K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) N DIC,DA,DIQ,DR,FBCT,FBP S DIC="^FBAA(161.4,",DA=1,DIQ="FBSADD(" D .S DR="1:2;16",DIQ(0)="EN" D EN^DIQ1 .S DR="3:5;35.6",DIQ(0)="E" D EN^DIQ1 .;S DR=27,DIQ(0)="IN" D EN^DIQ1 I $G(FBSADD(161.4,1,16,"E"))]"" S FBSADD(161.4,1,2.5,"E")=FBSADD(161.4,1,16,"E") K FBSADD(161.4,1,16,"E") ;set street address lines together S FBSADD(161.4,1,.01,"E")=$G(FBSADD(161.4,1,35.6,"E")) K FBSADD(161.4,1,35.6,"E") ;re-set so name is first S (FBCT,FBP)=0 F S FBP=$O(FBSADD(161.4,1,FBP)) Q:FBP'<3!('FBP) S:$G(FBSADD(161.4,1,FBP,"E"))]"" FBCT=FBCT+1,FBSADD(FBCT)=FBSADD(161.4,1,FBP,"E") K FBSADD(161.4,1,FBP) S FBCT=FBCT+1,FBSADD(FBCT)=$S($G(FBSADD(161.4,1,3,"E"))]"":FBSADD(161.4,1,3,"E"),1:" ")_" "_$S($G(FBSADD(161.4,1,4,"E"))]"":FBSADD(161.4,1,4,"E"),1:" ")_" "_$G(FBSADD(161.4,1,5,"E")) F FBP=3:1:5 K FBSADD(161.4,1,FBP) K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) Q STANUM ;get station number ;INPUT: nothing ;OUTPUT: FBSTANUM = station number of PSA, as set in FB site parameter K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) N DA,DIC,DIQ,DR S DA=1,DIC="^FBAA(161.4,",DIQ="FBSTA(",DR=27,DIQ(0)="IN" D EN^DIQ1 K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) S FBSTANUM=$G(FBSTA(161.4,1,27,"I")) I FBSTANUM]"" S FBSTANUM=$P($G(^DIC(4,FBSTANUM,99)),U) K FBSTA(161.4) Q LETTER(FBORDER,FB1725) ;get letter ien number ;INPUT: FBORDER = order number of status ; FB1725 = (optional) =true to select a 38 U.S.C. 1725 letter ;OUTPUT: ien of letter or 0 N Y,PIECE S Y=+$O(^FB(162.92,"AO",FBORDER,0)) S PIECE=$S($G(FB1725):6,1:5) Q +$P($G(^FB(162.92,Y,0)),"^",PIECE) ; TXT(FBGL,FBIEN,FBN,DIWF,DIWL,FBLET,FBCC,FBCCI,FBLBL) ;write txt ;INPUT: FBGL = global root ; FBIEN = internal entry number of file ; FBN = node where wp info resides ; DIWF = format ; DIWL = left offset ; FBLET = 1 if coming from letter (optional) ; FBCC = 1 if CC address will print at bottom of page (optional) ; passed by reference ; FBCCI = number lines needed for CC address (required if FBCC=1) ; FBLBL = label text to print at beginning of 1st line (optional) N FBI,FBNODE,FBTXT,X S FBNODE=FBGL_FBIEN_","_FBN S FBLET=$S('$D(FBLET):0,1:+FBLET) I $D(@(FBNODE_")")) S X=$G(FBLBL) D:X]"" ^DIWP S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(@(FBNODE_","_FBI_")")) Q:'FBI S FBTXT=^(FBI,0),X=FBTXT D .I $Y+$S($G(FBCCI)>7&$G(FBCC):FBCCI,1:7)>IOSL W:'FBLET @IOF D:FBLET PAGE^FBUCLET1 .D ^DIWP I $Y+$S($G(FBCCI)>7&$G(FBCC):FBCCI,1:7)>IOSL W:'FBLET @IOF D:FBLET PAGE^FBUCLET1 D:$D(FBTXT) ^DIWW K FBLET Q PAGE ;write page W @IOF Q PDATE(FBDT) ;output fcn of date, long form ;INPUT: FBDT = date for output ;OUTPUT: month day, year N FBPDT,Y S Y=FBDT D PDATE^FBAAUTL Q $G(FBPDT) ; FBUC(X) ;unauthorized claim parameters ;INPUT: X = ien of parameter ;OUTPUT: "UC" node in parameter file Q $G(^FBAA(161.4,X,"UC")) ; DIE(DIE,DA,DR) ;update a field ;INPUT: DIE = global root ; DA = record to be updated ; DR = field to be updated ;OUTPUT: update record in file I $S($G(DIE)']"":1,$G(DR)']"":1,'+$G(DA):1,1:0) Q N FBLOCK D LOCK^FBUCUTL(DIE,DA,1) I FBLOCK D ^DIE L -@(DIE_DA_")") K FBLOCK Q