FBUCUTL3 ;ALBISC/TET - UTILITY CONTINUATION ;10/10/2001 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**38**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. DELDAP(FBDA) ;delete disapproval reasons from disapproval multiple in 162.7 ;if current disposition is 1 (approved) and prior was >1 ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim, 162.7 ;OUTPUT: none - delete disapproval reasons, if any, from claim N Y ;if coming from input template I $D(^FB583(FBDA,"D")) N DA,DIK,FBX S DA(1)=FBDA,DIK="^FB583("_FBDA_",""D"",",FBX=0 F S FBX=$O(^FB583(FBDA,"D","B",FBX)) Q:'FBX D .S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^FB583(FBDA,"D","B",FBX,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK K DA,DIK,FBX Q DISDAP(FBDA) ;display disapproval reasons and enter in file if any selected ;INPUT: FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim, 162.7 ;OUTPUT: if selection, and not already entered, reason is entered ; in REASON FOR DISAPPROVAL (field 15, subfile 162.715). ; FBOUT returned from call to FBUCUTL1 N FBAR,FBARY,FBI,FBX D DISP9^FBUCUTL5(162.94) ;set array for selection D DISPX^FBUCUTL1(2) Q:FBOUT ;display/select choices & display selection I 'FBOUT,+$G(FBARY) S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^TMP("FBARY",$J,FBI)) Q:'FBI S FBX=$G(^(FBI)) I +FBX D DISAP^FBUCUTL(FBDA,+FBX) ;file entry K FBARY,FBI,FBX,^TMP("FBAR",$J),^TMP("FBARY",$J) Q ADD ;add new person to file 200, new person file, if other party submits claim S FBY=$$ADD^XUSERNEW(".111:.116;9") I +FBY>0,'$P(FBY,U,3) W !,"No entry has been made to the New Person file.",!,"If a new entry is needed, enter the name within quotes.",!,*7 K FBY Q DISPNP ;display letters not printed ;INPUT: none ;OUTPUT: FBAR = display count in array;piece positions for display ; FBAR( array => ien;vet^ven^fee program^date of claim^status K ^TMP("FBAR",$J),FBAR N FBI,FBDCT,Z S (FBI,FBDCT)=0 F S FBI=$O(^FB583("AL",1,FBI)) Q:'FBI S Z=$G(^FB583(FBI,0)) I Z]"" D .S FBDCT=FBDCT+1,FBAR=FBI_";"_$E($$VET^FBUCUTL($P(Z,U,4)),1,12)_U_$E($$VEN^FBUCUTL($P(Z,U,3)),1,12)_U_$E($$PROG^FBUCUTL($P(Z,U,2)),1,14)_U_$$DATX^FBAAUTL($P(Z,U))_U_$E($P($G(^FB(162.92,+$P(Z,U,24),0)),U),1,16) .S ^TMP("FBAR",$J,FBDCT)=FBAR S FBAR=FBDCT I FBDCT S FBAR=FBAR_";"_"5^20^35^52^63^" S ^TMP("FBAR",$J,"FBAR")=FBAR Q LOOKUP(FBO,FBSAVE,FB1725R) ;lookup claim, based on veteran/vendor, and status ;INPUT: FBO = order string or 0 for all ; FBSAVE = 1 to save xref variable (optional) ; FB1725R = (optional) mill bill screening criteria with value ; "M" for just mill bill claims ; "N" for just non-mill bill claims ; "A" (or null) for all claims ;OUTPUT: FBARY = count;position^position, etc ; TMP(FBARY => array of user selection ; FBIX & FBIEN (returned only if fbsave) S FBOUT=0 D IEN I 'FBIEN S FBOUT=1 G LOOKUPQ D DISP7^FBUCUTL5(FBIX,FBIEN,FBO,$G(FB1725R)) ;screen on status/order D DISPX^FBUCUTL1(1,FBO) ;display list from which to select LOOKUPQ K:'+$G(FBSAVE) FBIEN,FBIX K ^TMP("FBAR",$J) Q IEN ;get ien of vendor or veteran from 162.7 ;OUTPUT: FBIEN = ien of either vendor, veteran or other claimant ; or 0 if failed/time out/up arrow out ; FBIX = lookup cross reference (APMS, AVMS or AOMS) N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S DIR(0)="162.7,23O",DIR("A")="Select unauthorized claim",DIR("?")="You may select the claim by entering the vendor, veteran or other party." D ^DIR K DIR S FBIEN=$S($D(DIRUT):0,+Y'>0:0,1:+Y),FBIX=$S(Y["VA":"AOMS",Y["FB":"AVMS",1:"APMS") Q LETDATE ;ask for date letter sent, don't allow future values ;INPUT: FBOUT (optional) - flag if time out or up-arror out ;OUTPUT: FBOUT - 1 if time out or up-arrow out ; FBLETDT - date if no fbout flag, otherwise 0 N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S FBLETDT=0 S:'$D(FBOUT) FBOUT=0 S DIR(0)="162.7,19.5" D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) FBOUT=1 I 'FBOUT S FBLETDT=Y Q AUTHLKUP(FBUCP,FBDA) ;look up authorization - match on 583,vendor,program,auth from & to dates and veteran ;INPUT: FBUCP = prior zero node of 162.7, unauthorized claim ; FBDA = ien of unauthorized claim ;OUTPUT: FBIEN = 0 if no match, otherwise ien of authorization S FBIEN=0 I $S('+$G(FBDA):1,$G(FBUCP)']"":1,1:0) Q N FBDA1,FBI,FBZ S FBDA1=+$P(FBUCP,U,4),FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^FBAAA("ATST",+$P(FBUCP,U,13),FBDA1,0)) Q:'FBI S FBZ=$G(^FBAAA(FBDA1,1,FBI,0)) I $P(FBZ,U,2)=$P(FBUCP,U,14),$P(FBZ,U,3)=$P(FBUCP,U,2),$P(FBZ,U,4)=$P(FBUCP,U,3),+$P(FBZ,U,9)=FBDA S FBIEN=FBI Q Q EDOK(X,FBW) ;ok to edit modify/reopen or disposition input templates ;INPUT: X= ien of 162.7 ; FBW= 1 to write, 0 not to write (optional) ;OUTPUT: 0 if NOT OK to edit; 1 if ok to edit N FBY S FBY=1 S:'$G(FBW) FBW=0 I $$PAY^FBUCUTL(X,"^FB583(") D .W:FBW !,"Payments on file!",*7,! .I '$$OVER^FBUCUTL("FBAASUPERVISOR") W:FBW !,"You must hold the supervisor's key to edit any data other than Amount Approved.",! S FBY=0 Q FBY ;