FBUCUTL6 ;ALBISC/TET - UTILITY (continued) ;10/28/93 15:56 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. AUTH(FBUCP,FBUCA) ;determine if authorization file needs updating, based on ;change in disposition or other info impacting authorization ;INPUT: FBUCP = zero node of 162.7 prior to enter/edit ; FBUCA = zero node of 162.7 after enter/edit ;OUTPUT: 0 for deletion/1 for addition/2 for change/NULL for no action ; (if function follows null update file) N FBAUTH I $P(FBUCA,U,11)=$P(FBUCP,U,11) D G AUTHQ .;if disposition remained the same do further checking for app/app to stabilization claims .;if either auth from/to dates,program,vendor,patient type changed, update auth .;if dx change auth should also be updated (in 3.5 or 4) .I '($P(FBUCA,U,11)=1!($P(FBUCA,U,11)=4)) Q .S FBAUTH=$S($P(FBUCP,U,13,14)'=$P(FBUCA,U,13,14):2,$P(FBUCP,U,2,3)'=$P(FBUCA,U,2,3):2,$P(FBUCP,U,10)'=$P(FBUCA,U,10):2,1:"") .;include dx in future .Q N FBD1,FBD2 S FBD1=$P(FBUCP,U,11),FBD2=$P(FBUCA,U,11) I FBD2=1!(FBD2=4) S FBAUTH=$S('FBD1:1,FBD1=1!(FBD1=4):2,1:1) I FBD2=2!(FBD2=3)!(FBD2=5)!('FBD2) S FBAUTH=$S(FBD1=1!(FBD1=4):0,1:"") ;S FBAUTH=$S(FBAUTH=2&($P(FBUCA,U,13,14)=$P(FBUCP,U,13,14)):"",FBAUTH']""&($P(FBUCA,U,13,14)'=$P(FBUCP,U,13,14)):2,1:FBAUTH) I FBAUTH']""!(FBAUTH=2),FBD2=1!(FBD2=4) S FBAUTH=$S($P(FBUCP,U,2,3)'=$P(FBUCA,U,2,3):2,$P(FBUCP,U,10)'=$P(FBUCA,U,10):2,$P(FBUCP,U,13,14)'=$P(FBUCA,U,13,14):2,1:FBAUTH) AUTHQ K FBD1,FBD2 Q $G(FBAUTH) CKAUTH(FBUCP,FBUCA,FBDA) ;check authorization dates if auth is approved or approved to stabilization ;called after the AFTER event ;check is necessary as these fields are required in order to set up authorization. ;if not there, disposition is reverted back to previous and message sent. ;INPUT: FBUCP = prior node ; FBUCA = after node ; FBDA = internal entry of u/c in 162.7 ;OUPUT: message to user if disposition has been reverted back ;VARIABLES: BACK = 1 if reverted to another dispo, otherwise '@' ; FBAFR & FBATO = auth from/to dates ; FBD1 & FBD2 = pre and post disposition ; FBAMT = amount approved N BACK,DR,FBAMT,FBD,FBD1,FBD2,FBFR,FBTO I $S($G(FBUCP)']"":1,$G(FBUCA)']"":1,'+$G(FBDA):1,1:0) G CKAUTHQ S FBD1=$P(FBUCP,U,11),FBD2=$P(FBUCA,U,11) ;if disposition is not approved or approve to stab then quit, ; if disp is approv or approv to stab and auth fr/to dates incomplete then quit I $S('(FBD2=1!(FBD2=4)):1,+$P(FBUCA,U,13)&(+$P(FBUCA,U,14)):1,1:0) G CKAUTHQ S BACK=$S(FBD1:1,1:0),FBD=$S(BACK:+$P(FBUCP,U,11),1:"@"),(FBFR,FBTO,FBAMT)=0 I BACK,FBD1=1!(FBD1=4) S FBFR=$P(FBUCP,U,13),FBTO=$P(FBUCP,U,14),FBAMT=$P(FBUCP,U,15) E S:$P(FBUCA,U,13) FBFR="@" S:$P(FBUCA,U,14) FBTO="@" S:$P(FBUCA,U,15) FBAMT="@" ;reset fbuca I FBD'=0 S $P(FBUCA,U,11)=$S(FBD="@":"",1:FBD) I FBFR'=0 S $P(FBUCA,U,13)=$S(FBFR="@":"",1:FBFR) I FBTO'=0 S $P(FBUCA,U,14)=$S(FBTO="@":"",1:FBTO) I FBAMT'=0 S $P(FBUCA,U,15)=$S(FBAMT="@":"",1:FBAMT) ;set to call die & call S DR="S:FBD=""@"" Y=""@1"";10////^S X=FBD;S Y=""@2"";@1;10///@;@2;S:FBFR=0 Y=""@3"";S:FBFR=""@"" Y=""@30"";12///^S X=FBFR;S Y=""@3"";@30;12///@;@3;S:FBTO=0 Y=""@4"";S:FBTO=""@"" Y=""@40"";13///^S X=FBTO S Y=""@4"";@40;13///@;@4" S DR(162.7,1)="S:FBAMT=0 Y=""@99"";S:FBAMT=""@"" Y=""@50"";14///^S X=FBAMT;S Y=""@99"";@50;14///@;@99" D DIE^FBUCUTL2("^FB583(",FBDA,.DR) ;write message W !,*7,"Authorization From/To dates are missing.",!,"Disposition has not been updated.",!,"When entering in this disposition, please include these dates.",! CKAUTHQ Q