FBUTL6 ;WIOFO/SAB-FEE BASIS UTILITY ;8/10/2004 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**82**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; IA #4436 allows calls to $$CREATE^DGPTFEE and $$DELETE^DGPTFEE Q ; PTFC(DFN,FBDT) ; Create Non-VA PTF Record ; Input ; DFN - IEN of entry in PATIENT (#2) file ; FBDT - Admission Date/Time, FileMan internal format, time optional N FBX I $G(DFN),$G(FBDT) D WAIT^DICD S FBX=$$CREATE^DGPTFEE(DFN,FBDT,1) W $C(7),!?5,$S($G(FBX)>0:"Non-VA PTF Record Created.",1:"Unable to create Non-VA PTF Record."),! Q ; PTFD(DFN,FBDT) ; Delete Non-VA PTF Record ; Input ; DFN - IEN of entry in PATIENT (#2) file ; FBDT - Admission Date/Time, FileMan internal format, time optional N FBX I $G(DFN),$G(FBDT) S FBX=$$DELETE^DGPTFEE(DFN,FBDT) W $C(7),!?5,$S($G(FBX)=1:"Non-VA PTF Record Deleted.",1:"Unable to delete Non-VA PTF Record."),! Q ; ;FBUTL6